• 2 years ago
With more shops, pubs, banks and ticket offices potentially closing across the country, we ask locals what impact closures are having in Pudsey.
00:00 I'm born in Beddington, Prudsey, so I live down Huffside Road with my mum and dad, moving
00:04 with my girlfriend to Fork Road. The changes in the businesses, obviously I remember back
00:08 to when there used to be quite a lot of pubs. There used to be The Junction and what's now
00:14 Witherspoons used to be The Black Bull. And then there was further down, there used to
00:18 be The Crown, which is shut down, so there's quite a lot of pubs that have gone. There
00:23 seems to be a lot of barbers opening and I think really it's the velvet and it a bit
00:28 with the number of barbers really. I've lived in the area for 50 years, I like Prudsey.
00:33 Unfortunately in latter years it's got a little bit naughty with antisocial behaviour,
00:38 particularly with the bus station. But there's a lady who goes around Prudsey that I've got
00:44 to mention that cleans. She's just a volunteer, picks litter up and she's just amazing. So as
00:51 far as the centre and Prudsey as a whole goes, it's nice, it's really nice. Unfortunately we've
00:57 got a lot of big empty buildings, i.e. banks, that have closed and the one over the road there,
01:02 the Halifax, is due to close in November and that is not right and that's not fair for
01:08 particularly the older people, even though I'm one of them. The place is brilliant, it's quiet,
01:13 it's a good elderly population and a beautiful countryside. So it's a nice, peaceful, heavenly
01:22 place. It's got its ups, but what I've found basically, one thing, what I would probably
01:31 want to see more of in the high street is probably more of the presence of other shops like Tesco,
01:37 Express, Asda, to give the shop a choice. It's a nice town, it's a nice city. I mean,
01:42 we get, you know, it's kind of quiet, but I mean improvements, I wouldn't know really. I mean,
01:51 maybe less of that, you know, them little kids on the bikes who zip up and down late at night. I
01:58 mean, it's not really a problem in the morning, but it is just get a bit annoying at night.
02:02 Not lived here very long, probably only a few weeks, but we do know the area. We're fairly
02:10 local to Putsy. It's nice, it's got what you need basically. The park is lovely, it's well
02:20 maintained and it's a pleasure to walk around. I'm not a drinker, so pubs don't, whether they're
02:26 here or not, it doesn't worry me. There's one or two nice eating places, so that's good.
02:32 I don't know, I suppose for the people that do like to socialise more, the old pubs have gone
02:39 and that's a shame. It seems to be more for the younger generation than the older.
02:46 I'm due to start a new job and the easiest way is to get trained. I've heard that the ticket
02:50 office at New Putsy is due to be closing down shortly, which is okay if you do it online,
02:56 you can do it by card, but if you want to pay by cash, you have to do it through the ticket office.
03:00 There's not an option to buy your ticket, so that's a bit of a bugbear really.
