30 Times Hunters Messed With The Wrong Animals (2)

  • last year
00:00 At the beginning of this next clip, two hunters can be seen recording a large Ontario moose
00:07 standing on the dirt road.
00:19 They record the animal walking around the road, seemingly in awe of its large body and
00:24 antlers.
00:25 These dangerous and nervous animals can often reach weights of 800 pounds, which makes the
00:31 following scenes more terrifying.
00:44 The animal and the man stare at each other for a while, but when the hunter turns his
00:48 back to end the encounter, this happens.
01:01 He surprisingly notices in time, which gives him time to react and grab his rifle.
01:06 Luckily for him, the animal retreats as soon as it sees him grabbing his gun.
01:13 At the beginning of this clip, a man can be seen walking in a forest with his gun ready
01:18 to be fired.
01:19 A few seconds later, he hears something moving around in the bushes, and what happens next
01:24 is shocking.
01:27 Surprisingly, he misses his shot by only a few inches, despite wild boars being able
01:40 to run at 25 miles per hour.
01:43 The animal disappears into the bushes shortly after, but its squeals and stomps can still
01:48 be heard, echoing a few feet away from the hunter.
02:00 It appears that everything turned out fine, despite the clip cutting prematurely.
02:07 The clip begins with two hunters recording a herd of elephants they encountered walking
02:11 peacefully through the African safari.
02:14 Moments later, the herd notices them, which makes one of the elephants approach, as they
02:19 try to back away slowly.
02:31 Some of the hunters immediately try to scare the animal by firing shots all around, while
02:37 the cameraman starts running for dear life.
02:44 Sadly, the video comes to an end rather abruptly, so what happens next appears to be unknown.
02:58 This short yet terrifying video captures a man recording a black bear climbing down a
03:03 tree after seeing him.
03:16 Despite the predator reaching the bottom in a flash, he stands his ground, which makes
03:20 the bear do this.
03:32 The predator stops in its tracks after he fires a warning shot.
03:36 Luckily, the clip ends as the animal is seen running off.
03:42 This next video shows a group of hunters recording male lions while hiding behind a bush, trying
03:48 their best not to be spotted.
04:01 Moments later, one of the predators notices the men hiding behind the bush, leading to
04:05 this to happen.
04:17 They run as fast as they can, away from the lions, while shots are being fired in order
04:22 to try and scare the predators away.
04:25 Equipped with superb eyesight and smelling capabilities, it's no surprise how the lions
04:30 quickly detected them.
04:37 Unfortunately, the clip cuts shortly, and what happened next remains unknown.
04:49 Steven Rinella and his friend Ryan start this clip by going down a narrow river to hunt
04:54 for moose.
04:55 As they navigate through the dense bushes and trees, Steven hears a sound and decides
05:01 to track it with his friend following behind him.
05:10 After successfully locating his "prey", he shoots it, and the moose goes down instantly,
05:16 which gives them the chance to go and secure the kill.
05:19 Now face to face with the seemingly injured animal laying down, he goes in for the final
05:24 shot only for something unexpected to happen.
05:42 Luckily for Steve, one of his friends quickly shot the moose down before things got out
05:47 of hand.
05:49 This intense clip begins by showing a man screaming at an enormous elephant using a
05:55 truck as a shield.
06:06 Despite being gentle giants, elephants can cause serious harm to a person in a snap.
06:12 After the warning shot, the animal refuses to leave the people alone, and they continue
06:17 to stand their ground.
06:21 Thankfully, the situation did not escalate further, and everyone is safe.
06:35 This next clip begins with a man recording his encounter with a massive moose during
06:40 his hunt.
06:41 Moose usually tolerate humans at close distances and rarely attack, but in this case, things
06:47 went very differently.
07:00 He tries to scare it away by raising his voice while slowly backing up, but the animal's
07:05 curiosity seems to have no match.
07:08 Moments later, the man finally reaches his ATV, which he uses as a barrier between him
07:13 and the animal.
07:24 The clip ends abruptly, and what happened next is sadly unknown.
07:31 This next video, taken from a hunting vlog, shows two hunters stalking and trailing a
07:36 bull elk they spotted earlier.
07:39 After waiting for the perfect moment, they finally get the chance they were waiting for
07:43 as the elk stops in a relatively open space.
07:56 One of the hunters then pulls his bow and makes his shot, but something unexpected occurs.
08:12 A mature bull elk can charge at a speed of 40 miles per hour, capable of seriously injuring
08:19 a human if hit.
08:20 After the close call, they compose themselves and move on with the rest of their hunt.
08:27 This next terrifying encounter begins with a guy showing us his point of view while sitting
08:32 on a tree in the woods.
08:34 Seconds later, he hears a stick crack behind him, so he turns the camera toward the direction,
08:39 only to see this.
08:46 Bears seldom attack humans on sight and even choose to avoid us, but due to their unpredictable
08:58 nature, it's always best to come prepared.
09:01 After seeing the predator behind him, he immediately whips out his bear spray in hopes of scaring
09:07 away the animal.
