"SSP Aur DIG Kya Choorian Pehan Kar Baithy Thay Ke...," Shahbaz Khosa on Elahi's re-arrest

  • last year
"SSP Aur DIG Kya Choorian Pehan Kar Baithy Thay Ke...," Shahbaz Khosa on Elahi's re-arrest
00:00 The courts repeatedly give orders.
00:02 In this case, I told you that they got the order to release him four times, but it was not implemented.
00:07 I told you about other cases.
00:09 Eight times Ali Muhammad Khan was released, three times Shandana Sahiba was released.
00:14 The courts repeatedly give orders, but they are not able to implement them.
00:18 Today's order was very clear, but it was not implemented.
00:25 First of all, I would like to salute Mr. Jaidun. He is our senior, we learn from him.
00:31 It is not surprising that we have been seeing him for the past four months.
00:38 And this situation has come to the point that when Shiri Mazari Sahiba's case was filed for the fifth time with Gul Hasan Aurangzeb,
00:45 he had tears in his eyes.
00:47 Although IG sir was standing in front of him, we respect the honourable Mr. Justice Gul Hasan Aurangzeb.
00:55 What would have happened is that they would have suspended IG sir by show cause.
01:01 And would have released him.
01:03 From there, this series of press conferences started.
01:05 And this is an old playbook.
01:07 If a political party has to be broken, then such kind of slogans are put on it.
01:12 It has to shift from 3 Ps to 4 Ps, then it goes and contests the elections.
01:17 Similarly, there is PMLN, N is put, then maybe Sheen will also be put.
01:22 Now it is their turn, so Sheen will also be put.
01:24 So, the policy makers are not understanding that these handcuffs may give you some temporary benefit.
01:32 But this is not a case of maintenance of public order.
01:35 A public order sentiment is going against you.
01:40 If you see the pictures of today, which I am seeing on your show,
01:44 he is a former governor, a former chief minister,
01:47 he is a state official, he is a respectable person.
01:51 Sir, he is a deputy PM, he is a former assembly speaker.
01:56 It means that he has a very good political education.
02:00 In this way, the DIG and SSP, who were present in the car, were ordered by the court to escort them.
02:12 In this car, SSP was sitting in the next seat,
02:16 and DIG and the investigation were also sitting with the former governor Lateef Khosla in the last seat.
02:23 And in their presence, this arrest is taken by Islamabad police.
02:27 Okay, Zahoor-e-Ilahi is his own case, 1975, Supreme Court, probably,
02:33 in which the government at that time took Zahoor-e-Ilahi from Lahore during the prayer and took him to the tribal area.
02:42 And there it was tried to say that Lahore is not the jurisdiction of the High Court.
02:47 And in that case, it was laid down that no, the place from where he was arrested is the jurisdiction of the High Court.
02:53 So how could Islamabad police have been arrested when this order has been specifically spelled out,
03:00 in the presence of these police personnel, the High Court has directed them that they cannot be arrested even in the MPO.
03:08 So what is happening is a drama.
03:11 And here we are ashamed to talk about the law and the constitution,
03:16 just like the judges were crying, the officer was crying, the police were beating the police.
03:21 What is the way back from here?
03:24 Now, from here, the institutions, the judiciary, the police,
03:29 if this is the scale of justice here, then what will be the trust of the people in this?
03:34 But another thing that is said, you also listen, I also listen,
03:37 that a lot has happened before this with political parties.
03:40 I don't know why they are crying so much, they don't know, they haven't read the history.
03:45 You tell me in your legal practice, has it ever happened that a person is given relief,
03:51 arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, he is arrested 8 times, like Ali Muhammad Khan,
03:55 he is arrested 5 times, like Parvez Ilahi, is it in your view, because you have practiced a lot?
04:00 We have heard from our elders that people have been beaten up, but I have heard that this is the first time I have seen this situation.
04:09 I don't see it, when it happened earlier, it was asked about Evanfield,
04:13 that where did the money come from, or whose house is it, they have not answered yet,
04:19 they are sitting as the candidates for the Prime Minister.
04:23 So, this is the first time, in my mind, this is the first time that such a situation is happening.
04:28 Okay, there have been injustices against the old politicians, on an individual basis,
04:32 but they were facilitated in the jails, later the courts facilitated them,
04:37 the courts got the ACB installed, the courts distributed medicines, their food was taken care of,
04:44 but our political leadership should have learned from these things, and I am sure they have learned,
04:50 and they will be against this.
04:52 I disagree.
04:53 But these are some other forces that may be there.
04:55 No, no, I did not learn to disagree, when you do activism, it means you have not learned anything.
