Scotland win again - is it time to book flights to the Euros? The latest weekend highlights and Hibs new manager

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Scotland win again - is it time to book flights to the Euros? Plus the latest weekend highlights and Hibs new manager debate.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hello and welcome to National World FIBA Talk,
00:08 your nan's favorite football podcast, Ken.
00:10 It's a show where we break down the latest news
00:12 and results from around the Scottish Premiership.
00:15 I'm your host, Martin Simpson,
00:16 and I'm joined by Barry Anderson
00:18 from the Edinburgh Evening News.
00:20 This week, we're gonna be looking
00:21 at Scotland's win over Cyprus
00:23 and where it leaves them
00:24 in European qualification standings.
00:26 We're gonna be talking about Hib's
00:27 new managerial appointment,
00:29 and we'll take a quick look ahead to the weekend's fixtures.
00:32 So, Barry, Scotland, it continues to be a great time
00:37 to be a Scotland fan,
00:38 another really strong win over Cyprus.
00:41 And listen, by the time some people watch this podcast,
00:45 depending on the result between Norway and Georgia,
00:47 we could have already booked our place to Germany.
00:50 - Potentially, yeah, Martin.
00:53 I mean, I think so many people
00:56 are still pinching themselves,
00:58 and I'm certainly one of them,
00:59 that the way the Scotland team is going
01:00 and the momentum that they've built,
01:02 it's almost unprecedented.
01:04 I just can't remember a Scotland team.
01:06 I remember Scotland teams that were doing well
01:08 in years gone by and getting results
01:10 and a good sequence of wins put together,
01:13 but I just can't remember one
01:15 with this level of belief and confidence going into games,
01:19 and one that doesn't seem to be inhibited in any way
01:24 by what's happened in the past.
01:27 The failures of the past
01:28 doesn't seem to be weighing on their shoulders.
01:30 There's not that,
01:31 I don't sense that burden of glorious failure
01:33 that we've seen in many Scotland teams before.
01:35 - Three games remaining,
01:37 so it's Spain away, Georgia away, Norway at home.
01:41 So obviously three very tough fixtures,
01:43 but we only, I think, need a point to qualify.
01:46 What would stand out to my vote?
01:49 I haven't had time to properly check this fact,
01:51 you might know, but I think if we get five points now,
01:54 that would guarantee us top seeding for the finals draw.
01:57 I mean, just saying that as a Scotland fan sounds bizarre.
02:02 - It does, it's like you're in a parallel universe here
02:06 watching this team and saying,
02:08 coming out with comments like that
02:09 and looking at stats tables where we're the top ranked nation
02:12 in the overall ranking in terms of
02:15 to pop one seed for the Euros, it's just crazy.
02:18 But long may it continue because we've suffered,
02:21 all of us have suffered for years watching Scotland,
02:25 praying that we get to a major tournament.
02:26 It hasn't happened, it obviously happened
02:28 a couple of years back getting to the Euros.
02:30 And you just want the momentum to continue.
02:32 I mean, of course, I'm going to have egg in my face here
02:35 when they lose the next three qualifiers
02:36 and miss the Euros and goal difference.
02:38 But even this Scotland,
02:40 I just, given what's happened in the past,
02:43 I can't see the Scotland team failing now.
02:46 I think they're virtually there.
02:47 They know they're virtually there.
02:49 They know they have the ability to get there.
02:51 It's not like they've scraped results.
02:53 They've got every single result
02:55 that they've had in this qualifying campaign.
02:57 They've deserved all five of the victories.
03:00 - I mean, you definitely encapsulated my next point
03:03 and that's that there's still so many Scotland fans,
03:06 just until it's confirmed,
03:07 no one's booking their flights to Germany.
03:09 No one's, I mean, to be fair now,
03:11 there are a section of people
03:13 that have already started doing that.
03:14 I think they must be of a slightly younger generation
03:17 that don't remember some of the glorious failures
03:19 of the past.
03:20 But you look at the games and they are tough games,
03:23 but given just how good we've been,
03:26 you just, we're surely there already, aren't we?
03:29 I mean, or do you just feel like you just,
03:31 you can't see it until it's for certain?
03:33 - Yeah, I'm not going to say it.
03:36 It's just too much of a jinx.
03:38 Been here before so many times.
03:40 And just going on what you said there,
03:42 actually a few of my mates are booking things
03:45 or have booked things already for Germany.
03:48 And they are of my kind of generation.
