Meet the stripper that sells her used heels to random men making double what she paid for them

  • last year
A stripper sells her smelly used heels online to random men - and makes double what she paid for them.

Leah Beth, 25, works as an exotic dancer in a strip club in Magaluf, Mallorca, Spain - and gets through a lot of heels doing it.

She used to bin her shoes when they got worn and smelly - until she realised that could become a side hustle for her.

For the past year, Leah has been putting her smelly second-hand heels on Vinted.

She says men rush to purchase them and even say "the smellier the better" - and some even make bizarre requests such as sticking gum and cigarette butts to the bottom.

At €80 to buy new, having to replace her worn shoes every three months was a big expense, but when she now sells them on Leah makes that back instantly - and more.

Her last pair sold for €170 and she has vowed to never throw away an old pair again.

Leah, originally from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, said: "Working as a stripper, I wear them for hours and hours and eventually they stink.

"It's such an ongoing expense - continuously buying these shoes.

"When I realised there were people out there actually looking for dirty smelly shoes, I started putting them up for sale.

"I don't make thousands from it but why spend money on new shoes when you can get them for free, with a bit extra too?

"It never occurred to me before but now I'm thinking, I've been dancing for seven years - all those shoes I've thrown away over the years that I could have sold."

Leah first noticed there might be a market for smelly old shoes after uploading some normal clothes to Vinted a year ago.

She started getting messages asking if she had any shoes to sell - and it became clear there was a demand.

Having sold just a handful of pairs so far, in each case it only took a matter of hours for interest to flood in.

She says people ask her how many times they've been worn - because for them, the smellier the shoes, the more appealing they are.

One man inquiring about a pair recently on sale asked if she would stick a piece of chewing gum and a cigarette butt to the bottom of them.

She said: "He said he wanted to chew the gum.

"I said he'd have to pay an extra €50 for it and left a note when I sold the shoes saying 'eat your dinner'."

While she sells her old club heels on an as-and-when basis, she has an arrangement in place with one man who likes second-hand trainers.

Whenever Leah needs a new pair, he'll pay for them for her - if she sends him her old sweaty ones in return.

She said: "I just have to promise I don't wash them.

"He's so chuffed with that arrangement too - he believes he has the better end of the deal.

"I'm financially comfortable but you can never have too much money."

Sometimes she gets timewasters who pretend to be interested, just to speak to her.

To combat this she speaks bluntly to ensure the conversation won't stray beyond the business transaction - and has no problem ghosting people.

While she has no intention of making it into a full-time business, she encourages other women to hunt in their wardrobes.

She said: "There are people who might want to put more time and energy into it.

"There's room to go into selling things like gym trainers, socks, pantyhose.

"Or I do also get a lot of requests for pictures and videos of my feet, walking around, getting them dirty - even stepping in cake.

