Klopp on Liverpool's late 2-1 comeback win at Newcastle

  • last year
Klopp on Liverpool's late 2-1 comeback win at Newcastle
00:00 Can I get my boots on?
00:02 What does the finish say about the spirit and determination amongst your players?
00:07 Yeah, for today, absolutely everything.
00:11 I think in my more than 1,000 games as a coach,
00:16 I managed to say it, but I think it's a bit of a shame.
00:20 I think it's a shame, but I'm happy.
00:24 In my more than 1,000 games as a coach, I managed to say I never had a game like this.
00:31 That's the truth. Not that we never turned games, we did that,
00:35 but with 10 men in an atmosphere like this against an opponent like this...
00:40 Not only that I can't remember, I'm pretty sure it never happened,
00:45 because these moments are rare and super special.
00:49 But I thought the boys deserved it today, because with 10 men we played better
00:56 and gave Newcastle a proper game.
00:58 Before that it was a bit wild, with opposite vantages for Newcastle, with the 1-0.
01:03 We didn't play calm enough, we felt under pressure where we wouldn't have to.
01:07 In half-time we showed the boys one offensive situation,
01:14 where Trent passed the ball behind the line to Cody Gagpo,
01:18 where he comes from the left wing into the right,
01:21 where we can just get into their box and have a finishing situation.
01:27 Two things were clear in half-time, we cannot concede a second.
01:32 Oh, three things have to be clear.
01:34 Trent cannot get another yellow card, we cannot concede a second,
01:39 and if that happens then we have a chance.
01:42 And that's what the boys obviously...
01:48 They were ready to work super hard, and in the other moments they had...
01:52 I think before the Arvind score we had already chances,
01:56 like what I remember now, Diogo passed to Mo, which is unfortunate.
02:03 But we had our moments, that's important.
02:06 I think a year ago we were in a similar situation, we were tuned up and then red card,
02:11 and from that moment on we didn't play football anymore.
02:14 So it's obviously difficult, it's not that easy,
02:17 and I can imagine how Eddie and Jukkas are feeling now,
02:20 but these things happen, but usually they win anyway.
02:23 But that didn't happen today because my boys kept believing,
02:27 and I'm really happy with that.
02:29 Jürgen, obviously he'll be new now, he gets all the headlines,
02:32 but the game seemed to turn when Elliot and Jota came on,
02:35 so these teams seem to take the same.
02:39 The other boys just worked extremely hard, that's super intense for so long,
02:44 and we thought we'd make the changes early to do that, and that's why...
02:51 Yeah, it's like that. Diogo is a top player, he was ill two days ago,
02:57 he might have started or not, who knows?
02:59 But there's a top player coming on and Jave throws his heart on the pitch to help this team.
03:05 After an exchange he played even a double six when we brought in Darwin,
03:11 a position in a game like this he didn't play often, we are pretty sure.
03:16 Yeah, you're right, Darwin gets the headlines, rightly so,
03:20 because whatever we did before, if he's not doing that,
03:24 we're sitting here playing a good game, losing 1-0 and going home with 0 points,
03:28 it's a completely different feeling.
03:30 That's how it looked, I think, pretty long.
03:33 The Newcastle didn't get through really, but we had...
03:37 I think it was the Diogo Mo situation,
03:41 when everybody in the stadium thought, "Oops, we have to be careful there as well."
03:45 Until then it was just possession and we had our little moments.
03:49 So, super special for us today, super special.
03:52 Has Nuna done enough to start the next game?
03:54 I never made the decision about the line-up a week before the game, we will see.
03:59 But we can have worse arguments, I would say.
04:02 Jürgen, what did you say to Darwin when he came on,
04:05 and what do you think that match-winning contribution could do for him going forward?
04:10 Definitely what I said, Darwin has no influence on his performance.
04:16 But Pat Linders can speak to him and that's what he did,
04:22 and I just give him a hug and encourage him to go out there and fight for the team.
04:27 So that's it, but there's nothing else.
04:29 Darwin was like that, we had that before, he's not happy for not starting.
04:33 So that's how it is, but in this early stages of the season somebody cannot start,
04:38 you cannot have 11 players and play them all the time.
04:41 So we need to find stability, the discussions just start too early.
04:45 I don't know if the public discusses it, but of course players are not happy.
