30 Times Hunters Messed With The Wrong Animals (Part 2)

  • last year
00:00 This final and most intense encounter begins with a bowhunter stalking a large bear, staying
00:09 out of sight as much as possible.
00:21 At first, the bear does not see him, but as soon as it catches the hunter's scent with
00:26 its excellent sense of smell, it starts to come closer.
00:40 Having come just inches away from a potentially fatal encounter, they somehow make it out
00:46 fine.
00:48 This clip starts with a group of hunters along with their dogs trying to find and locate
00:53 a wild hog in a dense Scandinavian woodland.
00:57 Moments after the hounds are sent to search for the boar, they suddenly start barking
01:02 hysterically.
01:12 After locating the boar, one of the hunters gets the chance to shoot, but what happens
01:16 next is not what they wanted.
01:29 Thankfully no one was seriously injured and the hunt ended successfully.
01:36 Filmed in Zimbabwe, things pick up by showing an armed man standing up to an angry female
01:42 lion blocking his path.
01:54 The woman recording the video, as well as the other tourists, begin to slowly backtrack
01:59 their way out of there as the lioness shows absolutely no sign of backing down.
02:15 A few minutes into the standoff, the animal decides to do something that will surely send
02:20 chills down your spine.
02:34 The video cuts, but it seems like the predator was bluffing after all.
02:41 Filmed in Idaho, this next shocking video begins intensely with an elk hunter recording
02:47 himself being stalked by a hungry mountain lion.
02:51 He slowly backs up while pointing his pistol directly at the predator in case it decides
02:56 to jump on him.
03:08 These animals can jump as far as 40 feet, so as seen in this encounter, the man is only
03:13 one pounce away from trouble.
03:15 A few seconds later, the man runs out of patience, which results in this frightening moment.
03:31 Despite not being hit by the warning shots, the mountain lion is now understandably more
03:37 doubtful about attacking.
03:39 In the end, the animal ultimately decides to let him go.
03:45 In the beginning of this terrifying clip, a Russian hunter can be seen pointing his
03:49 gun towards a large figure hiding behind dense bushes.
04:02 After the first charge, the man keeps his gun pointed towards the bear, which proves
04:07 to be the right choice.
04:20 It is later revealed that the animal was simply being protective of her cubs, which explains
04:26 her aggressive behavior.
04:27 Miraculously, the man walks away unharmed.
04:33 This video captures a short yet very intense encounter with a wild hog, beginning with
04:39 the man recording his dog biting on its neck.
04:42 The hog in the video might look small, but shouldn't be underestimated as this is one
04:47 of the most dangerous animals in the wild.
04:55 Fortunately, his dogs save him from further injuries as they proceed to hold it down.
05:08 At the beginning of this next frightening encounter, a hunter can be seen recording
05:12 himself sneaking up behind a feeding moose.
05:16 As soon as the animal notices his presence, it gives him a taste of what it can do.
05:31 Despite its large stature, the man seems to be unafraid of the moose and proceeds to walk
05:36 towards it.
05:48 Moose will charge and kick in order to protect themselves, so this man approaching a wild
05:54 moose will surely not end well.
05:57 After walking to the animal, he looks away for a split second, giving the herbivore the
06:01 perfect chance to strike.
06:18 The clip sadly ends there, and what happens after that is not clear.
06:24 Filmed in Scandinavia, things start off right away with a man recording two large bears
06:30 running around.
06:31 At first he stands his ground, but out of nowhere one of the predators turns its attention
06:36 toward him.
06:46 The next few seconds of the video are pure chaos as the camera shakes around while the
06:52 man can be heard screaming.
06:54 It appears he was blessed with luck on that day, since he made it out totally unharmed.
07:01 To start this encounter off, a man sitting in a tree stand records a black bear under
07:07 him when out of nowhere it does this.
07:20 Bears can climb trees extremely fast, so it doesn't take more than five seconds for
07:25 the animal to reach the hunter.
07:26 Once at the top, the predator starts to smell and inspect his things while the man tries
07:31 his best to stay calm and collected.
07:44 The video ends by showing the bear climbing back down, leaving the hunter alone.
07:49 Three men dressed in hunting gear can be seen in the video already stalking something
07:56 in the forest.
08:03 They suddenly stop, appearing to hear something from the trees as the cameraman proceeds to
08:08 point at something.
08:19 They try to take pictures of what they saw, but they lose their chance and run for their
08:24 lives after what happens next.
08:32 Thankfully, the bear doesn't charge at them and runs to disappear into the forest again.
08:45 At the beginning of this clip, a man on an elk hunt in Arizona can be seen recording
08:50 an elk yelling just a few yards away.
09:01 Elk often scream when they are looking for a mate, or when they're trying to show other
09:05 animals in the area their dominance.
09:08 This is already bad news for the hunter, but things get a lot worse when the animal gets
09:13 defensive.
