Fiftieth Fearab Conference supports the fight against terrorism and its Western backers

  • last year
The Arab entities federation of Latin America (Fearab), started on Monday, its fiftieth extraordinary conference... An event that, through its organization in the Syrian capital, sends a strong message of support to the Syrian people, government, and army, in the fight they have been waging for more than 12 years against terrorism and its western sponsors. Let's see the details with our correspondent in Damascus, Hisham Wannous. teleSUR
00:00 The Arab Entities Federation of Latin America started on Monday its 50th extraordinary conference,
00:06 an event that, through its organization in the Syrian capital, sends a strong message
00:10 of support to the Syrian people, government and army in the fight they have been waging
00:15 for more than 12 years against terrorism and its Western sponsors.
00:19 Let's see the details with our correspondent in Damascus, Eshan Mwanous.
00:24 Fifty years after its founding congress, which took place in Syria in 1973, the Arab Entities
00:31 Federation of Latin America, in a demonstration of solidarity highly valued by the Syrian
00:36 leadership and people, is organizing a new extraordinary congress in the main auditorium
00:41 of the University of Damascus, marking the centenary of its founding.
00:48 I extend the greetings of President Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian leadership and all the
00:52 Syrian people to these noble expatriates who did not fail to raise the flag of their motherland
00:57 in parallel with their integration into the society in the different Latin American countries
01:02 where they reside.
01:03 We thank them for working to support the development process in their new countries and we thank
01:08 them for not forgetting their countries of origin and the achievements of their people
01:13 both in Syria and in the other Arab countries.
01:19 The fact that we are here, eight fair Arab countries, locals and nationals, grouped in
01:24 fair Arab America, are in Damascus holding this congress is an unconditional support.
01:29 It is the best proof that we, the Arabs of Latin America, Palestinians, Lebanese and
01:34 Syrians are with the Syrian people.
01:37 We are with the Syrian government and we will not leave them alone.
01:41 We will accompany them in this struggle and we are their voice in Latin America.
01:46 In addition to expressing political support for Syria, the participants, during the three
01:59 days of the congress, will analyze ways to consolidate, expand and develop the bond between
02:04 the Syrian people and their brothers in Latin America, as well as ways to implement practical
02:09 actions to help mitigate the impact of Western coercive measures on the lives of Syrians
02:14 and other oppressed peoples of the world.
02:20 These are moments in which we cannot abandon our brothers and sisters.
02:24 We also condemn the criminal blockade against the Fraternal Republic of Cuba, against the
02:29 Fraternal Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and against the onslaught of the blockade
02:33 in this war, which I would not say is a war, but a terrorist attack by the nations sponsored
02:39 by Zionism and imperialism against the Fraternal Syrian people.
02:45 Our presence here is to demonstrate our unconditional support for just causes, our unconditional
02:50 support for the Syrian people in their defense of their territory and their integrity.
02:57 In this congress we say that Syria is resisting and that we, the members of FIRAP, are also
03:02 resisting so that we can achieve peace, achieve tranquility and above all, guarantee our national
03:08 sovereignty, the national sovereignty of Syria and of the oppressed countries of the
03:13 world.
03:18 The congress will conclude on September 5, with the issuance of a final communique through
03:23 which it is expected that the 70 representatives of Arab origin, coming from different Latin
03:28 American countries, will ratify FIRAP's firm position of support for the just Arab causes,
03:34 headed by the cause of the Syrian people and the struggle of the Palestinian people against
03:38 the Israeli occupier.
