How to prepare a funeral speech - top tips

  • last year
Claire Kenny shares her top tips for writing a speech for a funeral.
00:00 Okay, well firstly, practice, practice, practice.
00:04 That's the main thing.
00:05 You will not get very far if you don't get
00:08 really comfortable with the speech in your head.
00:12 So get kind of into a mindset where you frequently
00:14 run through it and practice it, for example,
00:17 if you're in the car, in a lift on your own,
00:19 any opportunity to run through it
00:21 and get comfortable with it.
00:23 The other thing, and the first step really,
00:25 is to draft it all out in full.
00:28 Don't worry if you're rambling.
00:31 Just get it all down on paper or type it out
00:34 on your iPad, on your phone, or on your laptop.
00:37 So that's your raw material that you need to work with.
00:41 The other tip I would say is be really kind to yourself.
00:44 So this is a big undertaking and public speaking
00:47 doesn't come naturally to everybody.
00:50 So it's okay if you don't memorise the whole speech
00:55 or use cue cards.
00:57 Decide early on if you are wanting to read it out
01:01 from a piece of paper, which is absolutely fine,
01:04 or whether you'd prefer to use kind of cue cards
01:06 with key points on them.
01:08 And if you do want to read it out in full,
01:10 that's absolutely fine.
01:12 I think the other element of being kind to yourself
01:14 as well is you're not Peter Kay.
01:16 So it's okay if your speech isn't going to win
01:20 an award in comedy.
01:23 As long as the sentiment is there,
01:25 there's a reason why you've been asked to give this speech
01:27 and it's because of who you are as a person.
01:30 So you don't have to make your speech technically wonderful
01:33 for it to be amazing.
