"一带一路"首个中国高铁项目 耗资73亿美元

  • last year
八点最热报 | 东南亚第一条高速铁路,由中国和印尼两国合资兴建的雅万高铁,即将在10月1号正式营运。这座雅万高铁是中国“一带一路”倡议下,在印尼的指标性工程,也是东南亚首个中国高铁项目。(主播:梁宝仪)
00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:04 The first highway in Southeast Asia is built by China and Indonesia.
00:09 It is the Yawang High-Speed Railway.
00:11 It will be officially operated on October 1.
00:14 The Yawang High-Speed Railway is a landmark project in Indonesia
00:17 under the initiative of China's "One Belt, One Road".
00:20 It is also the first Chinese high-speed railway project in Southeast Asia.
00:23 The entire project costs $7.3 billion.
00:26 It is mainly funded by China and uses Chinese technology and standards to build.
00:30 The Yawang High-Speed Railway is 142.3 km long.
00:34 The maximum speed is 355 km/h.
00:37 It connects the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, and the fourth largest city, Wanlong.
00:41 After the train, the distance between the two cities
00:43 will be shortened from the original 3 hours to 40 minutes.
00:49 China's State Councilor-General Li Qiang
00:51 attended the East Asian Summit held in Indonesia yesterday.
00:54 Under the company of Indonesian officials, he tried to take the Yawang High-Speed Railway.
00:58 The Indonesian Minister of Transport, Mr. Lohut,
01:01 was quite satisfied with the Yawang High-Speed Railway.
01:03 He said that the quality of the high-speed railway is like that of China's high-speed railway.
01:07 It is a proof of the advanced cooperation between the two countries.
01:11 He also said that Indonesia has also discussed with Li Qiang
01:14 to extend the Yawang High-Speed Railway to the second largest city in Indonesia,
01:18 the second largest city in the north of Java Island, Sisoe.
01:20 Li Qiang also expressed his support.
01:23 China's State Councilor-General Li Qiang
01:26 accompanied by Indonesian Minister of Overseas Trade and Investment, Mr. Lohut,
01:30 took the newly built Yawang High-Speed Railway.
01:34 They took the Yajadahalin to the route of Sijawajalahuang.
01:39 The 40-kilometer journey took about 11 minutes.
01:42 Both sides were very satisfied with the results.
01:45 In cooperation with the Yawang High-Speed Railway's imminent start-up,
01:47 China's Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Lukang, said in a visit
01:50 that the World Bank's data shows that countries that participate in the Belt and Road Initiative
01:54 have achieved a different level of economic growth.
01:58 According to the statistics promulgated by the World Bank,
02:01 ever since the launch of the cooperation, BRI cooperation,
02:05 partners participating in this framework
02:09 already saw some 4% of increase in the trade volume,
02:15 some 5% increase in the inbound FDI,
02:20 and that also raises, increases the GDP growth
02:24 by the low-incoming countries participating in BRI by some 3.5%.
02:31 Lukang also said that China's Belt and Road Initiative
02:34 eliminates all political objectives,
02:36 provides assistance to many developing countries in the economy,
02:39 and calls for more countries to join the industry.
02:43 World Bank, China International Agency
02:47 World Bank, China International Agency