04:59 And if you look around, when you are dealing with your political opponents,
05:02 then you are enabling that in that society.
05:05 This is my point of view, the questions I have asked you, Mr. Jadun, I will ask you.
05:09 You have a vast legal career, have you seen that after imprisonment, you are released,
05:14 after release, you are imprisoned, 4, 8, 5 times.
05:18 Shabaz has just mentioned about Evan Field, the cases they made against him,
05:26 now every person has been punished for 2 years, 1.5 years, 2.5 years, 3 years,
05:31 and at the end, there is no compensation, they are all released.
05:35 Now I think that this current machinery, this case, either they do not have the material,
05:41 they are making such cases, you see, the cases they made there in 2017 and 2018,
05:46 the cases against PMI, you see, how many innocent people have been jailed,
05:51 look at Shahid Khan Abbasi, look at Ahsan Iqbal, look at Mufti Asma-ul-Ain,
05:55 look at Mr. Asma-ul-Ain, if nothing is made, they put him in jail, he was in jail for 1.5-2 years.
06:00 Now either they do not have the machinery, which they do not have the case against them,
06:04 although, as far as I know, they do not have any lawyer against them,
06:08 but how many people said that they have done corruption in a project,
06:11 and if they have done, then you have made a solid case.
06:13 Sir, you have FI, you have NAB, you have all the law enforcement agencies.
06:16 What is this joke that a person comes out, picks him up and puts him in MPO,
06:19 what is MPO? MPO is nothing.
06:21 It is a joke, it means that you have nothing else, so you pick him up and put him in MPO.
06:24 This I will say, is the weakness of NAB people,
06:26 that you follow a due process of law and give a fair trial to the person.
06:31 If a genuine case is made against him, if he has done corruption,
06:34 if he is inciting someone, destabilizing some government,
06:39 if he has done something against some institution,
06:41 bring the evidence of that, why should the courts take him out?
06:44 Courts have also given punishment, now the courts are doing the right thing,
06:47 so they give punishment also.
06:49 If the person is innocent, then the biggest task of the court is to protect his fundamental right.
06:53 If the courts don't do it, then who else will protect our right?
06:56 So the job of the court is to not let an innocent person in for even a second.
07:00 Sir, the way you are doing it is also very problematic.
07:02 If we see again, a person of 77 years, the way you are pulling him out of the car and showing him,
07:05 you say that he has done some corruption, then you have a case,
07:09 it does not mean that he has done corruption.
07:11 What is the need to do this, if you want to arrest him, you can do it,
07:14 and arrest him in any other way, the way you are doing it is very problematic.
07:18 In my opinion, what will happen now, will you appeal for the insult of the court,
07:23 will you go to the superior court, because let's see, that is also an order,
07:26 that also has to be implemented.
07:28 Ma'am, if we see it directly, then there is a direct contempt,
07:33 and two are directly included in this, one is the SP and the DIG,
07:40 in their presence, were they wearing bangles, they had an order from the High Court,
07:45 and the police from another city comes and arrests two senior people from a car,
07:50 and takes one away, this is a very huge blatant contempt,
07:55 all your media has shown this, and the courts should pass an order on this.
07:59 Whether it is implemented or not, Allah will do justice in the end,
08:06 and then he will do it, he will show his stick,
08:08 but in my opinion, the courts should defend human rights as a public.
08:13 Mr. Jadoon is absolutely right, cases have been made on a political basis,
08:18 we should have learned from that, you are absolutely right,
08:21 these people did not learn, at least they should think,
08:27 that if it is their turn today, then tomorrow it will be their turn,
08:31 who are in the government today, or who have been,
08:34 and the same will happen to them again, which has happened to them before,
08:38 condemn it today, the political forces should stand together,
08:43 and stand against this kind of fascism, and this kind of,
08:47 and at least speak up against the insult of the decisions of the courts,
08:52 so that the trust of the poor people should also be on these courts,
08:55 the common people go to these courts every day for justice,
08:59 if they see that on one hand you are doing a press conference,
09:02 and you can be free from the world's most serious crimes,
09:06 and on the other hand, even though you are innocent,
09:11 even though you have been charged 8 times, you will still go inside,
09:16 then they will stop coming to the courts,
09:18 then they will go to some other courts, and then there will be a law of the jungle.
09:21 Right, and the parallel justice system that people will establish,
09:24 we should not let that situation come,
09:26 people's trust in democracy, people's trust in this judicial system,
09:29 it should be on the outside, when Mr. Pravez Lahi was the CM of Punjab,
09:33 the police used to salute him,