03:50 I'll leave you to decide
03:51 whether I'm older generation or younger,
03:52 but these people in their 40s
03:56 have actually gone ahead and booked things now
03:58 to make sure that they get to Germany
04:00 in terms of accommodation and things.
04:01 So clearly people of our age are believing in this team.
04:06 And that's the biggest thing about it
04:07 because previously you would have held off
04:09 and held off and held off,
04:09 just make sure that you get that very last couple of points
04:13 that you need to get over the line.
04:15 So yeah, I think the next three games are difficult.
04:20 I mean, the next three games for Scotland alone
04:22 are going to be a massive test
04:23 because you've got a friendly against England Tuesday night.
04:26 You're then away to Spain in a qualifier
04:28 and then it's another friendly against France.
04:30 So England, Spain, France,
04:32 it's going to be a massive test for any team.
04:35 - I don't want to go into too much detail on the England game
04:37 because there's a chance that by the time
04:38 a lot of people watch this,
04:40 it might already be in the past.
04:41 But there is a point here that I want to discuss.
04:45 And if I'm being super nitpicky
04:48 and trying to criticise Steve Clarke,
04:50 which is not what I'm trying to do here,
04:51 it's just something I've noticed.
04:53 The rotation in the squad,
04:55 even in that game against Cyprus,
04:58 and it felt like they were freeing a lot,
05:00 the win was pretty much assured at that point.
05:03 And he brought on Kenny McLean and Lyndon Dykes,
05:05 two fantastic servants who have seldom,
05:09 I mean, Kenny McLean, I can't think of a performance
05:12 where he's let Scotland down
05:13 and Lyndon Dykes has been so crucial.
05:15 And it just felt to me like that might have been
05:17 better served to give a Lawrence Shankland
05:21 and a Lewis Ferguson maybe a bit more minutes,
05:24 guys that don't really see as much game time for Scotland.
05:27 Is there any concern there?
05:30 'Cause I mean, you look at Ryan Porteous
05:32 got his first cap in such an important game
05:34 and he played, I felt, above himself and all credit to him.
05:37 He's absolutely deserved to hold onto his place since then.
05:41 Do you think maybe when that opportunity comes along
05:44 for someone like Shankland or someone like Ferguson,
05:46 we might see the same thing?
05:48 Or do you think it's slightly concerning
05:50 that these guys aren't getting the minutes
05:53 and that they could be thrust into action
05:55 at a crucial point?
05:56 - I don't see it as a massive concern just now.
06:03 One thing I like about Steve Clarke,
06:06 he's very loyal to all his players,
06:08 but he's particularly loyal to the ones
06:09 who have done well for him in the past.
06:11 And I think what you said there,
06:15 but bringing on Dykes and Kenny McLean
06:17 on Friday night in Cyprus,
06:19 that's a nod to them for their contributions against Norway.
06:22 I think Dykes wasn't fit enough
06:25 to make the starting lineup,
06:26 whether he would or wouldn't have, who knows?
06:29 Him and Adams can be a flip of a coin at times.
06:33 Kenny McLean probably wouldn't have
06:36 because the midfield's so strong at the moment.
06:37 So I think he's keen to give people
06:40 a little bit of reward for previous achievements
06:43 with Scotland and I like that about him.
06:45 I do understand your point
06:46 and I think, yes, we have a lot of talent on the bench.
06:50 You mentioned Ferguson there,
06:51 who's, I think, in any previous Scotland era,
06:55 he would be in the team.
06:56 He would be, a Scottish player playing in Serie A,
06:59 he would just literally, he would be in that midfield.
07:02 And it's testament to the players that are in there just now
07:04 and how well the team's doing
07:05 that he can't get in there at the moment.
07:07 So-
07:08 - Do you think on that, Barry,
07:09 that it's gonna be frustrating for him
07:12 or do you think we're gonna see what happened with Porteous
07:14 that he, when his chance comes along,
07:17 he's gonna be even more motivated to grasp it?
07:19 - I probably see it slightly differently.
07:25 I think he's always just gonna be
07:26 in that role of squad player.
07:29 I don't see him starting too many games
07:31 for Scotland, to be honest.
07:33 And I think, it's hard to say.
07:39 I think where McLean's concerned,
07:41 I think you could see him being more of a squad player.
07:43 I'll say that first and foremost.
07:44 Ferguson's probably different,
07:45 got more development in him at this stage,
07:48 but more potential.
07:48 So he could push his way in there.
07:50 But right now, who do you leave out of that midfield?