09:24 Now just a few feet away, there is nothing stopping the elk from charging at him with
09:29 its sharp antlers.
09:31 Hoping for the best, he remains still, trying not to anger or agitate the animal even more.
09:40 Thankfully, his plan works and the animal walks away.
09:53 Here a dog can be seen chasing a large moose around the Swedish wilderness while this hunter
09:59 records from a distance.
10:11 Despite its heavy weight and size, these herbivores can charge up to 30 miles an hour, so this
10:18 hunter definitely isn't taking any chances.
10:21 He tries to shout at the animal to scare it away, but without success.
10:35 After the missed shot, it runs away immediately, while stumbling around, which allows the dog
10:41 to get back on the chase.
10:45 This next video shows a man recording a large boar emerging from the trees and charging
10:51 right for his car.
11:03 Despite the stocky frame of a wild boar, these animals can run extremely fast, able to reach
11:09 speeds of 25 miles per hour.
11:12 In the next shot, we can see the man's hunting dog coming out of the trees as well, and bravely
11:17 starting to chase the boar around.
11:30 Moments later, the dog and the boar unfortunately disappear into the trees as the video ends.
11:38 A few people can be seen walking with two armed men in the first part of this video,
11:44 most likely trying to track and observe lions.
11:57 A lion's light brown coat allows the animal to camouflage flawlessly in their habitat,
12:03 so unsurprisingly the group's search takes a while.
12:06 They eventually come across a large male lion who was just patrolling the area, giving them
12:13 the chance to take pictures and videos.
12:26 Now face to face with a fearsome predator, and armed with only single shot rifles, the
12:32 two men are tested to their limits when this happens.
12:47 Fortunately it was only a bluff charge, and the group remains safe.
12:53 The next shocking animal encounter starts off with a Scandinavian hunter recording his
12:58 two dogs harassing and barking at some moose.
13:12 Moose are normally docile and not aggressive towards other animals and humans, but when
13:17 harassed it's a totally different story.
13:20 The dogs continue barking and position themselves closer to the moose when suddenly one of the
13:26 herbivores from the herd snaps.
13:39 The moose doesn't continue the charge and retreats shortly after avoiding a potentially
13:44 brutal encounter.
13:48 Filmed in Portland, Victoria, Australia, this next video displays two men trying to hunt
13:54 fish with spears being circled by a lone, curious, seven-gilled shark.
14:00 The men try to scare away the shark by hitting it lightly and pointing their weapons at it,
14:05 but to no avail.
14:17 The predator continues to bother them, despite their best efforts, proving that sharks are
14:21 both intelligent yet curious animals.
14:24 A few minutes later, while attempting to drive the animal away, something happens that instantly
14:30 makes the situation more dangerous.
14:43 The agitated shark wiggles around with its mouth open, which makes the situation more
14:48 dire as one accidental bite could seriously injure the divers.
14:53 Thankfully, according to the owner of the video, they managed to escape unscathed.
14:58 Last, but not least, this heart-racing footage picks up with a group of hunters scouting
15:05 for bears in Alaska.
15:18 After noticing them, the large brown bear begins to approach, and when it gets too close,
15:24 they are left with no choice but to do this.
15:37 Warning shots will often send bears running away, but this one decides to climb uphill,
15:43 resulting in this terrifying standoff.
15:51 Thankfully, the bear lets them back away slowly until they all make it out okay.
16:06 The clip opens with two men recording a mountain lion stalking them from the side, while on
16:12 a seemingly peaceful bow hunt.
16:24 The predator is hard to see since it camouflages extremely well in the terrain, while also
16:29 being unbelievably stealthy.
16:31 They continue to record the animal, while also staring at it, in order to avoid triggering
16:37 its instinct to ambush unsuspecting prey.
16:50 The whole encounter is nerve-wracking and suspenseful due to the wild animal's unpredictable
16:56 nature, along with its superior physical attributes.
17:00 The clip luckily ends with the mountain lion disappearing into the tall and dense bushes.
17:07 This clip shows two bears below some hunters sitting in their tree stand, but not even
17:12 a few seconds after the recording starts, something petrifying happens.
17:27 The bear climbs up to them in less than five seconds, showcasing these animals' spectacular
17:32 tree climbing ability.
17:34 The men sit as still as possible, hoping not to anger or startle the predator that is biting
17:40 distance away from them.
17:53 After the panic has left the bear's system, it finally spots the two humans, which makes
17:58 for a very terrifying experience.
18:11 The clip cuts short, but it seems like the bear went down eventually.
18:17 This recording starts with a hunter recording a curious bobcat approaching his tree stand.
18:28 Surprisingly, he lets the whole encounter play out and doesn't stop the potentially
18:38 very dangerous animal from climbing further.
18:52 Bobcats are proficient climbers and will climb trees to rest, escape from danger, or even
18:57 hunt for their food.