"Once you get past the fact it's kink and fetish content, it's just like walking along the beach barefoot."
00:00 let's get the shoes. Why were they outside? Because they fucking stink. Why were they
00:05 in this bag? Because I have also put with them some sweaty gym clothes in the bag
00:13 and stuck them on the balcony in the Sun for like extra ripeness. These are them.
00:19 Yeah I really did wear them until they looked like that like you can't say that
00:23 I don't work for my money. Side note I do also have a fungal cream on hand for my
00:29 feet and between my toes and stuff just in case of trench foot. So yeah these are
00:34 them and the person that is buying them was particularly interested in the
00:37 bottoms of the oh hello the bottoms of the shoes the soles they wanted the
00:43 soles to be dirty which they are. As part of the sale of the shoe I will also
00:47 include to an extent content. Proof of wear some people just want to see a
00:54 picture that you had the shoes on you know I could just walk into any strip
00:58 club all around the world and there would be discarded shoes in there that
01:01 no one's worn for years and no one's claimed and I could just take them and
01:04 sell them and claim them as mine and people don't like that obviously they
01:08 want an authentic product. In this case the request of content was for me to
01:12 crush a cigarette with one of the shoes and stamping some chewed up chewing gum
01:19 with the other shoe. I've already told them that I'm not gonna show my face in
01:24 it I'm not gonna speak in the content but I'll just do a video showing them
01:27 that I am doing this and then the shoes will arrive with them with like the
01:32 cigarette butt and the chewing gum attached. I don't smoke so this is just
01:36 gonna be so dirty. I'm thinking if I cut it with scissors to like here and then
01:41 light it and then I only have to take like a couple of pulls and it seems like
01:44 a smoked cigarette because I think the plan is to eat like they wanted me to
01:49 tell them to eat it and I said I wouldn't speak in the content but I will
01:52 leave them a note saying like here's your dinner or something but like I
01:55 don't wanna make them eat a full cigarette so maybe like there. I hope
02:00 they aren't fussy on chewing gum because I'm a child and I don't use mint chewing
02:03 gum so I have strawberry. I don't want to put my feet in them. I do not want to put
02:09 my feet in there. I'm gonna change my dress and film a part two. Let's get to
02:14 work. I can smell them from here. I'm gonna set everything up before putting them on
02:17 because they're disgusting. Luckily I have a light on my balcony but I'm also
02:21 gonna use this thing that I got on Amazon. Look at all the scars on my feet
02:25 from the pleasers. This is mixed light, this is white light and this is warm
02:30 light. The warm masks the scars best but I also don't know if like they want
02:36 scabby scarring feet. I don't think it's that important. I think the main thing is
02:40 that I have a pedicure. Yeah. I'm thinking like what if the cigarette doesn't stick
02:46 to the bottom of the shoe. I might do is do a few pieces of gum on the bottoms of
02:50 both shoes and then when I crush the cigarette then it will actually stick to
02:55 the sticky gum. I'm gonna go and put my feet in hot water while I'm chewing this
03:02 then put the shoes on. I'm gonna put a little dash of apple cider vinegar in
03:08 this water. First I don't want to dilute the smell from the shoes. People say last
03:14 time if I'm putting my clean feet in from clean water then it's gonna make
03:20 the shoes smell less smelly so. A little bit of salt to convince myself that it's
03:28 clean. Like as if adding a pinch of salt is gonna make this sanitary. Disgusting. No no no no no no no. Girl dinner.
03:39 Clipped that on there like that. Noise. I filmed the chewing gum bit and I forgot
03:48 to bring a lighter outside. Like do I walk in my house or...
03:52 Slave. I feel dizzy after those two drugs and a cigarette. Okay I plastic bagged them inside here and
04:03 then I've stuck them in the their like pleaser canvas thing. I'm gonna write a
04:08 little note now. Okay why not. It's like the opposite version of spraying a love
04:17 note with your perfume isn't it.
04:21 If you're curious about where and how I sell my old stinky shoes I will show you
04:29 in this video where I put my hands up, what I say and how they don't get taken
04:33 down. I actually just use plain old vintage. My normal account that I would
04:39 sell like normal clothes and it has photos of me in said clothes. I think it
04:46 works better to do it on a normal account on like Vinted or Depop versus
04:51 doing it like a fetishy type of account. I think the target market is men.
04:59 I'm on 8 to 10 hour shifts in a dance club in Spain every night for many months.
05:03 Never cleaned, sold a scene. DM me for more info if you know you know.
05:07 Satisfactory is like the lowest condition that you can put them under.
05:13 As you can see by the number of views and the number of people interested
05:17 there are definitely people searching for these specific things. Oh my god.
05:21 Let's have a look at the advert pictures. This is the main pic, side view and the
05:26 last picture. I feel like this one is extra important because you can see the
05:30 individual toe marks like where my feet have been sitting. Note here the price
05:35 says 120 but they sold for 170. Originally posted them at 200 and I
05:41 knocked them down like a 10 or a time or 20 quid or here or there as they got
05:47 like more favorites because it gives people notifications. I'll include photos/
05:51 videos of where I stand it with the price of the purchase but this person
05:55 wanted this specific so I sent them a price quote for if they wanted like the
06:01 bubble gum and the cigarette thing and they bought them at that price.
06:04 Something to keep in mind if you're gonna try to sell shoes that maybe
06:08 people are gonna expect proof that they were your shoes and you wore them.
06:11 Obviously Vinta don't want people using their app to sell like fetish content so if you say
06:17 something too like fetishy then they'll take your post down.