04:50 After the international break, we play every three days, nobody can play all the games,
04:54 so we have to make sure we have different options to go for,
04:58 we need to create a new way to play football.
05:02 And of course Darwin can be a super part of that,
05:06 his key strengths are exceptional, absolutely, but we need to find stability as well.
05:12 So for him everything will be fine, it's just maybe it had to be like this.
05:20 If he wouldn't have been that angry and started the game today,
05:23 he wouldn't have scored in the last six minutes or whatever.
05:27 So let's take it like that.
05:30 Can you describe your emotion when he fell when that second goal went in?
05:35 No, nowadays I don't celebrate these goals too much anymore,
05:41 because I was not sure if there was a penalty...
05:44 Oh, no, sorry, offside, oh, yeah, again.
05:47 Offside or whatever, I was pretty sure there was no offside, but anyhow.
05:52 Then a minute or so later, when I think the out-check was over,
05:57 the boys heard it on the touchline behind me, and they were really celebrating,
06:01 and then I felt massive relief.
06:05 How I said, half-time, the way we played after the red card
06:11 gave us the feeling we can do something here.
06:16 If we don't concede, stay calm, play, defend with passion,
06:21 play with an idea, we have a chance to get a point here.
06:25 And we have a point, obviously, and we are going to do well as the winners.
06:29 Can you describe the spirit you've got on this team?
06:33 No, I don't know, we have to create a spirit, that's how it is,
06:38 we are early, it's early in the season, the atmosphere,
06:41 the understanding of the boys is super.
06:43 We are top camps, that's all great, but the spirit is something different,
06:46 so it's what you make of it.
06:48 Do I like that we have two games with ten men? No.
06:51 Probably Ibu Kunat's injury is because we had ten men against Bournemouth,
06:54 that's the truth, because it wasn't too intense.
06:56 It's not a massive injury, but it's a little bit,
06:58 and I will see what we have today, 70 minutes in a Premier League.
07:01 Did you hear a lot that that leads to a turnaround in a game?
07:05 I can't remember it.
07:07 But big stories need key moments, and we will see what it is.
07:13 I cannot sit here and think, "OK, that's it, now we know how it goes."
07:17 No, we are fresh, we have new key players in the team,
07:20 and we have to create key moments, and this today was definitely a key moment,
07:25 and that's why I'm pretty happy.
07:27 What would you take up to in your decision to try and get Alexander-Arnold?
07:33 As an observation, just as an observation, not sending off.
07:37 No, I wanted not.
07:39 Yeah, you wanted him to get a sending off.
07:41 No, I wanted it.
07:43 Yeah, no. OK, that's an observation.
07:47 It's a foul on Trent Alexander-Arnold, which is not given.
07:51 Forza Fil says to me, "Yes, it's a foul."
07:55 Ref doesn't give it, and then Trent kicks the ball away.
07:59 His fault, bam, yellow.
08:01 Next situation is the thing, if you want a second yellow, if he gives it, he gives it.
08:06 But I didn't think it is.
08:08 You need to have this little space to keep a game going.
08:13 Take him off, send half off, and then watch the curiosity of a football game.
08:18 I'm not sure how it should be.
08:21 What about Van Dijk?
08:23 I don't think it's a red card, there's pretty much no contact,
08:28 very little, and it's on its way to the ball, but what can I say?
08:32 The decision is like this, and I cannot change it and I don't want it,
08:36 it's just... Would I be slitting a training game? Definitely not.
08:42 But there are reasons why I'm not a ref, and they are.
08:46 Jürgen, you called up Joe Matips not the end of the season,
08:51 is the team...
08:53 No, no. He looked...
08:56 The big man looked a bit...tired.
09:00 Let me say it like this, long ago the boys played at full 90 minutes,
09:04 these kind of things, Jordy played at 70, and we have Kwanzaa.
09:10 That's great, he's a real talent, he's played two really good passes,
09:15 super important passes, I would say.
09:17 Defensively we needed luck a little bit, we were a bit too deep,
09:21 a bit too passive so they could shoot, but we had Ali.
09:24 Yeah, besides the results, a few nice stories,
09:28 and bringing Kwanzaa on is one of them.
09:32 OK, thank you very much.
09:34 See you.
09:35 See you.
