Người Kể Chuyện Đời 53 XÓT XA chuyện đời chuyện nghề đầy TRUÂN CHUYÊN của Diễn viên Kiều Trinh

  • last year
Diễn viên Kiều Trinh là nữ diễn viên không quá xa lạ đối với khán giả điện ảnh bởi tinh thần dám hy sinh vì nghệ thuật của mình. Tuy sự nghiệp thăng tiến nhưng ít người biết được đường tình duyên của cô không mấy suôn sẻ. Ly hôn 3 lần, cả ba lần Kiều Trinh đều phải trải qua những cú sốc tâm lý, lần nghiêm trọng nhất là cuộc hôn nhân thứ hai đã khiến cô bị mất trí nhớ, làm ảnh hưởng rất nhiều đến cuộc sống của mình. Hiện tại, sau khi bước ra bóng tối của những hôn nhân đổ vỡ, cô đang sống hạnh phúc cùng với bố ruột và 3 đứa con.

Người Kể Chuyện Đời #53 | XÓT XA chuyện đời - chuyện nghề đầy TRUÂN CHUYÊN của Diễn viên Kiều Trinh
#NguoiKeChuyenDoi #MCVMedia #TrungDan #KieuTrinh #NKCD53 #MCVNetwork #NKCD #MCV

NGƯỜI KỂ CHUYỆN ĐỜI sẽ đưa khán giả đến với nhiều cung bậc cảm xúc qua câu chuyện của nhiều thế hệ nghệ sĩ, chuyện về đời về nghề....
♥️ Chương trình được dẫn dắt bởi nghệ sĩ Trung Dân. Không xuất hiện hào nhoáng trong nhưng bộ vest sang trọng, tại "Người Kể Chuyện Đời", khán giả sẽ thấy nam MC trong một hình ảnh rất bình dị, rất đời....


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00:00 [The next episode]
00:02 I was the second person to be injured.
00:06 I had a nose job and had a nose job.
00:09 Wow!
00:10 I almost didn't have to act in the first role.
00:13 I was a character who was almost exhausted with this role.
00:17 Because I had to cry all the time from 6 am to 12 pm.
00:23 Welcome everyone to the show.
00:27 Today, I would like to introduce to you the actress Kieu Trinh.
00:31 Hello.
00:33 Actress Kieu Trinh is a female actor who has been loved by the audience since the early 2000s.
00:38 She is considered one of the actresses who dare to sacrifice for art.
00:41 Kieu Trinh is not afraid of the hot scene because it is the scene that art needs.
00:45 Because of her sacrifice for the roles,
00:48 Kieu Trinh has made her name in the history of Vietnamese cinema.
00:51 After the films such as "Mùa Lên Trâu", "Vị đường sợ", "Rừng đen" won many international awards.
00:57 Where is your hometown?
01:02 I was born in Bình Dương.
01:04 But in 1982, when my parents opened a new business in Bình Phước,
01:09 I followed my parents and lived there.
01:12 I moved a lot when I was young.
01:15 My hometown is Bình Dương, but my grandmother's hometown is in Giàu Tuyến.
01:18 I moved to my grandmother's hometown in 1982.
01:22 I lived in Bình Phước for 4-5 years.
01:25 After that, I had a hard time studying.
01:28 My mother sent me back to Bình Dương when my life was hard.
01:33 I lived with my uncle for a few years.
01:37 After that, I quit school and started working.
01:39 When you moved from Bình Dương to Bình Phước,
01:45 did you work in the field?
01:48 I worked in the field.
01:50 I planted flowers,
01:52 and then I planted rice and peanuts.
01:56 After 2-3 years,
01:58 my parents planted pepper plants.
02:02 How old were you?
02:05 I was in the 5th grade.
02:07 My parents moved to the forest in the old area.
02:12 After the fire in 1972,
02:16 the bombings were still happening.
02:18 My parents didn't dare to move.
02:20 At first, I remember my parents told me
02:23 that I was terribly sick.
02:27 My parents were afraid.
02:28 They only moved my parents and my brother.
02:30 I and my sister stayed at my uncle's house in Bình Dương.
02:35 I remember my parents moved in the year of 1965.
02:38 I was in the 1st grade, and my parents moved in the 2nd grade.
02:40 I was sick for 3 years.
02:42 After that, my parents moved to the forest to study.
02:47 I was in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.
02:49 I moved to Bình Dương.
02:51 It was hard to work in the field.
02:54 How did you sell your products?
02:56 I remember that.
02:58 It was a very happy time for me.
03:01 I remember when my mother planted cucumbers,
03:04 and mice, and watermelons.
