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八点最热报 | 为了更快厘清事故真相,莎亚南警区主任莫哈末依峇,今天在接受媒体询问时透露,空难调查局和美国航空专家将在后天前往坠机现场,尝试从飞机残骸中,调查飞机坠落的原因。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:05 After the terrible crash in Shainan, Xuezhou,
00:09 there are many videos and photos of the scene.
00:13 It's really shocking.
00:15 Today, the Ministry of Transportation issued a warning
00:18 that if anyone took photos or videos of the crash
00:24 they can be submitted to the Air Traffic Control Bureau
00:27 to assist the authorities in investigating the crash.
00:30 The warning also states that according to the regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organization
00:33 any preliminary investigation report must be prepared within 30 days of the crash.
00:38 Therefore, the authorities hope that the witnesses can cooperate with the authorities to assist in the investigation.
00:43 In order to quickly clarify the truth of the accident,
00:45 Director of the Shainan Police Department, Mohammad Iba,
00:47 also revealed during a media interview today
00:50 that the Air Traffic Control Bureau and the US Air Force
00:53 will go to the crash site the day after tomorrow
00:55 to try to investigate the reason for the crash from the plane's crash.
01:00 The director of the Xuezhou Police Department, Hu Shen,
01:03 said that the autopsy of all the victims' bodies was completed last night.
01:07 The 300 pieces of corpse samples at the scene of the accident
01:10 have also been sent to the chemical bureau for DNA comparison.
01:14 Currently, about 30% of the corpse samples have been tested.
01:18 The remaining 70% will be confirmed as soon as possible.
01:22 The third day of the rare crash in Shainan, Xuezhou.
01:27 Director of the Xuezhou Police Department, Hu Shen,
01:30 said during a press conference at the Pasheng Central Hospital today
01:33 that the 300 pieces of corpse samples at the crash site
01:36 have been sent to the chemical bureau for DNA comparison.
01:39 Currently, 70% of the samples have not been confirmed.
01:42 But he promised that the authorities would complete all the work in two days at the fastest speed.
01:46 The calculation is there and we will make an assessment
01:49 to identify and identify other bodies from the deceased in the near future.
01:54 The work that we have done so far can be completed on Monday.
01:59 In addition to DNA identification, Hu Shen said that the authorities have also used other methods,
02:04 including fingerprint identification and tooth identification,
02:06 to identify the deceased's identity faster.
02:09 In addition to DNA identification, we also did fingerprint identification.
02:12 So, the DNA identification expert from the D2 department of the PDRM
02:17 has identified eight fingerprints with positive identification
02:22 and identified eight bodies.
02:25 Although the deceased's body has not been found,
02:29 the deceased's wife, Zoharie Halun, a former PD of Penghengzhou,
02:33 came to the police station today to find out the latest situation.
02:36 During the time, she was once blinded by redness
02:38 and was holding tightly to a close friend.
02:41 She couldn't help but cry when she left.
02:43 She was in a sad state.
02:45 As for the only complete corpse of the motorcycle rider,
02:49 his family has completed the identification process
02:52 and brought the body back to his hometown to be buried this morning.
02:55 At about 3 p.m., his body arrived at the Qingzhen Temple in Shuangxi
02:59 and was buried after the prayer ceremony.
03:04 The End
03:10 The End
