00:00 I wanted to play this for you because you know they say all the time or these
00:06 athletes and these coaches you know they try to tell you that they don't read the
00:13 newspapers they don't listen to the media you know they don't they try to
00:18 sell you that they don't listen to any of this stuff that they tune it all out
00:22 and it never crosses their path well this is why we like Bryce Harper so much
00:26 especially here on C2C he always tells it like it is he always plays hard and
00:31 he admits it I listen to sports talk radio on my way to the stadium I want to
00:36 know what they're saying about me here's Bryce after going yard last night for
00:40 the Phillies. It's funny I was dragged in today you know I'm listening to WIP like I do a lot
00:46 the two o'clock hour and a guy named Chuck called in he calls in a lot of
00:51 slayers I said he was talking about our team and talking about me and stuff and I
00:57 walked in the training room I was like I'm gonna go deep tonight for Chuck. That guy had me fired up man.
01:03 I heard the call actually that because that the call then started making the
01:09 rounds on social media after Bryce of course said that last night this guy
01:14 Chuck that calls the IP in Philly and he was real passionate you know he was just
01:19 basically like I want Bryce Harper to win a World Series or championship more
01:23 than anyone I've ever seen in this town like he was it wasn't like an anti
01:27 Phillies or Harper thing he was drunk calling to say I'll pump that he wanted
01:30 to see him win I like that about Bryce I listen every day driving that to the
01:35 into the ballyard I like that Joe. That's it we need some of our football guys to
01:40 take suit that's exactly what I want a guy that wants to run through a wall for our team and
01:45 more importantly our tickets that's what it's all about so love Bryce Harper
01:49 love the caller and you know what we need a couple of Chuck's to call in for
01:53 football season.
01:56 (upbeat music)