• 2 years ago
How to make authentic Italian Pizza at Home: Rudy's Pizza Napoletana - Leeds shares the secrets behind their rising success.
00:00 You can't beat a bit of pizza and I'm here at Rudy's Pizzeria because I'm going to find out
00:05 how to make the best pizza at home and also it's Pizza Napolitana apparently and that's where I
00:11 used to live Naples and that's the home of Margherita pizza so we're going to find out all the top tips
00:17 A traditional Neapolitan pizza, Neapolitan way to make the dough
00:24 we make it every day and our dough is double fermented which means it ferments for 24 hours
00:31 in two different parts. The first part is that we make the dough and we store in batches and we leave
00:38 at room temperature for 16 hours. The morning after we remove the batches from the boxes
00:48 and we prepare the bowls and we call it and those they will go inside the proofers when they
00:54 when we start the second fermentation. Second fermentation usually lasts between
01:00 four and four and a half hours. We only use four ingredients which is water, yeast, salt and flour.
01:08 Flour is from Naples and it's called Caputo Blue. It's obviously double zero which means that it's
01:16 extra fine. So I'm making now the Agnello Vegano which is a vegan pizza that has tomato base
01:29 as the vegan lamb. And this is a special way that you need to roll pizza out.
01:38 Roll the pizzas? Yeah. You mean when I make the balls? Yeah. Just the traditional way we call it
01:46 when we close it we call it a mozzarella which means like like a mozzarella because when you close it
01:51 you do this.
01:57 Okay now these are already made balls so it's quite hard to do but yeah that's the kind of
02:06 the way and we do it every morning. Our chef do it every morning to make sure that we always have
02:12 high quality dough. Here we go olives, kalamata olives
02:19 and then the stem broccoli. Oh nice. And what's your favourite pizza? My favourite pizza is always
02:32 Margherita. Margherita with a little bit more parmesan on it because I always think that if
02:37 the dough is good there's no better pizza than a Margherita. So you taste properly the dough and
02:43 the ingredients on top. And are you from Napoli? No I'm not I'm actually Sardinian which is a
02:50 region in Italy called Sardegna but I always like Neapolitan pizza. Yeah.
03:05 Pizza is however much more than just good quality ingredients. In Italy for the staff who hail from
03:13 Sardegna and Napoli they say it's all about passion and love for what you serve and they're
03:22 more popular than ever even though they're quicker than some fast food joints and a lot healthier.
03:30 Neapolitan pizza should cook between 60 and 90 seconds only in the oven. Ours usually is around
03:36 60. As soon as you put inside 60 seconds it's always ready. As you see the oven is quite hot
03:44 it can reach temperatures up to 480 but still. And is there a secret in how you make the tomato
03:52 sauce as well? Well tomato sauce is as simple as it can be. It's just some marzano with salt that's
03:59 it because it's so good that tomato and made on purpose for the sweetness and that we don't need
04:05 to add nothing on it. We do it every day as well and we use a traditional way that we call it with
04:12 the mulling. It's just a machine that you turn and basically destroy the flesh. We don't use the
04:20 hand blender because we don't want to destroy the seeds because when you actually destroy the seeds
04:27 you create a bit of bitterness in the tomato so we don't use the hand blender too.
04:31 And what would you say your top tips are for creating the best most authentic pizza?
04:41 Follow the tradition always, choose the right ingredients, not necessarily has to be the most
04:48 expensive ingredients but it needs to be good and needs to be followed obviously the culture and the
04:54 tradition of Neapolitan pizza. Buon appetito! What's the actual traditional way of eating a pizza?
05:03 Right would you like me to show you? Yes please. Can I have the cutter please? Yeah thank you.
05:09 So you cut it in four or in eight or in six as many as you like. I prefer in eight.
05:20 This is a good way just to get it done for me.
05:22 So and because it's floppy so what I do is take from the top and fold that.
05:29 I like it. Buon appetito! Grazie!
05:40 I like it. Buon appetito! Grazie!
