Camille Cottin bientôt maman pour la troisième fois  Elle se confie

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Camille Cottin bientôt maman pour la troisième fois ? Elle se confie

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00:00 Camille Cotin has given an interview to Madame Figaro on Thursday, August 17, 2023.
00:15 In it, the actress who managed to conquer America has confided in her motherhood and her desire, or not, to have a third child.
00:28 Camille Cotin made herself known to the general public by embodying the favorite senescence of the French in the pastilles wearing this pretty bird name and broadcast at the time on Canal +.
00:39 Faced with growing success, she had decided to adapt this project to the cinema, which had earned her the César of the Best Feminine Hope in 2016.
00:52 Following this, she has chained projects, both on television and on the big screen.
00:59 But if there is his incarnation of Andrea Martel in the 10% series that made her career explode.
01:07 She then played in the mystery of Henry Pick, such a mother, such a daughter or still dazzles them.
01:16 And thanks to Netflix, her career even continues to export overseas. The 10% series has met great success and this allowed her to start a career in Hollywood in Stillwater, Mystery Avenues or House of Gucci alongside Lady Gaga and Adam Driver.
01:34 These trips do not encourage me to consider a third child a career at a thousand at the time she tries to best align with her private life.
01:45 Indeed, Camille Cotin is in a relationship since 2005 with Benjamin Mahon, an architect.
01:52 And despite the fact that she is against marriage, they had two children together, Leon, in 2009 then Anna Paloma, born in August 2015.
02:04 A family life that she agreed to address in the columns of Figaro Magazine.
02:12 The actress is confident about her two children and her desire, or not, to grow the family again and to be at the head of a large tribe.
02:22 And obviously, it's not in her projects. In the absolute, I would have loved to have more than two children, but with the life I lead, it seems complicated to me.
02:35 Even if the right word is to say that it is better to prioritize quality rather than the amount of time spent with them, I think it requires a lot of availability, and filming takes me far from home today, these trips do not encourage me to consider a third child, "the actress explains.
02:55 But yet, Camille Cotin does not totally exclude this idea, this is my personal scheme, but everything is still possible at 44, we can get pregnant, just as we can still live a great love story.
03:10 For illustration, my mother did take back the FAC at 60 years old. Never say never.
03:21 I take the show, do your thing with all the lights on, keep, keep, take a chance, keep, keep, take a chance.
03:36 You can just keep it here and make an enemy, your lips next to mine, oh so pre-orized, they make things right, but I still walk, keep on, oh I know I still walk, keep on.
04:05 I have a few, keep it up, I have a re, make it die.
