Elevating Your Tailgate with La Brea Bakery and The Grill Dads

  • last year
Mark and Fey, The Grill Dads, give tips on how to elevate tailgate parties this football season with a Grilled Italian Hoagie on La Brea Bakery Three Cheese Semolina and The Super Duper Steak Sammy on a La Brea Bakery Demi Glace Baguebe. The breads are available throughout Arizona at select supermarkets. Learn more at https://labreabakery.com
00:00 There are two things that go together like hot dogs and baseball or football and burgers.
00:06 That is grillie and dads.
00:07 And we got both here with us with the grill dads.
00:09 It's Mark and Fay with this famous book right here that I've been studying.
00:13 I've been working on.
00:14 I've been excited about this.
00:16 You don't understand when Le Bray Bakery said, hey, would you like to have the grill dads?
00:20 I was like bread and grilling and dads, right?
00:24 You're all good.
00:25 It all goes together.
00:26 That's amazing.
00:27 And the problem I'm having is actually how to make a sandwich because I usually like
00:30 cut out the bread and just make a soup bowl.
00:32 But then I saw what you guys did.
00:33 You're like, no, there's sandwiches we can do.
00:35 We can do meat and everything.
00:36 So Mark and Fay here is with us.
00:38 Before we get to this, let's talk about how you became grill dads.
00:41 It's not just because of our kids.
00:43 You know, we have our kids and there's dads that don't even know what a grill is.
00:46 That's true.
00:47 There's dads that never even like, you know, they at the party, they look and go, oh, that's
00:50 nice.
00:51 But then when you see one, when you work on one, when you cook on one, everything's out
00:55 the window, right?
00:56 You get that primal feedback from the fire and you're just instantly addicted.
01:00 Yeah.
01:01 And then when you and then when you put your first piece of meat on there and you see it
01:04 like be made, you're like addicted.
01:06 I can't stop anymore.
01:08 I'm in trouble like every that's 120 degrees outside.
01:10 I'm out there on that griddle cooking, doing everything.
01:12 You might be the superior grill dad if you're out there at 120 degrees cooking.
01:16 I got to tell you, Mark and I are not doing that.
01:18 We'll go to zero degrees.
01:19 But 120?
01:20 No, 120 we're not touching.
01:21 We'll be inside.
01:22 Well, what's important about, of course, being a grill dad and that is taking care of the
01:25 whole family.
01:26 That's right.
01:27 Again, some things that dads like to eat, the kids might not eat.
01:29 And you two actually have daughters.
01:31 We have a son.
01:32 Yes.
01:33 And so and that's important because different taste buds, different things going on.
01:37 So you're going to show us how we can maybe pretty much feed the family in a great little
01:40 way.
01:41 Yeah.
01:42 No, we're going to start with a couple of things.
01:43 We actually did sandwiches today.
01:44 La Brea Bakery.
01:45 The thing we love about this bread, it is absolutely fail safe.
01:48 It grills better than any bread we've ever used.
01:51 So that's what we love about it.
01:52 We love the grill bread.
01:53 Yes.
01:54 So we're going to put a little bit of mayo on there, put it right on the grate.
01:55 You get this delicious color, a little bit of smoke, maybe.
01:58 But Mark's going to go in and start with this ultimate steak Sammy we've got here.
02:02 All right.
02:03 So the bread is the alpha and the omega of the sandwich, right?
02:05 Yes.
02:06 It starts with it.
02:07 It ends with it.
02:08 And you can't fix a sandwich with bad bread by putting good stuff inside.
02:12 So that's why we love La Brea.
02:14 Look at these sauce pockets.
02:18 These pockets from this 30 year old starter are going to hold every little bit of this
02:21 mojo.
02:22 So let me get started.
02:23 You're going to hold every bit of the light.
02:24 Exactly.
02:25 I'll show you the sauce.
02:26 Mojo dejo.
02:27 So you do a little bit of neutral oil when you're grilling bread.
02:30 Other olive oil has a low smoke point and you don't want to burn the bread.
02:34 No butter.
02:36 No butter.
02:37 You don't need to do that with this bread.
02:38 The taste and the flavor and the texture.
02:40 Remember, they've been doing this the same way for like 30 years.
