• 2 years ago
Taking a closer look at the film from the Titans-Saints regular season opener in Week 1.
00:00 Alright, we've talked a lot about the pass rush and right now they're in their NASCAR
00:07 package.
00:08 So you got Granderson on the outside, Davis, Tano in the middle who we've talked about
00:11 before and you got Pete Warner over here as well as Cam Jordan.
00:16 So one of the things that makes Carl Granderson, Carl Granderson, who's in a contract year
00:20 by the way, check out the spin move he puts on the left tackle here.
00:24 I'm going to watch it in a little bit slower motion, but watch this move to get after Ryan
00:30 Tannehill to force the incompletion.
00:32 That's what you want to see out of a pass rush and that's a big reason why the Saints
00:36 are going to be able to do a lot of things this season.
00:39 This is why you get Derek Carr.
00:41 This is a throw, first play of the game.
00:43 You got Michael Thomas up top here and he's just going to run a simple go route.
00:49 The thing is Derek Carr puts this perfectly where Michael Thomas can get it.
00:55 I don't know if this is a throw a Saints quarterback can make in the past couple of years, but
00:58 watch this.
00:59 You're going to see some of the protection here for Derek Carr.
01:01 He's got the time, the opportunity, good blocking by McCoy, Ruiz, last second, big completion
01:09 of Michael Thomas.
01:10 This is a big reason why the Saints offense could be really special this season.
01:14 This is another great example of what the Saints pass rush could be.
01:17 I understand they got Colin Saunders and Nathan Shepard here to be a lot better on
01:21 the interior.
01:22 They're a lot more athletic, but watch this push that the offensive line is able to get
01:27 to be able to get Tannehill off his game.
01:30 You got Shepard pushing, Granderson pushing.
01:32 You got Cam Jordan right there.
01:36 Just a nice play overall to get the pressure.
01:40 That's something they just weren't able to do last year.
01:43 Watch it again.
01:46 Watch some of this pressure here.
01:47 You got Granderson coming outside, pushing in, pockets collapsing here.
01:54 Granderson a nice tackle.
01:56 Great Saints pass rush.
01:57 It's only going to get better.
01:59 I want you to watch Pete Warner here.
02:02 This play didn't count because of a flag, but watch the recognition he has.
02:06 He's playing off from TyJ Spears.
02:08 He recognizes something's changed.
02:11 Pass to Latimore, runs across the field, and stops Spears short of the sticks.
02:18 Didn't count, but look at the recognition.
02:20 That is what you want to see from your linebacker.
02:23 A guy that's a younger player, he benefits a lot from playing for DeMario Davis.
02:27 Michael Hodges does a great job as a coach.
02:30 Watch him coming across the formation here.
02:34 Good lane integrity.
02:35 Nice tackle on Spears.
02:37 Fourth down, if that's not a flag.
02:39 Anytime you have Steve Gleason in the house, block punts, right?
02:42 Love it.
02:43 Zach Bond up top here.
02:45 Watch the type of rush he gets off of this.
02:48 Making a really good special teams play.
02:50 Just coming through.
02:53 Got to block him, but man, when you talk about needing a spark, and Dennis Allen talked about
02:57 this saying, you know, the block punt is kind of like an extra turnover, although it really
03:01 won't count.
03:02 Here's Bond up top again.
03:04 Looks like he just kind of forgot about him a little bit.
03:09 Pretty lack of effort.
03:10 Easy block for Bond.
03:12 Big play for the Saints.
03:13 You like to see a lot more of those happen as the course of the season rolls on.
03:18 Again, we're going to highlight the Saints' pass rush.
03:21 You got Carl Granderson up top here.
03:23 This is the Marshawn Latimore interception, but this is what pressure does for your secondary.
03:28 Watch Granderson coming off here off the edge.
03:31 Works the left tackle.
03:32 Versus an early throw for Tannehill.
03:35 Marshawn Latimore makes an incredible play here.
03:37 I mean, we've talked about how important Marshawn Latimore is.
03:42 Mickey Loomis talked about how important he's going to be, and if he returns to form, that
03:46 him and Michael Thomas are going to be big parts of this Saints' defense and kind of
03:50 their turnaround.
03:51 Watch Granderson again up top.
03:57 Just a strong pass rush.
03:58 Remember, Granderson shed some weight too.
04:02 Great interception.
04:03 Just undercutting that route.
04:05 Marshawn Latimore with a big play.
04:09 Let's watch some Brian Brisset.
04:10 Watch this play.
04:11 Watch this rush.
04:12 Now you got Granderson up top here.
04:14 Acting like he's going to rush, but watch Brian Brisset coming from the middle.
04:18 Doesn't stop moving.
04:19 Pushing, pushing, pushing the pocket.
04:21 Helps Tannehill throw the ball away.
04:25 Watch it again.
04:26 Watch Granderson where he's at up top, and just watch the rookie.
04:37 Good push here.
04:39 Moves his way around all those defenders to get into Tannehill's face.
04:44 Quarterback hit.
04:45 That is what you want to see from your first round pick.
04:48 All right, let's watch Brian Brisset again.
04:50 Him and Pete Warner play meet at the quarterback.
04:53 Watch this pass rush.