18:59 However, it is unclear what motivates this specific bobcat.
19:13 After he says a single word, the animal proceeds to run away immediately.
19:20 Recorded from a camera attached to a hunting dog, the video begins with the animal sniffing
19:25 the ground, trying to track a scent it picked up.
19:38 The dog maneuvers through the forest, laser focused on tracking the scent and discovering
19:43 what's behind it.
19:45 Finally, the animal finds its target, and it's definitely not something you'd want
19:50 to encounter in the woods.
20:03 The dog barks at the bear for almost a full hour, further proving the fact that dogs do
20:08 not get physically tired of barking.
20:20 Unfortunately the clip cuts short, and what happens to the dog afterwards is unknown.
20:27 An enormous black bear staring down two hunters can be seen opening this intense and terrifying
20:35 close call.
20:46 One of the hunters tries scaring the predator, but it only serves to anger it even more.
21:01 Even though his shot missed by a few inches, the bear is still scared back into the forest.
21:09 Taking place in Canada, this encounter shows a black bear trying to climb up this hunter's
21:14 tree stand, either out of curiosity or hunger.
21:24 However, it seems to change its mind at the last minute and decides to go for the hunter's
21:34 friend instead.
21:36 Black bears are expert climbers and have the potential to climb up a tree in seconds.
21:52 Thankfully the hunter doesn't hesitate to show dominance over the predator and scare
21:57 it away.
21:58 Here, two young men can be seen driving a truck trying to locate a badger that was tasked
22:05 for them to relocate to another area.
22:08 After a few minutes of driving around, they eventually locate the animal and they waste
22:13 no time trying to capture it.
22:25 The badger has the potential to be an utterly ruthless and aggressive animal, so it's impressive
22:31 how comfortable they seem to feel.
22:33 After a while, the man goes back to his truck to get a large piece of cloth in hopes of
22:38 making his task easier.
22:51 Even though he manages to subdue the animal with the help of his cloth, the hardest part
22:56 will be actually putting the animal inside the cage.
23:05 Fortunately, they successfully capture and relocate the badger to another area.
23:17 At the beginning of this encounter, a spear-hunting diver can be seen following a sea snake, trying
23:24 to get a good look at it.
23:25 While pointing his weapon at the animal, it suddenly changes direction and proceeds to
23:30 do the most frightening thing ever.
23:42 The diver flails and kicks around to drive the snake away, surely knowing that all species
23:48 of sea snakes are extremely venomous.
24:01 After the attack, he can be seen composing himself and looking down to see if the snake
24:06 is still around.
24:07 The clip ends there, but it is assumed the diver made it out unharmed.
24:14 Even during a hunting video, this clip begins with the man being recorded preparing to shoot
24:19 a large black bear sitting in a tree.
24:33 While this is going on, another hunter is stationed right under the tree, just in case
24:38 they need him.
24:39 After preparing, the man finally decides it's time to take his shot, however, things don't
24:44 go quite as planned.
24:57 After missing his first shot, the bear jumped down the tree and started chasing the unlucky
25:02 hunter nearby.
25:03 The video ends abruptly, so it is unclear what the outcome was.
25:09 Filmed in Oregon, this encounter opens with two men recording their turkey hunting experience
25:15 on a trail surrounded with dense vegetation and tall trees.
25:19 While searching for turkeys to hunt, they stumble upon fresh cougar tracks, which interests
25:25 them.
25:36 After tracing the tracks, they end up on an open spot uphill, where they saw the cougar
25:41 off camera.
25:42 These predators are very agile and stealthy, so they have a hard time spotting it again.
25:49 However, they eventually hear this coming out of the bushes.
26:03 Still unable to see the predator, they prepare for the worst by aiming their firearm, eventually
26:09 deciding to take no chances.
26:22 The cougar never shows itself, and they are luckily able to go home safe.
26:28 The video opens by showing us two bears, very intent on investigating a man staying in a
26:35 tree stand while on a bow hunting trip.
26:37 At first, only one of the predators can be seen in the video, and the man already has
26:42 his bear spray aimed at the animal.
26:55 Black bears are naturally curious creatures, so he understandably tries his best not to
27:00 startle the predator.
27:13 The second bear seems to be the bravest of the two, as it makes the most frightening
27:18 move a hunter could ever dream of.
27:33 The bear spray saves the hunters from an otherwise brutal outcome.
27:40 This next clip opens in the most terror-striking way possible, and it is something you should
27:46 see for yourself.
27:53 Surprisingly, the armed man manages to stop the charging elephant by only using his hand.
28:04 What's even more surprising is the fact that the elephant seems to fear the man, despite
28:09 towering over him.
28:21 Elephants are clever animals, and are not easily blinded by rage.
28:26 Maybe that is why it does not try to attack again.
28:29 The herbivore eventually decides to retreat back into the forest, ending the encounter.
