• 2 years ago
Humphrey Mulongo Wattanga takes the oath of office as the new Kenya Revenue Authority Commissioner General.
00:00 I, Anthony Ndongo Otanga, have been appointed as a Commissioner General of the Kenyan Revenue Authority.
00:10 I do swear that I will be true and faithful to the best of my ability and power in the execution of the trust committed to my charge and inspection in the service of the Kenyan Revenue Authority,
00:25 and that I shall not acquire, take or receive anything to attribute or reward, whether pecuniary or in any sort of description whatsoever,
00:41 either directly or indirectly, for any service, act, duty, matter or thing done or performed, or to be done or performed, in the execution or discharge of any of the duties on my office,
01:00 or employment, or any account whatsoever, other than my salary and my allowances, or as may be allowed by law in writing,
01:12 and I shall not divulge or give out any document or information to any person nor permit access by unauthorised persons, save as permitted by law.
01:26 So help me God.
01:31 Thank you.
01:33 [Silence]
01:43 [Silence]
