00:00 I'm inside
00:02 Okay, look
00:06 I'm not looking at you, Jimmy
00:12 This is so scary
00:16 *Crying*
00:18 He's adorable
00:32 *Screaming*
00:34 He's trying to... I don't know if he's posing or trying to eat your head
00:38 *Music*
00:40 *Laughing*
00:56 *Laughing*
00:58 *Laughing*
01:00 Shit!
01:06 Shit, he's eating me!
01:08 *Laughing*
01:10 *Laughing*
01:12 This is the funniest shit
01:32 *Laughing*
01:34 *Laughing*
01:36 *Screaming*
01:42 *Screaming*
01:44 There's a statue
01:50 Just watch this here, they'll go for that
02:06 Just make sure it's tucked behind you, thank you
02:08 Cheers
02:10 *Music*
02:12 *Screaming*
02:14 *Laughing*
02:26 *Music*
02:28 *Music*
02:30 *Music*
02:58 Stop pursing your lips while you poop
03:00 Who's a good boy?
03:14 Who's a good boy?
03:16 Yes you are, yes you are
03:18 Who's a good boy?
03:20 Oh god dang
03:22 *Laughing*
03:24 He's so cute
03:32 He's so cute
03:38 *Laughing*
03:40 *Barking*
04:06 *Barking*
04:08 Oh man
04:26 *Barking*
04:28 Do you know how old these guys are?
04:46 We think they're about 64 years old
04:48 But we can't be sure because we don't have a goat
04:54 Betty you're the same age
04:56 Do you hear? He's 54
04:58 No no no no no
05:00 *Speaking in foreign language*
05:02 *Laughing*
05:16 *Laughing*
05:18 *Snorting*
05:30 *Music*
05:34 *Music*
05:36 All he did was chew on a stem
05:48 *Snoring*
05:54 *Snoring*
05:56 *Birds chirping*
06:02 *Music*
06:08 *Music stops*
06:22 *Chewing*
06:24 *Laughing*
06:50 *Music*
06:52 *Birds chirping*
07:16 *Music*
07:18 Mochi skip
07:26 Skip Mochi skip
07:28 Mochi skip
07:30 Mochi's dancing
07:32 Yay
07:34 *Birds chirping*
08:00 *Birds chirping*
08:02 Alright let's see uh
08:12 How many we can uh
08:14 *Laughing*
08:16 Yo I got four on me
08:18 How much is it?
08:20 *Laughing*
08:22 Let me see
08:24 I'm gonna see how many more I can get
08:26 Oh
08:28 *Birds chirping*
08:30 *Laughing*
08:56 *Laughing*
08:58 *Laughing*
09:08 *Laughing*
09:12 *Laughing*
09:14 *Laughing*
09:16 *Laughing*
09:22 *Laughing*
09:24 Can you see them all there?
09:32 *Laughing*
09:34 *Laughing*
09:36 *Music*
09:50 *Laughing*
09:52 Go ahead Joe
09:54 Go ahead Joe
09:56 Alright
09:58 *Music*
10:08 *Whistling*
10:10 *Laughing*
10:18 *Whistling*
10:20 *Whistling*
10:22 *Laughing*
10:24 *Laughing*
10:26 *Laughing*
10:28 *Laughing*
10:30 *Laughing*
10:32 *Laughing*
10:34 *Laughing*
10:36 *Laughing*
10:38 *Laughing*
10:40 *Laughing*
10:42 *Laughing*
10:44 *Laughing*
10:46 *Laughing*
10:48 *Laughing*
10:50 *Laughing*