How Much Playing Time Will Nick Bosa Get When the 49ers Face the Steelers?

  • last year
It will be a tossup as to how much playing time Nick Bosa will get when the 49ers face the Steelers.
00:00 Thank you very much.
00:02 You had these 40 plus days where the training camp opened and you weren't here.
00:07 How did you stay positive? What was going through your mind during that whole process?
00:13 A lot. Definitely a lot of thinking.
00:17 There were certain points throughout it that were more stressful than others.
00:22 But I trust the team around me and I know that they have my best interest in mind.
00:29 I trusted the 49ers organization and all of them to work well with my guys.
00:38 I had trust all along but it definitely was stressful.
00:42 Was there a point late where you just told your representation, "Get it done. I don't care what it looks like."
00:49 I think that's always the goal.
00:51 I defer to Brian Aroll. He's the best there is.
00:59 I trust him to tell me when it's time.
01:03 He's as good as it gets. It was fun to watch him do his job.
01:09 Kyle was saying that as it came down to it last weekend,
01:14 he just resigned himself to the fact that you weren't going to be here just so he would quit going back and forth in his mind.
01:21 Did it get to that point for you?
01:23 Did you think there was a good chance you were not going to be here the first game?
01:27 You don't know what people are thinking. You don't know what's going to happen.
01:34 You're just getting updates every once in a while.
01:37 The closer it got, the more it seemed like it was a possibility.
01:42 I'm very appreciative of this organization, obviously, for believing in me.
01:50 The York family for believing in me. I just want to thank them for doing that.
01:59 John Lynch and Kyle for believing in me.
02:02 It's definitely an honor to be able to be with this organization for the majority of my career.
02:09 Was 2019 a guide for you in that you could go right up until the start of the season and still perform well?
02:19 I think I did the same thing in '21.
02:25 I was around, obviously, but I wasn't really practicing as much.
02:31 I wanted to get out here and at least get a couple days in.
02:35 I've been training the whole time, but it's different just doing all football stuff.
02:43 The past two days, it's felt really good, so I'm really confident.
02:46 What was the closest you've been able to do to duplicate what you can do on the field or what you'll be asked to do on Sunday?
02:54 Is there anything in training that can really get you ready for what you're going to go through on Sunday?
02:59 My trainer, Todd Rice, me and my brother, we work with him.
03:05 All the stuff we're always doing is training to play the game, obviously.
03:12 It's strengthening everything and improving upon mobility and strength and speed and all that stuff.
03:21 It's strengthening your hamstrings and being ready to take on a '17 game season.
03:26 I've been doing all that, but you can't necessarily do the reps, obviously.
03:34 You don't have offensive linemen to go against, and you're obviously managing risk.
03:39 There's a little bit of a difference there, and it takes a little bit of time, but I'm confident.
03:46 Is there a difference in playing for a new contract to get the contract and then playing with it once you have it?
03:53 I haven't played yet, but I'm definitely thinking that it's going to be a weight off my shoulders.
03:59 I'm just going to be able to not really think about all the negative thoughts that come along with playing this game
04:09 and just be free out there and play for one reason and to win games.
04:15 What are your realistic expectations for Sunday in terms of your workload? How close to normal can you be?
04:24 I'm confident. I'm not sure what Kyle's plan is, but I'd be up for normal workload for sure.
04:36 But I haven't talked to him yet.
04:38 What's your experience after the days after the first game in '19 and '21?
04:45 Do you feel more sore for not having gone through training camp?
04:51 I feel like maybe your neck and just the initial contact that you go through playing football and that stuff.
05:02 Overall, your hip flexors, your groin and stuff will probably feel a little more sore, but it's all just adapting to playing the game.
05:10 What was the reaction like from your teammates when you came back and what did it feel like for you to be around the team again?
05:16 It was unbelievable. I've been waiting for that moment.
05:19 That's probably one of the biggest things I was excited for is to walk in the building and see all the guys.
05:25 I know they have my back. Players have each other's back in this league because it's business at the end of the day.
05:32 It was really cool to see everybody.
05:35 Back-to-back days, agreed to terms. I know he's a friend of yours. I think same representation too.
05:41 What was it like going through this process with him going through a similar one at the same time?
05:46 It was interesting. We would shoot texts back and forth and be like, "You're almost there. You're almost there."
05:54 A lot of it was not much update for weeks on end.
05:59 Then finally, he sent me the eyes emoji and I knew it was time for him.
06:09 I forget what I sent him when I got it, but it was cool.
06:14 With everything you've been going through, have you had any time to prepare for the Steelers and what you're going to be going up against in their offense?
06:21 I've been in meetings the past couple days and I've practiced today.
06:27 You've got a big contract. Anything on your first big purchase?
06:34 Definitely get a house out here, which will be a pretty big purchase in this area.
06:44 Good? Good. Thanks. Thank you guys.
