• 2 years ago
KAI Siapkan Kereta Pengumpan untuk Kereta Cepat Jakarta - Bandung
00:00 [Train passing]
00:03 Manager of PTKAI Humas, Bandung's Operational Area 2, Mahendro Trang Bawono,
00:08 ensured that the readiness of the support for the Jakarta-Bandung Express Train, or KCJB,
00:14 which is a freight train or FIDER, has reached 100 percent.
00:18 After releasing President Joko Widodo's group during the KCJB and KA FIDER test at Bandung Station on September 13,
00:27 he said that one series of passengers contained four trains with a capacity of 200 seats.
00:33 In the trial period, it is projected that there will be 8 trains from Bandung 4 to KCJB 4
00:41 following the schedule of the express train.
00:45 The ultimate project is to have 72 FIDER trains from Bandung and KCJB.
00:56 Meanwhile, the length of the passenger train from Bandung to Larang reaches 14 km
01:02 with a time of about 20 minutes.
01:05 The plan of the KCJB operation for the general public began at the trial in early October.
01:13 From Bandung, West Java, Dian Hardiana, KBNT, Muartaka.
01:18 (train sounds)
01:20 (train sounds)
01:22 (train sounds)
01:24 (train sounds)
01:26 (train sounds)
01:28 (train sounds)
