Amedeo de Belgique papa pour la troisième fois  sa femme Elisabetta a accouché

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Amedeo de Belgique papa pour la troisième fois : sa femme Elisabetta a accouché

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00:00 The royal family of Belgium is growing.
00:10 Monday, September 4, the nephew of King Philip of Belgium, Prince Amedeo, and his wife Elisabeth
00:16 have announced the birth of their third child.
00:19 Next year, they will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary.
00:25 In 2006, Prince Amedeo of Belgium met Elisabeth Maria Roboche von Wolkenstein while he was
00:35 a student in London.
00:37 Eight years later, the eldest son of Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent of Belgium marries
00:45 young Elisabeth.
00:48 A sumptuous wedding took place in Rome on July 5, 2014, in the presence of members of the
00:55 Belgian monarchy.
00:56 Very quickly, the couple wished to found a family and in 2016, a first child points
01:04 the tip of his nose, Duchess Anna Astrid, this time.
01:08 Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent become grandparents for the first time.
01:19 In 2019, the Duchess of Austria Estée gives birth to her second child, Archduke Maximilian
01:25 who will celebrate his four years on Wednesday, September 6.
01:29 A third royal baby since his uncle, King Philip, ascended the throne of Belgium in
01:36 July 2013, succeeding the king of the Belgians Albert II, his nephew Amedeo is now sixth
01:42 in the order of succession to the throne.
01:43 The young Anna Astrid is seventh and her brother eighth.
01:50 But for a few days, a new heir has pointed the tip of his nose.
01:54 Monday, September 4, the Court of Belgium announced on its social networks the birth
02:02 of the Archduchess Alix of Austria Estée.
02:06 To illustrate the news, the palace wanted to share a pretty photo of the third child
02:11 of Amedeo and Elisabetta.
02:14 In the legend of the publication, it is specified that the little girl was born on Saturday,
02:20 September 2, in Brussels, Alix weighs 3.4 kg and, like her mother, is well behaved.
02:26 The families of the happy parents associate with this great happiness.
02:33 A new branch has just grown on the genealogical tree of the royal family of Belgium, allowing
02:41 the young Archduchess to be ninth in the order of succession to the throne.
02:45 The story of the Archduchess of Austria Estée.
03:14 [music]