09:18 The man, despite the predator behind him, remains calm and does not panic, scared of
09:23 aggravating the predator and escalating the situation.
09:26 Thankfully, his plan works and the bear bolts off.
09:32 This shocking clip starts with a man recording a sleeping deer he came across during his
09:38 hunt.
09:39 He proceeds to approach the animal and tries to pet it by reaching his hand towards it
09:44 slowly.
09:47 Surprisingly, he manages to get extremely close to the deer, which leads to this horrifying
10:01 and disturbing clip.
10:14 After the unexpected attack, he stumbles to stay standing while groaning in pain and eventually
10:20 falls down on the grass.
10:22 Judging from the video, he managed to survive the attack, despite being caught off guard.
10:30 The beginning of this terrifying encounter shows an enormous boar being chased and pinned
10:36 by a pack of little dogs.
10:38 Men in yellow jackets can be seen climbing the trees as best they can in order to avoid
10:44 being caught in the commotion.
10:56 Dog hogs can often weigh more than 100 kilograms, which is an extremely dangerous trait, especially
11:02 for such an aggressive and unpredictable animal.
11:05 As the dogs continue to chase the hog, it runs into a guy struggling to hold on to a
11:11 tree.
11:22 After falling, the guy proceeds to run away and find another tree to climb, afraid of
11:27 what might happen if he doesn't.
11:29 The video ends without showing us what happened, which is unfortunate.
11:35 The beginning of this next encounter shows a man recording a small group of moose running
11:40 around and chasing each other in a field.
11:52 While recording the animals, one of them suddenly sees him recording and decides to do something
11:57 bone-chilling.
12:09 Able to reach speeds of 35 miles per hour, the animal covers the distance between it
12:15 and the man in an instant.
12:16 He proceeds to climb a nearby tree quickly to avoid the charge after seeing that there
12:21 was nothing stopping the charging moose.
12:29 Fortunately, he manages to avoid the charge and the herbivores walk away shortly after.
12:41 At the beginning of this frightening encounter, an enormous black bear can be seen following
12:47 the scent of a man resting in a tree stand.
13:01 After seeing the latter leading to his scent, the man realizes the grave danger he is in
13:06 when the predator decides to do this.
13:20 As soon as the animal climbs a few steps, the hunter makes his presence known, which
13:25 stops the bear from climbing further.
13:38 It then goes down and runs away, leaving the hunter safe and unharmed.
13:45 This encounter opens by showing a group of people accompanied by armed men taking pictures
13:50 and videos of an elephant during a trip to Africa.
13:53 At first, the group stays far away from the animal, trying to be as cautious as possible.
14:09 Moments later, the elephant goes off to another place where they decide to follow it and continue
14:14 observing from up close.
14:27 At first, the animal doesn't seem to mind them being up close, but moments later, something
14:32 petrifying transpires.
14:46 One of the armed men thankfully manages to de-escalate the situation, leaving no one
14:51 harmed.
14:53 This next video opens with a pair of hunters hunting and shooting ducks in a swamp in South
14:59 Florida.
15:00 While looking for and collecting the ducks they caught, they see something extremely
15:04 unexpected.
15:17 Alligators have integumentary sensory organs on the surface of their scales, so one must
15:22 have noticed the easy prey falling from the sky.
15:25 Now with a gator in between the hunter and his canoe, things get out of hand extremely
15:31 quickly.
15:36 Thankfully, that was only a warning shot, and the man managed to escape the area safely.
15:49 This intense clip begins by showing us a hunter looking around a dense forest during a hunt
15:55 when suddenly he sees this.
16:04 Despite their large size, bears are exceptionally stealthy, enough that they can trail hunters
16:10 from about 100 yards.
16:12 Unfortunately, the clip ends suddenly, so it's unclear what the outcome was.
16:18 This blood-curdling video opens with a pair of deer hunters trying to drive to their destination
16:24 while a huge moose is seen running away from their truck.
16:39 After a few minutes chasing it down the road, the animal suddenly does something that they
16:43 weren't expecting.
16:46 Unfortunately, the clip ends abruptly, and we can only assume that their truck suffered
17:03 quite some damage.
17:06 This video opens by showing a guy talking to the camera when all of a sudden something
17:11 comes out from the tall grass.
17:17 Surprisingly, the man catches it, despite boars being able to reach speeds of up to
17:28 25 miles per hour.
17:30 After catching the animal, he pins it to the ground while talking to his friend, amazed
17:36 at what just happened.
17:39 The beginning of this next unexpected encounter starts with two hunters recording a few elk
17:44 they are planning to hunt.
17:46 They try to lure their prey closer by using an instrument to mimic elk sounds while they
17:51 slowly set up.
18:03 A few minutes into the hunt, the animals bolt off unexpectedly, which confuses the hunters
18:08 and makes them investigate further.
18:21 While walking toward where the elks were previously standing, they are suddenly stopped by something
18:26 truly unexpected.
18:41 For the next few minutes, the pack of wolves appear to be stalking the hunters as they
18:45 begin spreading out, roaming the premises.
18:58 After a while, the predators seem to retreat from the area and the men go on with their
19:02 hunt as planned.