03:06 Every morning, at 4 a.m.,
03:08 she would pick the good, long, and ripe papaya.
03:11 Then, we would have a bicycle,
03:13 a wooden bicycle.
03:16 My parents would go to the market to sell.
03:18 My mother would pick the wild fruits.
03:21 She would sell fresh, delicious fruits.
03:23 I would have a small basket,
03:25 and I would put it on the ground,
03:26 and I would spread banana leaves.
03:27 I would buy wild fruits and cucumbers.
03:29 I would buy them for money.
03:32 But it was not hard for me.
03:34 I was 4 years and 90 years old.
03:38 After 3 years away from my parents,
03:41 I lived with my uncle.
03:42 In this house, there were only 2 sisters.
03:44 My sister lived alone.
03:45 My uncle lived opposite.
03:47 We lived together.
03:48 My father ate.
03:49 We studied together.
03:50 For 3 years, we didn't live near our parents.
03:52 So, being close to our parents in the countryside
03:55 was very happy.
03:56 And the case of the farm,
03:58 it was very small.
03:59 We didn't have a hard time.
04:01 Only 3 years later,
04:04 4 years after I decided to go back to my hometown to avoid the pandemic,
04:07 I officially started farming.
04:10 I really did.
04:12 I understood the hardship of my parents in the past.
04:15 When I was young,
04:17 I thought it was fun.
04:19 But I really thought I missed my parents.
04:22 Because it was very difficult at that time.
04:24 Farming in the past was not as advanced as it is now.
04:27 Everything was done by human labor.
04:29 A small field like this.
04:31 My parents planted flowers,
04:33 and trees,
04:34 bombs, and war bombs.
04:36 Especially the bamboo.
04:37 My father was the main worker.
04:40 He had to go to the field,
04:42 cut each tree, each tree trunk
04:45 to get the soil to the field
04:47 to grow flowers.
04:49 In the past, it was called the "Tieng Nhat Doc" forest.
04:51 But I still remember the memory in my head.
04:54 There were many fish in the old stream.
04:56 My father and I went to fishing.
04:58 It was very hard at that time.
04:59 Because we didn't have any income.
05:01 We didn't buy new clothes.
05:03 I only remember the money my parents sold.
05:05 About 6-7 million VND in Binh Duong.
05:07 It was a few million VND.
05:10 To save money to buy land,
05:12 and money to buy seeds,
05:13 to plant, plant, plant.
05:14 And the main food,
05:15 I still remember that I took rice from my family to plant.
05:17 Every harvest, I put a few bags in a house,
05:20 a garden,
05:21 in a few fields.
05:23 Then I went down to the stream.
05:24 I still remember that I went down to fish.
05:26 The fish was cooked, but not the net.
05:29 After that, when the fish was not eaten,
05:31 I put it in a basket to marinate.
05:33 When I ate, I put the salt out,
05:35 and I mixed it with lemongrass,
05:36 with fresh turmeric,
05:38 to marinate the food.
05:40 Like the "Sua Muoi" fish.
05:41 Yes, that's right.
05:42 Have you ever encountered a case like
05:44 a bear, a bear, a snake,
05:46 it attacked or disturbed you?
05:50 When I went to the stream,
05:52 my father had already planted flowers in the forest.
05:55 I heard my parents tell me.
05:57 At that time,
05:58 it was not there,
06:01 but there were wild pigs.
06:02 Yes, wild pigs.
06:03 It was very dangerous.
06:04 Yes, wild pigs and snakes.
06:07 That's what I am now.
06:09 I still see snakes.
06:11 Tiger snakes.
06:12 Last year, my son also met a tiger snake,
06:15 but he didn't know it.
06:16 Last year, during the pandemic,
06:17 I accidentally had a cold,
06:19 I couldn't see the road.
06:20 I felt weak,
06:21 I couldn't see anything.
06:22 The child was naughty.
06:23 He had a toilet,
06:24 he had already cleaned it,
06:25 but he didn't go.
06:26 He liked to stand by the house,
06:28 there was a loco show.
06:29 He stood there,
06:30 he accidentally,
06:32 he said, "I saw a round,
06:34 a high-headed snail."
06:35 But he didn't say,
06:36 "Mom, I went out,
06:38 I saw a snail,
06:39 luckily it was eating a frog or something.
06:43 I asked him to describe it to me,
06:46 I could see the snake's head.
06:48 I said, "I saw a bunch of snails,
06:49 I saw the head of a snail."
06:50 He said, "Oh my God,
06:51 you're lucky you didn't see it.
06:52 It bit you right away,
06:53 you're dead."