07:52 You know, when Scotland are out of possession,
07:55 they kind of filter back into a four-man midfield
07:57 and a five-man defence,
07:59 with McTominay on the right,
08:01 Gilmore and McGregor in the middle,
08:02 and John McGinn on the left.
08:03 Now, if you'd have said that was gonna be the midfield set up
08:06 where Scott McTominay's kind of playing wide
08:09 in the right midfield and McGinn's wide in the left,
08:11 people would have said, "What the hell's going on here?"
08:12 But it works because going forward,
08:14 they then filter into the attacking midfield roles
08:16 in behind the striker,
08:18 and the wing-backs get higher
08:19 and give a bit of width that way.
08:21 And it's a great...
08:22 Tactically, it's really clever from Steve Clarke.
08:25 So it's the people who can play those roles
08:27 need to be well-drilled in it,
08:29 and they are the ones that are in the team at the moment.
08:31 - Yeah, that's fair enough.
08:33 Just to finish off,
08:35 it's like you said,
08:36 so good being a Scotland fan at the moment.
08:39 So let's just switch over now,
08:41 look to a set of fans that maybe haven't had
08:44 the best time over the past few weeks,
08:46 although I went against Aberdeen at the weekend,
08:49 certainly will have given them something to be happy about
08:52 going into the international break.
08:53 And now they've got a new manager
08:56 and an appointment that,
08:58 just judging by what little I've seen on social media,
09:00 seems to be going down quite well.
09:02 As of Monday morning,
09:03 Nick Montgomery has been confirmed as the new manager.
09:06 Ahib's the A-league winning
09:08 Central Coast Mariners manager from last season.
09:11 What do you make of that appointment, Barry?
09:14 - I think it's nice seeing a club thinking out of the box a bit.
09:18 A lot of Scottish football fans complain about,
09:22 you know, the old merry-go-round,
09:24 jobs for the boys type thing,
09:26 the same old faces getting the same old gigs.
09:28 I don't have an issue with that
09:29 if it's an appointment that's merited,
09:32 but Hibs have done something a little bit different here.
09:34 Nick Montgomery is extremely highly rated in Australia
09:40 for what he's achieved there.
09:41 The players that he's worked with over there
09:43 and the other coaches are well rated as well.
09:46 He's a very forward-thinking, sort of attack-minded manager.
09:51 And I would always say that Hibs fans
09:54 respond to those types of managers.
09:55 You can go back to Tony Mulberry, for example,
09:58 who did extremely well with Hibs
10:00 because of the way he had them play.
10:02 So I think the challenge for Nick Montgomery is going to be,
10:07 I mean, he's English-born
10:09 and he played in British football
10:10 as a player, so played for Sheffield United
10:13 and teams like that.
10:14 So he will understand the intensity
10:17 that exists over here in terms of the match schedule,
10:20 but that'll be his challenge as a manager.
10:22 He's done extremely well in Australia
10:24 developing players at Central Coast Mariners
10:27 and some of them who are here now,
10:29 Sammy Silvera's now at Middlesbrough,
10:31 Kai Rolls at Hearts, and there are others as well.
10:35 He's had time on his side to bring these players in,
10:39 nurture them, give them opportunities
10:41 and make them better.
10:42 But that's easier to do in the Australian season
10:45 where they only play 26 games in one cup competition.
10:49 Overall, it's a great challenge for him.
10:50 And I think it's a really interesting appointment by Hibs.
10:54 And I hope he does well,
10:55 because I think the Australians that have come to Scotland
10:58 in the last couple of years,
11:01 pretty much all of them have added something to the league.
11:03 And you look at the two guys at St. Minnan,
11:04 look at the way Ryan Strain's playing at the moment,
11:06 absolutely terrific.
11:08 So yeah, there's definitely, from the A-league,
11:10 there's definitely a lot of potential there
11:12 that can add to the Scottish league, I would say.
11:14 - Time's not always a luxury that Hibs managers get.
11:18 To be honest, to me, it felt like Lee Johnson
11:19 was in the job a lot longer than he was,
11:21 but you find out he was kind of barely there
11:24 a little over a year to 18 months sort of time in the end.
11:27 And I don't disagree with Hibs taking the decision
11:32 to get rid of him after the start to the season they made,
11:34 but I do like the appointment of Nick Montgomery.
11:37 Like you say, I love it when a club
11:39 sort of looks outside the box a bit.
11:41 That being said, looking outside the box
11:46 can go one of two ways.
