On va aller très vite Cyril Hanouna remonté contre France Télévisions, son projet qui promet de

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"On va aller très vite" : Cyril Hanouna remonté contre France Télévisions, son projet qui promet de faire des étincelles

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00:00 Cyril Hanouna is determined not to let himself be walked on his feet.
00:12 Since he learned that he was going to be at the heart of an unpublished issue of the investigative supplement on France 5, the animator was on fire.
00:24 And surprise, on Monday, September 11, 2023, while he was invited to Morandini Live on CNOO, he announced that he had made a radical decision.
00:38 Cyril Hanouna certainly has the easy laugh, but he must not play with him. Annoyed to be currently at the heart of an investigation that will soon be broadcast on France Television, the trublion of C8 decided to take out the neck.
00:56 For this, he also decided to prepare a special show, in which he will lead the investigation.
01:06 On investigative supplement. Invited on CNOO on Monday, September 11, 2023, he revealed some small details of this project to Jean-Marc Morandini.
01:18 I will give you a scoop today. I am preparing, with Jacques Cardoze, a supplement investigation that we will broadcast on C8 in primetime.
01:30 We will do an investigation on France Television and on investigative supplement.
01:37 The show will be presented by Jacques Cardoze. We will go very quickly, he explained with a serious that we know him little.
01:47 Visibly very up and running, the animator does not touch my post. So do not count on letting yourself be done.
01:56 However, the journalist and presenter Tristan Wallex, who is in charge of the investigative supplement magazine on France 5 since 2021, he has just replaced Jacques Cardoze, had taken advantage of an interview given to Télépro and published on September 4 last to try to calm the spirits.
02:17 At France Television, we are investigating everything and everyone in all serenity.
02:25 The number on Cyril Hanouna is well advanced and still in the making but we do not have a release date.
02:34 It will be before the end of the year, if it is certain, he had assured.
02:41 Before specifying, we have applied to Cyril Hanouna what we apply to all the people we portray.
02:51 We are not looking for only compromising files.
02:56 We are telling the saga, an extraordinary journey from a media, economic and political point of view.
03:05 But also that of someone who has made a few enemies during his career.
03:12 We come back to these two facets. But this is obviously not enough to completely relax the main concerned.
03:22 Still on September 11, 2023, but in the evening this time, Cyril Hanouna took advantage of the PAF show with Baba to come back on his response project.
03:35 We're really going to do it and we'll be impartial, he assured before specifying that the number should be broadcast in January next.
03:45 According to his specifications, a team of journalists is currently working with Jacques Cardoze, one of his new chroniclers, as well as his new recruit Pascal de la Tour Dupin.
03:58 As a reminder, when he learned that a number dedicated to his person was being filmed, Cyril Hanouna had not hesitated to mention reprisals.
04:10 This will be the end of the investigation because I'm going to put my nose in it and you know that when I put my nose somewhere, usually, I often blow everything up, he said in May.
04:24 He seems to have found a little calm though, since, yesterday, he finally made sure not to go to the clash, on the contrary, to be decided to favor the discussion.
04:38 No, it will be quiet. And if they want to come, we will invite them, we will invite the presenter, he said.
04:49 According to France Info on August 31, he had also come back on his past threats and even claimed to have met the journalist in charge of the investigation.
05:01 I hope they will be quite satisfied with what is happening in my life and you will see that there is not much.
05:10 I met the journalist Virginie, with whom I got along very well.
05:18 She is waiting for me outside, by the way, she is everywhere I am.
05:24 I am very happy with the shooting. The journalist realizes that there are a lot of ghosts around me.
05:33 It's going very well for now, we went for a drink, we talked.
05:41 They are doing their investigation, I saw that he had called everyone, even childhood friends that I have not seen for years, he had explained.
05:52 It remains to be seen if everyone will respect his commitments.
05:59 As a reminder, the last number of investigative supplements dedicated to the "Puy du Fou" and broadcast on September 7 had aroused controversy.
06:11 The Sunday newspaper evoking in particular a media manipulation.
06:18 Philippe de Villiers, creator of the park, made it known that he was going to file a complaint against the show for denigration.
06:28 On his side, the Society of Journalists of the Public Audiovisual Group wrote, Monday September 11, 2023, a statement of support for the investigation show "France 2".
06:47 The "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" are the most famous and most popular shows of the "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" series.
06:57 The "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" are the most famous and most popular shows of the "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" series.
07:07 The "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" are the most famous and most popular shows of the "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" series.
07:17 The "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" are the most famous and most popular shows of the "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" series.
07:27 The "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" are the most famous and most popular shows of the "Puy du Fou" and "Puy du Fou" series.
