4 Mountain Lion Encounters You Should Never See

  • last year


00:00 These four spooky mountain lion encounters are sure to make you jump right out of your
00:06 seat.
00:07 Number 4 In Arizona, what was supposed to be a normal
00:12 hunting expedition with some dogs turned out to be something much more horrifying.
00:18 Curtis from the eHunter YouTube channel and his friends decided that it was the perfect
00:24 day to take out the horses and go on a nice hunt.
00:28 Everything seemed to be going as planned up until the dogs spotted something and chased
00:33 it all the way to the edge of a steep cliff.
00:36 The hunters quickly get around to taking a look at the animal for themselves and realize
00:41 that it's actually a very fierce mountain lion.
00:55 Unfortunately for the animal though, it appears to be stuck in a crevice with absolutely nowhere
01:02 to go.
01:03 For multiple minutes the cougar just sits there all while letting out a few terrifying
01:09 hisses at the dogs that keep harassing it with loud and constant barking.
01:14 Perhaps it's also a way for it to show off its sharp and lethal teeth.
01:27 Eventually the wise predator finds a way to squeeze through an opening and immediately
01:33 runs up a nearby mountain to disappear back into the desert.
01:39 Number 3 In Sequoia National Park what seemed like
01:43 an average mountain lion spotting ended up being a truly shocking experience for two
01:50 innocent hikers.
01:51 As they were walking down the trail, Brian McKinney and his friend noticed the animal
01:57 just a few feet away from them.
02:11 Brian decides he wants to get a closer look at the animal and begins walking up the trail.
02:17 Unfortunately what he sees next is truly not what he expected.
02:31 Not knowing what to do next, the anxious men begin discussing their potential options.
02:44 Seemingly ready to attack, the vicious animal stares the two men down for what probably
02:50 felt like hours before they decide to finally slowly walk away and leave the area.
02:58 Number 2 In Oregon, YouTuber Cody Fox and his friend
03:03 had absolutely no idea what their seemingly average turkey hunting trip had in store for
03:10 them.
03:11 After walking around the vast forest for a couple hours, they begin to worry after coming
03:17 across what seems to be freshly made cougar footprints.
03:30 Although terrifying, they decide not to completely panic and simply go on with their day like
03:36 normal.
03:37 Things very quickly changes after they heard a low cougar growl coming from right behind
03:44 them.
03:58 After failing to locate the animal for many minutes of looking, Cody alerts his friend
04:03 that he'll be firing a warning shot in order to scare it away.
04:17 Thankfully for them, the animal remains nowhere to be seen and the men decide to walk away
04:24 altogether while they still can.
04:29 Number 1 In Glacier National Park, YouTuber Trevor
04:34 Rasmussen had his peaceful hike completely ruined after being stalked by a truly fearless
04:41 mountain lion.
04:43 After spotting the animal staring at him from down the trail, he immediately pulls out his
04:48 camera in order to record this rare encounter.
05:00 Just a few seconds later, the predator, unfortunately, begins approaching him while he, obviously,
05:09 starts panicking.
05:16 The animal walks down the side of the trail and into some bushes in hopes to continue
05:21 on its path.
05:30 Thankfully for him, though, the mountain lion decides to mind its own business and gives
05:36 up on its hopes for a nice meal while Trevor is left standing there in utter disbelief.
05:44 Thanks for watching until the end, check out this other video that is sure to give you
05:49 the chills, I'll see you there.
