• 2 years ago
It was mom's turn to have fun but just like all of us, these stylish women had to first ask permission from their kids!

Here's what these fab moms said to their kids before going to the #PreviewBall2023. #SPAtPreviewBall2023
00:00 Oh she was playing hide and seek in my dress.
00:05 She was literally like entering the slit and then staying inside and goes peekaboo.
00:10 Oh it was Nala.
00:12 So Nala was telling me that I have to call the other phone because she said that mom
00:18 if you don't call me I'm not gonna sleep.
00:22 So I have a curfew today because she's gonna be waiting for me to get home.
00:28 I said bye to him because he went to his dad.
00:31 I said mommy has to work and he was excited to go with his dad.
00:35 Actually I was getting ready with her so we checked in at the hotel and then I was with
00:41 her taking pictures before coming here.
00:44 Lumbing, always lumbing because I feel like I have to make bawe.
00:49 They told me not to wait for them to get home because sometimes I would wait for them to
00:52 get home so I told them don't wait for mama.
00:54 Mama will go to the preview ball.
00:55 Just leave.
00:56 and I love you both.
00:58 (upbeat music)