06:54 And then he pointed it out,
06:56 I said, "I really saw a bunch of snails."
06:58 And then I started to see a shadow,
07:00 it ran away,
07:01 because there was a lot of grass around the house.
07:02 It ran away,
07:03 the tree was shaking,
07:04 I heard a creaking sound.
07:05 That was a snake.
07:06 Now there are tigers,
07:07 tigers, tigers, tigers, tigers,
07:09 there are many tigers.
07:21 In the past, when my father was alive,
07:23 he used to make a lot of mud.
07:24 I remember the mud house I grew corn,
07:28 the mud was very good,
07:29 the color of the corn was very similar.
07:31 It was green.
07:32 I couldn't see it,
07:33 but when it came down a little bit,
07:34 it ate the corn.
07:37 When I was a kid,
07:38 my mission was to go to the field,
07:40 and when I saw it,
07:41 I took the milk can,
07:43 the milk can of the cow,
07:44 I gave it to the children,
07:45 so that it would be afraid of flying away.
07:47 Anyone who met my father would know,
07:49 his hands were up like this.
07:51 My father had a fever when he was a kid,
07:56 but by the time he was about 10 years old,
07:59 he told me,
08:00 and then once I went to the field
08:03 to catch snakes with my uncle,
08:05 I saw that the snakes were eating a lot of onions,
08:08 and my father's hands were pulled back.
08:10 It was a fever.
08:12 Now my father's hands are pulled back,
08:14 but I know it since I was born,
08:16 I know my father had this.
08:18 I took pictures when he was young,
08:19 he didn't have it.
08:20 But looking at my father,
08:22 all of it,
08:23 like I've been telling you,
08:24 for decades,
08:25 the field, the garden, the beautiful area,
08:27 now all of it,
08:28 my father did it all.
08:29 My father is a hero in my heart.
08:34 Since I came back to life,
08:36 4 years before the pandemic,
08:38 when I decided to come back,
08:40 I started to look for pictures,
08:43 pictures of everything in the house,
08:45 I went through everything in the house.
08:47 The past.
08:48 Yes, I kept it.
08:50 People who do jobs like me often have memories,
08:53 but those are really precious.
08:55 Yes, that's right.
08:56 The tools,
08:57 in the past, we didn't see them,
08:59 but when we grew up, we realized
09:01 that those tools have value over time.
09:03 They are our memories.
09:05 They are connected to our work,
09:07 our life at that time.
09:08 We want to find them,
09:09 to look at them,
09:11 we can borrow them to remember
09:13 a beautiful time in our past.
09:16 I lost my mind,
09:17 so for me, those tools are almost like
09:20 a memory,
09:21 helping me to remember.
09:23 Remember.
09:24 To revive.
09:25 Yes, exactly.
09:26 But what kind of accident did you have
09:28 that led to the fact that you had to lose your memory?
09:31 It's not good to say,
09:34 but I would like to mention a little bit.
09:36 I was the second person to be injured.
09:39 I was hit by an eight-arrow and lost my memory.
09:42 Wow.
09:43 At first, I didn't know I lost my memory.
09:45 Because I was filming a film
09:48 with the director Pham Ngoc Chau.
09:51 I just reported that I had an accident.
09:53 I was knocked out,
09:54 but I saw that my family was not good,
09:57 so I didn't hide it.
09:58 I hid it from everyone.
10:00 Then I was hospitalized for a week.
10:03 I had two stitches.
10:07 Luckily, I didn't have a bone fracture.
10:09 But the Buddha said,
10:10 "If no one believes you,
10:11 no one will know you have eight stitches."
10:14 When I remembered,
10:16 I looked at the mirror and said,
10:17 "Oh, my God.
10:18 I have a face like this,
10:19 but I must have lost my job."
10:21 Because I live by my job.
10:22 But after two months,
10:23 I had no scars, nothing.
10:25 I didn't use anything.
10:27 That was two months later.
10:28 Many times later,
10:30 because the script of the film is special.
10:32 Until now,
10:33 the world is the same.
10:34 All the films I participated in,
10:37 I never forgot any lines.
10:40 I never made a mistake in any script.
10:43 So, except for life,
10:44 I forgot many scenes.
10:45 I acted normally,
10:47 as if nothing had happened.
10:49 Then, a few times later,
10:50 my daughter was born to go to Japan.
10:54 I forgot that it was 5 p.m.
10:56 I planned to go to school at 5 p.m.
10:58 I was upset at 9 p.m.
11:00 When I came back,
11:01 I thought I was going out,
11:02 but I didn't ask permission,
11:03 so I started to shout.