04:55 Rook goes inside.
04:57 Brisset takes the other option.
05:00 Easy sack following that Derek Carpick.
05:04 Watch it again.
05:05 Warner and Brisset coming from the inside.
05:11 Some nice job by Warner.
05:13 55 loses Brisset.
05:15 Good sack.
05:16 This is what you want to see.
05:19 Saints did a nice job.
05:20 Look, Trevor Penning had a rough first half, but towards the end of the second quarter
05:24 they did get him some help.
05:25 Here's a prime example here.
05:26 Him and Hurst.
05:28 Hurst get a little bit of a chip here.
05:30 Helps.
05:31 Lets Carr.
05:32 Nice decision to step up in the pocket.
05:35 Hits Chris Alave in stride.
05:38 Does a little high step at the end.
05:40 Great little hookup.
05:41 All right, we're going to highlight Granderson again.
05:44 NASCAR package.
05:45 You got Cam, Brian Brisset, and you got Granderson up top with DeMario and Pete Warner.
05:50 Some big sack here.
05:53 Just watch Granderson work this left tackle again.
05:58 Push.
06:00 Keep going inside.
06:03 Nice sack.
06:05 Watch it again.
06:08 Here's Granderson working.
06:11 Getting contract year for him.
06:13 He's going to make some money if he keeps doing this.
06:16 Pushing two defenders.
06:17 Get to Tannehill for the sack.
06:20 Just love to see that type of stuff in week one.
06:23 Special teams absolutely matters.
06:25 Watch Lonnie Johnson Jr.
06:27 One of the pickups they had.
06:28 Look, keep in mind JT Graves was out with a shoulder injury.
06:31 So him and Isaac Yadam were the gunners here.
06:33 I love seeing these special teams play.
06:36 Watch him beat the jammer.
06:39 Doesn't stay out of bounds much long.
06:43 Instant hit.
06:45 Those are the type of special teams you love to see.
06:48 Guys make a living off of those types of things.
06:50 You remember Justin Hardy.
06:51 A lot of players have come through.
06:55 You earn your bread and butter on special teams.
06:58 Watch it again coming to this left side.
07:00 Also nice job of Nephi Sewell with the pursuit.
07:04 Just a nice hit.
07:06 Point of contact.
07:07 That's what you want to see.
07:08 Darren Rizzi.
07:09 Phil Galliano doing a job on special teams.
07:12 You're going to see this pass rush again.
07:15 Reason why you get a turnover.
07:16 They're in a NASCAR package again.
07:17 Watch DeMario Davis.
07:18 Got Carl Granderson up top.
07:19 Brian Berset, Werner, and Jordan.
07:22 Watch this play unfold.
07:24 Watch just how DeMario forces pressure causing Tannehill to throw early.
07:31 That's why Paul Sanedibo was able to get this pick.
07:35 When you don't have the time as a quarterback, this is the type of thing that can happen for
07:41 you.
07:42 Again, you watch it.
07:43 Zoom out a little bit.
07:45 DeMario just a free rush.
07:47 Nobody picking him up.
07:48 They double teamed Berset.
07:52 Easy pick for Paul Sanedibo.
07:55 You've seen this touchdown to Rashid.
07:58 Let's watch it in real time.
08:00 Nice little pump fake by Derek Carr here.
08:03 Protection looked pretty good here.
08:09 Got the corner to bite here.
08:11 Easy hookup to Rashid Shahid.
08:13 Let's watch it again.
08:17 Shahid in motion here.
08:18 Again, watch this interior.
08:21 Watch this pass protection.
08:24 Last possible second here for Carr.
08:26 But man, beats Murphy Bunting.
08:29 Nice little touchdown for the Saints.
08:31 Look ton of respect for Derek Henry.
08:34 Look you were never going to completely shut him out.
08:38 You see this run play.
08:40 Run defense for the Saints.
08:41 Just check this out.
08:42 Everybody get into the ball.
08:44 Cam, first contact.
08:45 Delante Taylor so underrated.
08:47 Then you got the posse joining in.
08:50 DeMario Davis.
08:52 Nathan Shepard.
08:54 Marcus Mayen.
08:55 Again, look at it again.
08:57 Just the pursuit.
08:59 We talked about this being a more attacking style defensive line.
09:03 Cam, you know, look.
09:04 He's an older guy.
09:05 He's not supposed to make those plays, right?
09:08 Wrong.
09:09 Great run defense.
09:10 Derek Henry special.
09:11 But man, this is when they needed it most.
09:15 In the silence, he talked to Pete Carmichael and said, look, we need a play.
09:18 You can't just run the clock out because the Titans had three timeouts here.
09:21 But man, what a play call here.
09:23 An execution.
09:24 Derek Carr to Rasheed Shaheed.
09:28 See Shaheed get behind everybody.
09:30 A little bit of question on the catch.
09:33 But you know, you had the Superdome saying, counting how many feet he had in.
09:37 But again, let's watch the protection here for Derek Carr.
09:40 Hell of a play call for sure.
09:46 Everybody coming together here.
09:49 Nice catch for Rasheed Shaheed.
09:50 Game wasn't over there.
09:51 But man, when they needed to play most.
09:54 Pete Carmichael in the lab.