19:05 This encounter begins with a group of hunters walking around in bushy terrain hoping to
19:10 find something to catch or shoot.
19:12 After a few minutes of walking around aimlessly and searching for their next "game", they
19:17 unexpectedly encounter a giant elephant silently grazing.
19:33 They decide to approach it slowly and eventually get too close for comfort, annoying and angering
19:38 the otherwise gentle giant. As soon as the animal senses danger, it snaps and does something
19:45 that will surely give you chills rushing down your spine.
20:01 The animal remains cautious and runs away after the bluff charge, which gives the hunters
20:06 the chance to record and admire its grandeur.
20:09 They consider themselves lucky and decide not to push it further.
20:15 This terrifying video opens by showing us a bobcat stuck in a leg hold trap that was
20:21 set up by the person recording the encounter.
20:23 He then proceeds to try and lock the animal using a catch pole, leading to this to happen.
20:40 The man and the predator struggle for a few minutes, but when the cat starts to slowly
20:44 lose consciousness, he does this.
20:57 After releasing the animal, he wakes it up, which proves to be a big mistake when it decides
21:02 to do this.
21:13 Thankfully both parties remain unharmed throughout this petrifying and stunning encounter.
21:21 The clip begins with a man already high up in a tree recording a bobcat approaching him
21:27 from beneath.
21:28 Bobcats are known to be excellent tree climbers, so when the predator starts to look up at
21:32 him, the camera starts to shake, indicating panic.
21:36 Without a safe way to escape the encounter, the man is left stuck and what happens next
21:41 will send chills down your spine.
21:54 The clip suddenly cuts and we're not given the chance to see what happens next.
22:00 This encounter begins by showing us a group of tourists taking pictures and videos of
22:05 a giant elephant up close.
22:18 Despite an African elephant being 4 meters tall on average, the group still chooses to
22:23 be only a few inches away from this magnificent creature.
22:28 Moments later, the animal suddenly turns its attention towards them and proceeds to do
22:32 something that can make even the strongest man flee in fear.
22:47 After the bluff charge, the safari guide readies his gun in case things get out of hand.
22:53 Standing their ground seemed to work, and they got to live another day.
22:59 This next terrorizing video shows a man recording a large moose shedding its antlers as he observes
23:06 it from afar.
23:15 With curiosity getting the best of him, he walks closer to the animal to get a better
23:20 view.
23:31 Moments later, while getting it on tape up close, the large moose finally has enough
23:37 and decides to do this.
23:53 Things become chaotic and shaky as we hear the hunter scream and try to scare away the
23:58 moose with loud vocalizations.
24:01 The clip cuts with the man recording himself showing he was unharmed by the attack.
24:08 The clip starts off with a man recording a large black bear approaching him during his
24:14 hike in the snowy mountains of Oregon.
24:22 At first his voice sounds relaxed and calm, but this quickly changes when the bear decides
24:28 to do this.
24:39 It's a good thing that black bears are less aggressive than brown bears, or else it would
24:44 have been a completely different story.
24:46 Thinking the bear has already backed up, the man checks his surroundings again, only to
24:51 find this.
25:03 Thankfully the animal backs away and leaves him unharmed during the encounter.
25:09 Filmed in Iowa, this extremely unsettling interaction starts on a high note with a large
25:15 buck approaching two hunters quite aggressively.
25:29 Despite the rather low risk of attack, the men decide not to take chances and ready their
25:33 rifles as the large herbivore hangs around.
25:49 At some point the animal seemingly gets intrigued by the decoy previously set up by the hunters,
25:55 which leads to this confrontation.
26:08 They eventually let the deer walk away, avoiding a dangerous fight.
26:15 This video shows a pair of hunters stalking an enormous black bear during a hunt in the
26:28 forest.
26:30 The large predator spots them, despite their best efforts to hide from it, and proceeds
26:35 to do this.
26:47 The men quickly draw their guns and point them at the charging animal, making it run
26:51 away and disappear into the trees.
26:53 Fortunately for both of them, the bear retreated and never bothered them again.
26:59 The next terrifying video shows a man recording his point of view during his turkey hunting
27:05 expedition.
27:07 Seconds later he looks to his right, trying to scout for prey, and is surprised to see
27:11 something creeping up towards him from the tree line.
27:20 Remaining as still as possible and hoping for the best, the hunter gets the scare of
27:25 his life after the stalker decides to do this.
27:39 The bobcat runs away a few meters, but he remains focused on it, ready to defend himself
27:45 at any moment.
27:46 Fortunately, the predator disappears, and he gets to hunt another day.
27:52 At the beginning of the video, a group of hunters can be seen waiting for a small herd
27:56 of cape buffalo to finish passing through.
28:09 While passing through, one of the animals notices the hunters and looks at them, but
28:14 continues walking forward.
28:26 A couple of steps later he looks at them again, and proceeds to do something unexpected.
28:42 A cape buffalo can run up to 35 miles per hour, so it can close the distance between
28:48 them extremely quickly.
28:49 Unfortunately, the clip ends before we find out what happened next.
