L'amour est dans le pré Une prétendante très saoulée par sa rivale, vives tensions dans un endro

  • last year
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L'amour est dans le pré : Une prétendante très "saoulée" par sa rivale, vives tensions dans un endroit public... (SPOILER)

Musique est protégé des droits d'auteur par: https://www.ntmediastudio.com/
Musique de fond utilisée dans vidéo de cette chaîne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZ8_Xpxgn_lONAp32IEJqA
00:00 In the episode of Love and in the pre that will be broadcast on Monday, September 4, 2023
00:13 but which is already available on 6playmax, Patrice continues the adventure with his
00:17 suitors Justine and Véronique.
00:21 But little by little, and against all odds, tensions between the two young women will
00:27 begin to appear.
00:30 As a famous proverb says, the real way to touch a man's heart goes through his stomach
00:37 and Justine, Patrice's suitor, seems to have understood it well.
00:41 When the farmer goes to take his suitor to do the shopping for the first time,
00:46 Siesty therefore takes the baton.
00:48 After establishing a shopping list whose food has been noted in the order of their
00:56 replacement in the store, the young woman then took over the orders of the caddy.
01:00 An initiative that has deeply annoyed his rival Véronique.
01:07 Are you okay Patrice?
01:10 How do you want to do Patrice?
01:14 What cherry tomato do you want Patrice?
01:16 Can I allow myself Patrice?
01:18 Do you have a timer Patrice?
01:20 Do you have everything you need in a wipe or Patrice?
01:24 As the day progresses, which will be broadcast on Monday, September 4, 2023 on M6, Justine
01:32 will take up more and more space within the trio.
01:35 A heavy presence in the eyes of Véronique, which will gradually fade.
01:43 Regarding Justine, it's getting a little complicated anyway.
01:49 I think she must be in competition with me.
01:56 She has a hard time answering and I don't dare to get angry, she confided to the camera.
02:03 But the highlight of the show will take place in the middle of the store.
02:08 More and more annoyed by the behavior of his rival, Véronique will less and less
02:17 succeed in hiding her annoyance.
02:21 If Justine claims not to want to hurt Véronique, she still shows herself very clumsy with her.
02:28 For the cherry tomatoes, do you have a preference?
02:33 She asks.
02:36 But when Véronique replies that it doesn't matter, Justine doesn't hesitate to put it back in place.
02:43 No but I was asking Patrice actually, let her go with coldness.
02:49 What to put Véronique more and more uncomfortable and it is not the next scene that will improve
02:58 things.
02:59 You may be able to advise me, for the cakes you put what variety of apples?
03:04 Ask Justine to Véronique.
03:07 This last one then suggests Golden Messi Esti for gala that Justine will finally choose.
03:14 She's really starting to piss me off, she wants to run everything, it annoys me.
03:21 And then I find that she is long, she delays on all the food.
03:25 Me, I'm not like that, I take and then here it is, then stop letting go Véronique in front of the camera.
03:33 No doubt that the pressure should rise even more in the coming days.
03:40 Hoping only that Patrice, blind to the rising tensions between his suitors, does not suffer
03:49 the consequences.
03:50 And I hope that you will not be disappointed.
04:17 [Music]
04:27 [Music]
