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बुखार आने पर क्या करें और कैसे बुखार की गंभीरता का पता लगे इन सभी सवालों के जवाब दे रही हैं डॉक्टर अल्पना त्रिपाठी


00:00 Namaskar, I am Shivmani Tyagi.
00:01 Alpana Tripathi ji is with us.
00:03 You are a child disease specialist.
00:04 You have a study on children.
00:06 Madam, we would like to know from you that
00:08 the viral fever that is going on nowadays,
00:10 it is also seen in children along with adults.
00:12 If a small child in the house gets fever,
00:14 the whole family gets disturbed.
00:15 Yes.
00:16 So, how should children be taken care of?
00:18 What suggestions should be given?
00:20 Okay.
00:20 There are more chances of complications in children.
00:24 Any fever.
00:25 The reason for that is,
00:27 first, the immunity of children is less.
00:28 Right?
00:29 Immunity is less and children do not listen to anyone.
00:33 They do not listen to anyone.
00:34 They are busy playing outside.
00:36 In that case, there are more chances of them getting affected by mosquitoes and all these things.
00:40 The fever that is going on now,
00:43 most commonly, it is a viral fever.
00:47 In viral, one fever is dengue.
00:49 And apart from that, there is also normal viral illnesses.
00:52 So, what happens in viral fever is,
00:54 the children who are already affected by viral fever,
00:59 in their contact, they should avoid other children from coming.
01:01 This is something that parents can do.
01:03 Apart from that, to avoid mosquitoes,
01:05 while going out, children should use Odom hose,
01:10 they should wear clothes from the entire side.
01:12 Apart from that, in the house, inside and outside,
01:15 they should not let water accumulate anywhere.
01:18 Parents use these types of things.
01:20 Children should be taken special care of.
01:22 Because, children who are less than one year old,
01:24 there are more chances of complications.
01:27 Where does this dengue mosquito come from?
01:29 Dengue, basically, this mosquito,
01:34 generally, it is in the form of an egg.
01:37 But, when the weather changes,
01:40 it comes in the adult form.
01:44 And, they say that it bites only during the day,
01:47 is there any study on this?
01:48 No, not only during the day, but it bites more during the day.
01:50 Mainly, it bites during the day.
01:51 Mosquitoes that bite during the day,
01:53 they are different from other mosquitoes.
01:56 Mostly, they bite during the day.
01:57 Mosquitoes of malaria bite during the night.
01:59 So, if there are mosquitoes,
02:00 we need 24 hours protection.
02:02 It is said that it bites only below the knees,
02:06 is there any such survey?
02:07 It bites more in open areas.
02:10 Is there any criteria for its flight?
02:12 Yes, there is a criteria.
02:12 It is 3 feet, it cannot fly more than that.
02:15 It has a flight range.
02:16 When the fever will be there,
02:19 how will we know that dengue fever is there?
02:21 This thing, specially,
02:23 only a trained physician can differentiate it.
02:27 So, no fever should be taken lightly.
02:29 First, we should contact the doctor.
02:31 In dengue fever, mostly,
02:33 the pain of body aches, joint pain,
02:35 means, the body aches,
02:36 all these are more painful features,
02:38 with high fever.
02:39 Madam, tell me,
02:40 you just said about pain,
02:41 that there is pain,
02:42 in pain, you will take painkillers,
02:44 can the platelets decrease by taking painkillers?
02:47 Is it said that you should avoid taking painkillers?
02:50 Actually, this is also a misnomer,
02:52 it is a lie that
02:53 in dengue, the platelets are very important.
02:56 Platelets decrease,
02:57 platelets are there,
02:58 due to which bleeding also happens,
02:59 but it happens in a very long time.
03:01 In the beginning, the illness is like
03:03 the other viral infections.
03:05 So, means, platelets…
03:08 Means, precautionary measures.
03:09 Yes, precautionary measures.
03:10 So, we talked to Dr. Alpana Tripathi
03:12 and she told that
03:13 now, the dengue and the viral which is spreading,
03:16 in that, you should take precautionary measures,
03:18 you should make your children wear full clothes,
03:20 when your children are going out to play,
03:21 then their clothes should be properly full.
03:23 At night, while sleeping,
03:24 the best and the best way is
03:26 you should use mosquito repellent
03:28 and keep spraying the mosquito spray
03:32 around you.
03:34 If you have fever,
03:35 then do not take it lightly at all
03:36 and consult an expert immediately.