11:47 You think historically some of the other clubs
11:49 that have looked outside the box,
11:51 and the prime example I always think of
11:53 is Kilmarnock and Angelo Alessio,
11:55 and that didn't exactly work out too well for them.
11:59 But I'm hoping Nick Montgomery does well at Hibs
12:03 because then, like you say,
12:05 I think then it maybe does just encourage other clubs
12:07 to sort of not go down the more tried and tested route,
12:11 if you like, and to maybe take a bit of a risk
12:14 on a young, exciting coach.
12:17 And I mean, and we'll see how that goes,
12:20 but best of luck to him, obviously.
12:22 He will have his first game away to Kilmarnock,
12:26 and that is a really tough test for him to start, isn't it?
12:30 - Yeah, I mean, that kind of touches on what I said,
12:34 that when I go, "Welcome to Scottish football,"
12:36 you're going right in there.
12:37 You've got to wait at Kilmarnock.
12:38 You won't get a second on the ball.
12:39 But yeah, I mean, that's going to be
12:41 a real sort of wake-up call for him.
12:44 If he didn't already realise
12:45 what he was getting himself into,
12:47 then he will know down there.
12:48 So yeah, it's thinking out of the box by Hibs,
12:52 and it's like any managerial appointment.
12:55 It's a risk because you can bring someone in
12:57 who knows the Scottish league,
12:59 and that's still a risk, you know,
13:00 because you just don't know how they're going to adapt
13:02 to your club, your perceived style of play,
13:04 your players, the players that are in the squad,
13:06 all the rest of it.
13:07 But yeah, it's something worth watching
13:10 over the coming weeks and months
13:11 just to see how he adapts.
13:13 He's certainly a young coach and a modern coach
13:16 with the right ideas, I think,
13:18 on how he wants to play.
13:19 And I would expect the Hibs fans to take to him,
13:22 but like everything else,
13:24 the proof will be in the pudding.
13:25 If he gets results, they'll take to him.
13:27 And if he doesn't, then, as you say,
13:30 there'll be pressure.
13:31 - Well, speaking about pressure,
13:33 I think that takes us nicely on to Hearts against Aberdeen.
13:36 This is a really interesting fixture for me
13:38 because I think whoever loses that game,
13:42 the pressure is going to be ramped up on them
13:44 about whether it's Barry Robson
13:45 or whether it's Stephen Naismith,
13:48 because Aberdeen's start to the season
13:50 has been way below what the Aberdeen fan base
13:54 were expecting, given the investment in the squad so far,
13:59 and given the success Barry Robson had last season.
14:02 Hearts, on the other hand,
14:04 there's just something that's maybe not quite clicking there.
14:07 I think you'd be better placed to answer that,
14:09 but what do you sort of think it is at Hearts at the moment?
14:13 I mean, is it going to make any difference
14:15 now that Stephen Naismith,
14:16 we've sort of done away with this technical director,
14:19 Frankie McEvoy's the head coach,
14:21 Stephen Naismith is the head coach now,
14:22 but everyone within Hearts already knew
14:24 that was the case anyway, as far as I can see.
14:27 So is that going to make any difference, just that clarity?
14:31 Or do you think there's something else there
14:32 with the players that's maybe just not quite clicking?
14:35 Yeah, it does provide clarity,
14:39 and I think that's important.
14:40 Football players, football fans, football pundits,
14:44 everybody like clarity.
14:47 Everybody likes to know who's in charge,
14:49 what the situation is, et cetera.
14:51 So Hearts have got that now,
14:52 so there isn't that sort of,
14:53 you can't hide behind any excuses,
14:56 and not that they were doing that to begin with,
14:58 but there's a clear structure in place now,
15:01 and you know who the buck stops with.
15:03 You're right to say that things
15:06 haven't been clicking there at all,
15:08 and the league table shows that.
15:09 Likewise, Aberdeen, both of them in a similar predicament,
15:12 so there's a lot riding on this game at the weekend.
15:15 Hearts-Aberdeen games are always good fixtures anyway,
15:18 there's always a lot going on,
15:20 they're always intense and quite dramatic at times,
15:22 and I don't see this one being any different,
15:24 even though it's earlier in the season.
15:26 It'll be interesting to see
15:27 how both teams approach the match.
15:29 I didn't get the chance to see Aberdeen-Hibs,
15:31 I saw Aberdeen's second leg against Haken
15:35 in the Europa qualifiers,
15:37 I did see Motherwell-Hearts.
15:39 Hearts, it was frantic,
15:43 and Stephen Nesmith, if you could tell by his instructions
15:46 on the touchline, he wanted them to take more risks,
15:48 go for that through ball or that overlap,
15:51 or just be a bit more punchy, if you like.