11:04 The first time I shouted,
11:05 my daughter cried a lot.
11:06 She cried a lot.
11:07 She said, "I have a mother."
11:08 I said, "What mother?"
11:09 Then, it happened.
11:10 It happened many times.
11:12 Finally, my children noticed.
11:14 They said, "You forgot, right?"
11:16 My son and I said,
11:17 "Yes, I have a mother."
11:19 My sister confirmed that she had a mother.
11:21 Then I knew what I was suffering from.
11:23 After that, I went out of my life.
11:25 When I went out,
11:27 some people didn't know that I was pregnant.
11:30 When they greeted me,
11:31 I didn't remember who they were.
11:33 I just smiled.
11:35 Some people were rushing me to go.
11:37 They said, "Kieu Trinh is famous now.
11:39 She is pregnant. Who will she greet?"
11:41 Later, when people knew I was injured,
11:43 they officially recognized me.
11:45 I knew that.
11:46 The first thing I asked was,
11:47 "Do you remember me?"
11:48 It means that my roots were before the accident.
11:52 I still remember those who I met.
11:54 But since the accident,
11:55 I haven't remembered anyone for 10 years.
11:57 I can't remember anyone.
11:58 It's like a machine that is frozen.
12:00 But luckily,
12:03 that luck helped me forget all the sad things
12:08 about love.
12:09 Since then,
12:11 my mind has always been happy.
12:14 I don't choose to be negative.
12:16 Whatever happens, I just let it go.
12:18 I just do the happiest things.
12:20 That's good.
12:21 You have a future.
12:22 Yes.
12:23 I see that you are one of those people
12:26 who are in this field,
12:28 performing,
12:29 and participating in art.
12:30 Did you go to a class?
12:32 No, I was a volunteer.
12:34 A volunteer.
12:35 Who discovered you?
12:36 I was a tailor.
12:38 I was married in early 2002.
12:42 At the end of the year,
12:44 I saw a post on a website
12:48 about a fan club of Lam Vu.
12:51 To be honest,
12:52 I didn't know who Lam Vu was
12:53 because I didn't sing.
12:54 Life was hard.
12:55 I just got divorced.
12:57 It was hard.
12:58 I was raising my child alone.
13:00 In that post,
13:01 I was invited to a fan club of Lam Vu.
13:03 I got free drinks,
13:04 but it didn't cost anything.
13:06 I said, "It's okay.
13:07 I'll go on Sunday."
13:08 I didn't want to waste my time.
13:10 I only met the person
13:12 who I knew as Gia Tong.
13:14 Le Quang.
13:15 I remember that day,
13:16 there was a singer named Nhat Kim Anh.
13:18 I didn't know who he was.
13:19 I saw him on the internet
13:21 and asked for his autograph.
13:22 I saw him on the internet
13:23 and asked for his autograph.
13:24 I saw his music video,
13:25 and I went home.
13:26 I still have his autograph
13:27 in my notebook.
13:29 I left it on my phone.
13:31 I read the newspaper
13:32 about the movie.
13:34 The topic was
13:35 "Hiring a movie star to be his model."
13:38 I didn't know why
13:40 I called Le Quang.
13:43 He said,
13:44 "Are you free?
13:45 Let's meet."
13:46 I don't remember who he was.
13:47 I don't remember who he was.
13:48 I said, "Let's meet."
13:49 He said, "Okay."
13:51 I wore my usual clothes
13:53 and went to the audition.
13:55 I was in the film club.
13:57 I still remember that day.
13:59 I was the only one
14:01 who wore a long shirt.
14:02 I like short skirts
14:04 and long shirts.
14:06 I met
14:08 Mr. Ba Son,
14:10 Mr. Pham Thi Nhan,
14:11 Mr. Sam Thuong,
14:12 Ms. Quang An,
14:13 and Mr. Gia Tong.
14:14 About 300 people
14:16 were in the audition.
14:18 I don't know why
14:20 I was so nervous.
14:22 Suddenly,
14:23 he gave me a script.
14:25 He was on the stage.
14:26 He said,
14:27 "I'll act
14:28 when you give me the script."
14:30 I went to the park
14:32 to meet a man.
14:33 I met my lover
14:34 by chance.
14:35 I acted alone.
14:37 I didn't have anyone to help me.
14:38 I didn't know anyone.
14:39 I didn't dare to ask anyone.
14:40 I pretended to fall.
14:42 I put my hand down.
14:43 I was lucky that he was drunk.
14:45 Mr. Ba Son said,
14:46 "I still want to act
14:48 when I meet a dying person."
