القائم بأعمال حاكم مصرف لبنان المركزي: الكتلة النقدية انخفضت بقيمة 2 تريليون ليرة لتصل إلى 59.9 تريليون ليرة

  • last year


00:00 It can be said that, in terms of the monetary situation, and in light of the amount of the
00:04 Lebanese pound and the amount of dollars in the market, the monetary stability is continuing.
00:12 This stability is maintained through traditional monetary means,
00:18 that is, according to Article 75 and 83 of the Monetary and Debt Law,
00:24 that is, by intervening in the market in accordance with the Minister of Finance and the Central Bank Governor.
00:30 This intervention, which maintained the monetary stability during the past month,
00:38 did not cost any of the Central Bank's reserves in foreign currencies.
00:50 However, as you know, there is no need to mention that it will not touch these reserves at all.
00:55 So, what measure am I talking about that is outside these reserves?
00:59 In fact, despite our intervention in the market, the monetary mass has decreased by 2 trillion Lira
01:05 to reach 59.9 trillion Lira.
01:10 And it has been agreed, and in consultation with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance,
01:15 that monetary stability is the priority at this critical stage.
01:21 Therefore, the next investigation related to this stability is the payment of salaries to the public sector.
01:28 The monetary mass that requires this investigation is approximately 7 trillion Lira.
01:34 And if the Lebanese pound is paid, it will lead to the absence of the required reform laws
01:41 and government measures to put pressure on the exchange rate.
01:45 Therefore, the public sector's salaries for the current month will be paid in the US dollar
01:52 to the entire public sector at a price of 85,500 Lira per dollar.
01:58 And thus, a massive monetary mass in the dollar will be put in the market by public sector employees
02:04 to help control the exchange rate instead of putting pressure on it.