02:42 And by the way, you can get this stuff locally, which is awesome at Fry's and Safeway.
02:46 Right.
02:47 So this is the kind of bread.
02:48 It's so simple to use.
02:49 A little bit of oil on the grill.
02:50 Done.
02:51 All right.
02:52 Let's make this epic sauce.
02:53 So the mojo dejo.
02:54 We've got garlic that we roasted with olive oil in the grill.
02:57 So again, orange juice.
02:58 Everything ends with grill.
02:59 Everything ends with grill.
03:00 There you go.
03:01 You're right.
03:02 Grapefruit juice.
03:03 Grill.
03:04 Can we just say that?
03:05 Ready?
03:06 I want to say grilled oregano, but I really wasn't.
03:09 Go ahead.
03:10 Grilled oregano.
03:11 Grill.
03:12 And then we have some lime that should have been grilled.
03:14 There you go.
03:15 Just so we can say grill.
03:16 We're having a drinking game at home.
03:17 Every time we say grill, you must take a little drink.
03:19 We got a couple of beers in there.
03:20 This is the simplest sauce.
03:22 OK.
03:23 So you just take a recipe and put it on everything for two weeks.
03:24 Yeah.
03:25 In fact, it's really going on eggs.
03:26 In fact, if you're making like a really cool like, you know, piece of bread in the morning,
03:30 like a baguette, put an egg on there and this mojo dejo sauce, it's delicious.
03:33 All right.
03:34 So you make that and then I'm going to skip over to the other one because you actually
03:37 have to whisk in the oil.
03:39 OK.
03:40 You don't want to put olive oil in with an immersion blender.
03:42 Why is that, Mark?
03:43 Because it'll break down the proteins and actually make it bitter.
03:44 There you go.
03:45 We don't like a bitter sauce.
03:46 So we do that and then we whisk it in afterwards.
03:48 OK.
03:49 Sorry about whoever's speaking.
03:50 And this is why we don't help the kids with science.
03:52 No, no, we do not.
03:54 This is all like a science project.
03:56 We have our grilled bread.
03:57 All right.
03:58 Well, you do this all the time.
03:59 You grill.
04:00 You're no, I'm going to.
04:01 Yeah.
04:02 So I am not.
04:03 No, I'm going to.
04:04 Like I said, you just take the bread, cut it out and put the soup in.
04:06 No, no, no.
04:07 Now I'm going to take the bread home.
04:08 Yes.
04:09 Like, yes, like Lily.
04:10 I mean, there's all many.
04:11 There's so many great varieties of bread.
04:12 It's coming up.
04:13 I'm going to finish this.
04:14 All right.
04:15 So go ahead.
04:16 So here we go.
04:17 One important thing with the flank steak.
04:18 We did this with our Mexican chocolate and chili rub.
04:21 And you want to cut it against the grain.
04:23 And if you do it super tender, if not, it's going to be the worst thing.
04:26 Yes.
04:27 So we've got our steak.
04:29 It's very beautiful sandwich.
04:30 You mean, Mark?
04:31 Thank you.
04:32 So as you're putting it, how long you two been doing this together?
04:33 Well, we've been actually cooking for, gosh, almost 20 years.
04:37 We've known each other for 26 years, but we've been grilled dads officially for like five
04:41 and a half years.
04:42 And it was we're in advertising and marketing before.
04:44 So like this, when we started to find out that we weren't really good at our previous
04:47 jobs and we were OK at this, that's why we decided to become grilled dads.
04:50 OK, guys, check this out.
04:51 This is provoleta.
04:52 Oh, so this is grilled provolone cheese.
04:56 Oh, wow.
04:57 Oh, I got to get that pan.
05:01 I got to do so.
05:02 Glow cast iron skillet.
05:03 Yes.
05:04 Put them right into the grill, which is amazing.
05:05 Love it.
05:06 All right.
05:07 So got one.
05:08 Oh, my God.
05:09 So we have to wrap up very quickly.
05:10 How much time can we waste?
05:11 Can we drop something for later?
05:12 Because we're all right.
05:13 Well, that's easy.
05:14 One done.
05:15 Yeah, we're just going to add our whole segment.
05:16 So there you go.
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