14:51 I acted like that.
14:52 I put my hand down.
14:53 I pretended to fall.
14:54 I pretended to be drunk.
14:55 I was scared.
14:56 I saw a dead person.
14:57 I ran to save him.
14:58 I was not used to being an actress.
15:00 I shouted loudly.
15:02 "Help me!"
15:04 I smiled.
15:05 Mr. Ba Son said,
15:06 "Why did you smile
15:07 when I asked you to save me?"
15:09 After that,
15:10 I was lucky
15:11 to be selected.
15:13 There were 30 students in my class.
15:16 I was happy to be selected.
15:19 I didn't have a passion for acting.
15:21 I loved watching movies.
15:23 When I was about to enter the school,
15:25 the teacher told me
15:26 I had to pay 1 million VND.
15:28 It was really hard.
15:30 I had to work for 300,000 VND a month.
15:32 I talked to Mr. Quang.
15:34 I told him
15:35 I could ask for his help.
15:37 He asked me to donate
15:39 200,000 VND.
15:40 We split the money.
15:42 But...
15:43 It was from Mr. Le Qua.
15:45 I only studied for a month.
15:47 He called me
15:48 to have a coffee with him.
15:50 At the movie theater,
15:52 he said,
15:53 "There are actors on the stage.
15:55 Come on, please."
15:57 I was really touched.
15:59 I often watched the movie "The Palace of the Nightingale".
16:02 I loved the movie "The Snake Keeper".
16:04 I wanted to meet Mr. Ly Hung
16:07 and Mrs. Diem Huong
16:09 on the street.
16:10 I thought I would meet them.
16:12 But I didn't meet anyone.
16:14 I met Mr. Le Binh.
16:16 I met the director.
16:18 He asked me 3 questions.
16:22 He asked me
16:23 if I could swim.
16:25 I said no.
16:27 But I was good at rowing.
16:29 He said, "Why?"
16:30 "You don't know how to row, but you can row."
16:32 I told him I went to the West.
16:34 I met some friends.
16:35 We passed a stream.
16:37 I saw Mrs. Diem Huong and Mr. Le Binh.
16:39 I asked her,
16:41 "Why do you have to row?"
16:43 "You're a young man."
16:45 "You can't sit on the stream."
16:47 "You can sit on the stream."
16:49 "You can't row."
16:51 "You can't do it."
16:53 I asked him if he had a family.
16:55 He said he had a family.
16:57 He was 5 years old.
16:59 I asked him where he was from.
17:01 He said he was grateful for me.
17:03 I thought,
17:04 "What kind of actor is that?"
17:06 I didn't know it was a casting round.
17:08 I didn't know it was a casting round.
17:10 I didn't know it was a casting round.
17:12 I went home and forgot about the casting.
17:14 I went home and forgot about the casting.
17:16 I was invited back 3-4 months later.
17:18 I invited people who matched the script.
17:20 I invited people who matched the script.
17:22 I invited people who matched the script.
17:24 It took 5-6 months to cast.
17:26 It took 5-6 months to cast.
17:28 When Mr. Binh announced
17:30 I was chosen to play the main role,
17:32 I knew he was
17:34 the most popular actor.
17:36 the most popular actor.
17:38 I was chosen to play the main role.
17:40 I was chosen to play the main role.
17:42 It was fate.
17:44 It was not a coincidence.
17:46 It was not a coincidence.
17:48 It was not a coincidence.
17:50 It was not a coincidence.
17:52 It was not a coincidence.
17:54 Besides working in the film industry,
17:56 Besides working in the film industry,
17:58 do you have any other jobs?
18:00 do you have any other jobs?
18:02 I have been an actress for 20 years.
18:04 I have been an actress for 20 years.
18:06 I have been an actress for 20 years.
18:08 I have been here for 4-5 years.
18:10 I have been here for 4-5 years.
18:12 I have been here for 4-5 years.
18:14 You know,
18:16 I have not been on TV shows since I was young.
18:18 I have not been on TV shows since I was young.
18:20 I want to find another job
18:22 to make more money
18:24 and to be in the same position as me.
18:26 I chose to be a tailor.
18:28 I chose to be a tailor.
18:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
18:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
19:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
20:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
21:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
22:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
23:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
24:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
25:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
26:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:36 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:38 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:40 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:42 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:44 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:46 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:48 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:50 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:52 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:54 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:56 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
27:58 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:00 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:02 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:04 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:06 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:08 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:10 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:12 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:14 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:16 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:18 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:20 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:22 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:24 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:26 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:28 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:30 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:32 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
28:34 I learned to make all kinds of clothes.
