• last year
A smart and serious marine biologist and a fun-loving and laissez-faire dive instructor must team up to save their belov | dG1fNFQyQVpocGZ4bjA
00:03 Kaila turned in her grant application
00:05 for her Save the Reef project today.
00:07 I found a way to help the coral regenerate,
00:09 but we're not seeing the long-term effects
00:10 that we'd like.
00:15 Hey, Pete.
00:16 I-- who are you?
00:18 I'm the new dive master.
00:19 Where's Pete?
00:20 His daughter went into labor a little early.
00:22 You know who the new dive master is?
00:23 Liam something, right?
00:25 Liam Smith, that surfer guy that went
00:26 MIA after last year's Pipeline Masters.
00:29 What are you doing?
00:29 Diving.
00:30 The dive master stays on the boat
00:32 in case I have any problems.
00:33 Don't worry, doc.
00:33 Keep the radio on me.
00:34 We are officially the new temporary dive masters.
00:38 This could lead to a full-time contract,
00:40 which means that shop will be able to stay open.
00:43 Connie.
00:43 The new water-like contract should
00:44 be in your inbox this week.
00:46 So it turns out I need 100 community members
00:47 to come vote at the hearing in order to have our cause heard.
00:50 Do you know what you need?
00:51 Someone to get the word out.
00:52 I would need you to help me get people committed
00:55 to come vote in exchange for making your family one
00:57 of our permanent dive masters.
00:59 If we lose the reef, my parents are
01:00 going to lose their business.
01:01 I'm in.
01:05 How'd you do it?
01:06 What?
01:07 I hope the 45s commit that quickly.
01:08 What can I say, doc?
01:09 People love a local celebrity.
01:12 Surfing with Liam.
01:14 It's nice seeing you like this.
01:16 Like what?
01:16 Chill.
01:17 I'm always chill.
01:18 Hey, please don't touch anything.
01:19 The board is a bit hesitant about the involvement
01:21 of Liam Smith.
01:22 His past partnerships have raised some concerns.
01:25 You know that stuff could kill off entire ecosystems
01:27 of microbacteria.
01:29 I ended my partnership with Waterlight last year.
01:31 If we don't move forward, they could
01:33 dwell within their right to sue.
01:34 You were serious about ending your contract with Waterlight.
01:37 No, doc.
01:38 I just agreed to sell them my life rights.
01:41 Of course I was serious.
01:44 There's this charity event for the Small Business Association.
01:46 It might be a good place to get people committed to vote.
01:49 We have 102 confirmed community members
01:52 coming to the vote tomorrow.
01:55 The grand hearing and the vote has been canceled.
01:57 Liam, you told me you ended your Waterlight contract.
02:00 Isla, please.
02:01 So what, you lied to me?
02:02 I didn't have a choice.
02:04 He cares about you.
02:05 I'm just not enough to tell me the truth.
02:08 Isla?
02:08 We have to get some new words.
02:09 The grant hearing today is canceled.
02:12 So I'm asking you to join me and show your support
02:14 of the Save the Reef project.
02:16 Liam, we did it.
02:17 The board is 100% behind us.
02:25 (music fades)