15:55 Aberdeen, they're going with this back,
15:57 sort of Scotland set up, kind of, a back three.
16:00 I think the idea behind it is to make sure that Duke
16:04 and Miovsky can both play through the middle
16:07 rather than Duke maybe being pushed out wide
16:10 where he's potentially less effective,
16:12 but the back three for Aberdeen,
16:14 it just doesn't seem to be working.
16:16 The defenders, they clearly haven't played together enough
16:21 and they're just not on the same wavelength,
16:24 and there's so much space just in between them.
16:28 A back three, I feel, it needs to be compact,
16:30 it needs to be tight, doesn't it?
16:32 Because if you leave space in between,
16:34 then that's where the ball's going to go,
16:35 and I think that is something Hearts could exploit,
16:39 but rather than how they approached the Motherwell game,
16:42 where it was sort of fifth gear from kickoff,
16:45 they maybe just want to take their time
16:47 and try and break it down a bit slower
16:51 and just, they don't need to take as many risks,
16:54 I don't think, and I think Motherwell,
16:56 who we can move on to now,
16:58 I was very, very impressed by Motherwell at Tyne Castle.
17:02 I think you saw the contrast
17:04 in what the two managers wanted from their sides.
17:06 Stephen Naismith was urging Hearts up the pitch,
17:08 urging them to take more risks,
17:10 and right beside him was Stuart Kettlewell
17:12 telling his boys to calm down, pay attention, keep the heat,
17:15 and it worked brilliantly for them.
17:17 They just, the out-muscled Hearts,
17:19 Bevis Mugabe had an excellent performance at centre-back,
17:23 and once they got the ball to that midfield
17:26 of Spittle and Calum Slattery,
17:29 once he got the ball to those two,
17:31 they worked so well together
17:33 and just both brilliant passers and movers of the ball,
17:36 and that game plan,
17:38 I didn't even realise until after the match
17:40 when Stuart Kettlewell said,
17:41 "Motherwell haven't lost an away match in his tenure,"
17:45 or an away league match, maybe,
17:46 well, that's an incredible statistic,
17:49 and now they've got St. Mirren at home.
17:52 St. Mirren, I think, going into this season
17:54 were the team most being tipped
17:57 to potentially be the other top six side,
18:01 how silly that looks,
18:03 given where the Hearts, Hibs, and Aberdeen are at the moment,
18:06 but St. Mirren have also had a terrific start to the season,
18:09 and I think that has the potential
18:11 to be the match of the weekend.
18:13 - Yeah, I would agree with you.
18:16 As much as on paper you would look at Hearts, Aberdeen,
18:18 and think, "Oh, that's your match of the weekend,"
18:20 Motherwell and St. Mirren,
18:21 the way they've been going,
18:22 the form they've had,
18:23 could easily take that title,
18:25 and I think, again, you've got two managers there
18:28 who are punching above their weight,
18:31 not in the sense that they're doing better than they are
18:34 in their abilities,
18:35 but probably they've got the teams higher up the league
18:37 than you would expect at this stage of the season,
18:41 but again, it's thoroughly deserved
18:43 'cause they've both been terrific,
18:44 the performances and results that they've put in,
18:47 and the momentum that's been built,
18:50 that both managers have built,
18:51 Stephen Robinson and Stuart Kitterwell,
18:54 has been excellent,
18:55 and Motherwell and St. Mirren
18:56 both getting really good value out of those two,
18:57 and I think in longer term,
19:00 if they can keep that up,
19:00 Robinson in particular did extremely well
19:02 with St. Mirren last season,
19:03 obviously getting them into the top six.
19:06 - So this weekend we've got Rangers heading
19:08 to St. Johnston in the early kickoff.
19:11 There's times in the season
19:14 where that game isn't gonna draw a lot of interest
19:16 'cause you kinda feel like Rangers are gonna go there,
19:19 come away with the three points,
19:20 barring an outstanding performance by St. Johnston,
19:23 but given the sort of mixed bag, shall we say,
19:28 that Rangers have had at the start of the season,
19:30 and I think the same applies to St. Johnston
19:31 'cause after their Viaplay Cup group,
19:34 it looked like it was panic stations really,
19:38 and that things were not gonna go well,
19:40 but they're just,
19:42 I don't wanna say they've turned a corner
19:43 because they haven't,
19:44 but getting a point away at Park Head,
19:48 then you've got the draw with Dundee last weekend,
19:53 you know, where they came back from 2-0 down
19:56 and managed to earn a point.
