Paulson Adebo Interview - Saints Training Camp, Day 18

  • last year
Paulson Adebo speaks with the Saints media following Day 18 of training camp.
00:00 What do you think your evaluation of how y'all did last week, not just the game but the joint practices?
00:05 I think it was just a good opportunity to go up against a good team.
00:09 We had some good receivers so we were really challenging ourselves each and every day.
00:13 I thought we matched up well.
00:15 We kind of think of you as a veteran already now that we've seen you for three years and a lot of experience.
00:23 Are there things you're doing better this year that you feel like you've really grown into this season?
00:28 I'm very comfortable with the defense obviously being my third year I should be.
00:33 The ins and outs in the defense.
00:35 I think now it's just trying to fine tune my technique and trying to be as precise as possible.
00:41 And have coverage intensity and make sure that on every given play I'm giving 100% and trying to make sure my guys are testing well.
00:49 I wanted to take you to get back to where you felt 100% after that training camp injury last year.
00:57 At what point in the season do you actually feel like yourself?
01:00 I think towards the end of the season.
01:02 I'm just kind of focused on this season and trying to put my best foot forward and trying to make a mark.
01:08 What was the main focus for you then after last year to focus on this season?
01:14 Just trying to get healthy, number one.
01:16 That was the first step during the offseason.
01:20 After that just kind of looking at every part of my game.
01:23 My rookie year I was able to make some plays on the ball.
01:26 Last year I wasn't able to so that was kind of the big focus.
01:30 That's kind of been a big focus for our defense trying to take the ball away.
01:34 We've had some good ball production these first two games so hopefully we keep that going throughout the duration of the season.
01:40 How do you think the emphasis on more takeaways has helped y'all take the ball away these first two games?
01:47 I think everything when you point your attention in a certain direction.
01:50 Make sure you're really trying to point your attention that way.
01:54 Good things happen so I think that's really what's happened throughout camp and then throughout the first couple games.
02:00 Also now that there's a couple of these preseason games under everybody's belt.
02:03 We know that they've been using the goggles or the blinders with the DB group.
02:07 How has that impacted your play on the field?
02:10 I don't know if it's a direct impact or not but definitely when you have the goggles on it restricts your vision.
02:16 When you take them off you hope that you'll be able to see more and play better.
02:21 Obviously a lot of penalties in that game the other day.
02:24 Has that been kind of an emphasis in meetings the last couple days?
02:27 Yeah, you never want to be a highly penalized team.
02:30 That's not a good trait to have.
02:32 There's some penalties that you just kind of have to live with and then there's some that you definitely want to take away.
02:37 So trying to find those that are just maybe careless or due to a lack of technique and minimize those.
02:44 Is that something just throughout camp you kind of have to find that line where it's like yeah this is what the refs are going to call.
02:48 This is what sometimes you might be able to get away with.
02:51 Yeah, I mean for me personally I don't try to worry too much about the ref.
02:54 I just try to play it safe and sound.
02:57 Play a sound technique and then obviously throughout the duration of the game you'll find out what's being called.
03:03 But as long as you're just playing the technique and trying to play it fair you should be okay.
03:08 Has there been a big difference in Marshall Mattam over last year's camp team just as far as his focus?
03:15 You said he's like a little more locked in.
03:18 No, I wouldn't agree with that.
03:19 I'd say he's always been locked in.
03:21 Ever since I've gotten here he's been the most locked in corner that I've seen and he's helped me tremendously in my development.
03:29 So I'd say he's been locked in.
03:32 Coach Allen earlier said called some of the penalties and cost of doing business.
03:38 Is that kind of the mindset of your all's secondary room?
03:41 I know you all get a few defensive penalty calls.
03:44 But it's kind of your all's mentality right?
03:46 You're physical and you're going to push the envelope on that.
03:49 Do you live with those as a DB?
03:51 I mean yeah, you never want to get any penalties, right?
03:53 Penalties cost the team.
03:54 So anytime you have a penalty, I call to myself or anyone, other members of the DB group,
04:00 you definitely don't want that but at the same time you want to make sure that we're playing aggressive and we're not letting guys off the hook.
04:06 So try to play as hard as possible but also playing technically sound and hopefully you minimize those penalties.
04:14 We had just a check to get some here before and I was just wondering from a DB perspective, you know obviously he's new here.
04:21 How would you describe him to another player?
04:26 He's very long range but also has some deceptive long speed and he's been able to make some big plays in these first couple games.
04:33 So definitely a receiver that we think has a lot of good upside and I've been impressed with him throughout this camp.
04:41 Paulson, how do you all handle as a secondary because you've got to plaster.
04:45 When you know you've got a clock in your head, the ball should be coming out and obviously you want to play well against the run
04:51 but a lot of successful runs have come from the quarterback position looking at the Chiefs and Chargers games.
04:57 Is that something mainly that lowered the D-line in the rush lanes as far as containing the quarterback?
05:03 Or how does that work as far as your responsibility maybe?
05:08 I don't know how to stop a quarterback from maybe having those big long rushing plays.
05:14 Some of that, I mean personally if I'm down the field in coverage then that's basically all I'm focused on trying to make sure that my receiver doesn't catch the ball.
05:23 If it's a scramble deal or not I can't really affect the quarterback as I have to cover the receiver.
05:28 It's kind of just my job and we all just focus on what we have to do.
05:33 Has anyone asked you about the Pac-12?
05:36 No.
05:37 Did you ever talk about it with your former teammates and what's going on with that?
05:41 Yeah, I mean I'm kind of out the loop kind of like you guys are so I don't really know what's going on.
05:46 Hopefully, Pac-12 survives but we'll see.
05:49 Do you think you'll still have the big game with Cal and Stanford whether it's in Pac-12 or not?
05:54 I would imagine they did. It's been a long rivalry for many years now.
05:58 But I mean in college football you never know. Things are getting shifted and kind of turning around everywhere.
