« Le coeur trop lourd »  Amandine Pellissard sort du silence après l'annonce du « coup de moins bie

  • last year
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« Le coeur trop lourd » : Amandine Pellissard sort du silence après l'annonce du « coup de moins bien » de Maéna

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00:00 Hard times for the Pellissar family as their little Maena celebrated her first 20 days
00:13 of life, serving as a neonate.
00:15 The young mother hardly lives the ups and downs of this fight as she explained it in
00:22 stories on Instagram on August 26.
00:26 "The past days don't look alike. Amandine and Alexandre Pellissar are probably going
00:31 through the most difficult time of their lives right now," the couple announced at the
00:39 beginning of the year, expecting their ninth child, a baby they had long desired but which
00:43 had been made to wait.
00:44 In the wake of this, the future parents had announced that their child, whose term was
00:51 set for November 18, was a little girl.
00:56 But after a few adventures, the machine stopped working, the girl is announced for the fall
01:01 to land in the middle of summer.
01:02 "We were waiting for you in November.
01:07 And here you are on August 6, 2023 at 9.22 p.m.
01:13 I hear your first cry.
01:15 You come to the world at 26 days +.
01:21 All my feelings are intertwined," her mother wrote about the one she voluntarily nicknamed
01:26 her "beater".
01:27 For Maena, a long fight for life begins.
01:33 The first two weeks are very positive despite a youth.
01:36 The pot-to-pot with her mother allows her not to break the good, and the little girl manages
01:43 to gain weight, reaching 930 grams a few days ago.
01:47 A victory celebrated joyfully by Amandine Pellissare.
01:54 Soon news of Maena but for a few days things are more complicated because the little
02:01 last of the Pellissare tribe is a victim of an infection.
02:04 A hard blow for the tired and exhausted couple who hardly lives this mechanic
02:12 life.
02:13 "I feel like I'm going through a laundry machine.
02:22 It's so lunar, it's so crazy, it's so a mental exhaustion that is of great violence.
02:31 I told Alex that she only has 17 days to live and I feel like we've always been in this
02:39 centrifuge that doesn't stop.
02:41 I don't feel like I'm living a maternity.
02:44 I just miss my baby that was torn from me, that's how I feel and it's terrible.
02:53 It's very hard, frankly, at the moment, it's very hard ", recently confided the young
03:01 exhausted mother on Instagram.
03:03 For the time being, the morale is down, Amandine Pellissare preferred to stay away from
03:10 networks.
03:11 "I post when I want, when I have the heart too heavy I prefer not to post ", she explained
03:19 to those who were worried about the absence of news.
03:21 "Tomorrow I'll give you news ", she promised.
03:26 "I'm not going to be a news anchor, I'm not going to be a news anchor, I'm going to be a news anchor ", she said.
03:46 "I'm not going to be a news anchor, I'm not going to be a news anchor, I'm not going to
04:06 be a news anchor, I'm not going to be a news anchor ".