19:58 There maybe is just something there at St. Johnston
20:00 that's starting to go right.
20:02 We said hearts maybe weren't clicking at the moment,
20:04 and maybe St. Johnston just sort of are getting there?
20:07 - Yes, I think some shoots of recovery there,
20:12 which will delight Stephen McLean.
20:14 A lot of time for Stephen McLean.
20:15 He's, again, a very good coach
20:17 and obviously just finding his feet a little bit
20:19 in management still.
20:20 And he'll work at it, he'll work hard at it,
20:23 and he's beginning to get a little bit of progress now
20:26 with St. Johnston.
20:27 He would certainly want more points on the board right now,
20:29 but a work in progress at the moment.
20:32 And they could potentially cause some problems for Rangers.
20:36 If Rangers go up there and think,
20:38 it's a straightforward task, you know,
20:41 we can take care of this quite easily,
20:43 then they'll be in trouble.
20:44 They've obviously had to try and regroup
20:47 and recover after losing to Celtic at home.
20:50 So there's a bit of pressure there, naturally.
20:52 I mean, if you're a Rangers player
20:54 and you've just lost to Celtic at home,
20:56 fans are demanding a reaction.
20:57 You know, the Rangers fans will turn up there
20:58 in the numbers at St. Johnston
20:59 and they will be expecting three points, nothing less.
21:02 And probably Rangers slightly similar
21:07 to Harps in that regard, and Aberdeen,
21:09 where things just aren't quite clicking for them at the moment,
21:11 particularly at the front.
21:13 Not really getting a settled kind of combination
21:16 and established goal score or things like that.
21:18 So yeah, I think certainly a lot of work for Rangers to do.
21:22 And St. Johnston will be relishing the chance
21:24 to get Rangers when they might be a little bit unsettled.
21:26 - Yeah, it feels to me like Michael Biel just,
21:28 he doesn't know what his best sort of attacking lineup is.
21:32 I think the defence is locked in.
21:35 I think the midfield's pretty clear.
21:38 That being said, I think maybe Cifuentes
21:42 needs a bit of time to get up to speed,
21:44 but he's not impressed me personally so far,
21:47 but we'll give him time.
21:48 But yeah, that attacking three, I mean,
21:50 Dessers is really struggling at the moment.
21:54 And then when Danilo comes on,
21:56 we've maybe not seen as much of him,
21:58 but that doesn't seem to make that huge a difference.
22:02 Sam Lammers is an interesting one.
22:04 He does seem to make an impact when he gets a chance,
22:06 but there's a roughness about him.
22:10 And I think throwing him straight in
22:12 isn't necessarily the answer.
22:13 And then you've got someone like Rabih Matondo,
22:15 who has a fantastic work rate
22:19 and is definitely a skillful player.
22:21 And I think running the team is maybe what he needs.
22:25 And I think Michael Biel sees that,
22:27 and hopefully they'll get the best out of him.
22:29 Like you say, Rangers need to bounce back
22:32 from that Celtic defeat.
22:34 Celtic need to keep the momentum going.
22:37 They're at home to Dundee.
22:40 We don't need to talk a whole lot about that, Barry.
22:41 I think we know what that match is going to be.
22:43 It's going to be Dundee, you know,
22:45 putting men behind the ball,
22:47 trying to hold on.
22:48 Hopefully a chance will come.
22:51 We've seen it a million times in Scottish football
22:53 when teams go to Celtic Park or Ibrox.
22:56 - Yeah. - Yeah.
22:59 Yeah, I would expect that.
23:00 You would look at that and think
23:02 that's a far more straightforward affair,
23:05 Celtic at home to Dundee,
23:06 than St. Johnson against Rangers.
23:08 So, yeah, I think anything other than a home win
23:11 there would be a bit of a shock.
23:13 But Celtic also,
23:14 prior to the Rangers game,
23:16 I think Celtic were
23:18 struggling a little bit just to find their rhythm.
23:22 Although, after the Rangers game,
23:27 I think you can see that that's probably
23:29 going to change now because simply that win,
23:31 the confidence that that'll give them
23:34 from going to Ibrox, winning,
23:35 I just think that does wonders for any team's morale.
23:41 And I would expect Celtic to kick on now after that.
23:44 I'd be very surprised if they don't pick up full points
23:47 and go on a bit of a run after this.
23:48 - Yeah.
23:49 (upbeat music)
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