El Presidente | Pizza Reviews
00:03 All right, pizza review time.
00:22 Loud out here.
00:23 We're at FunZ's new place, corner of Second Ave.
00:30 Hudson Place.
00:31 Hudson Place, Second Ave, and Hudson Place.
00:34 Pizza looks great.
00:36 Very cool setup in here.
00:38 The owner is milling about, smoking a pot over there.
00:41 We talked to him.
00:42 He's from Wilbur M. Mass, Homer Friendly's.
00:46 Super nice guy.
00:49 Kind of got off on the wrong foot,
00:50 because you know who was in here the other day?
00:52 Kenji Ault, who's one of the great assholes, scumbag,
00:56 cowards, pieces of shit, whoever lived.
00:59 We had Kenji yesterday, which was kind of cool.
01:01 Kenji Ault?
01:01 Yeah.
01:02 That guy's a piece of shit.
01:03 Oh, yeah?
01:03 Yeah, he's an all-time piece of shit.
01:05 You should fucking kick him in the--
01:07 No, he's nice.
01:07 No, he's a piece of shit.
01:08 He kicked me in the stomach.
01:10 Yeah, they're both pieces of shit.
01:11 So Kenji Ault, we're doing a big pizza festival.
01:15 That guy, Kenji Ault, who I've never met, never talked to,
01:18 I have no fucking clue who he is, went on Instagram.
01:21 And he's like, if you're supporting Pirate King,
01:28 there he is, the old pirate born king, Simon in the flesh.
01:32 What do you got, Dave?
01:33 What's going on?
01:34 What do you got?
01:34 What do you think?
01:35 What'd you score?
01:35 The king.
01:36 I haven't done it yet.
01:37 You haven't gotten it yet?
01:38 No.
01:39 I gave it like a 9.8.
01:40 9.8.
01:42 This may not be the king.
01:44 Good seeing you.
01:45 Good seeing you, Dave.
01:46 I don't know somebody else that's
01:48 double the punch that I thought was coming.
01:49 I thought it was Pirate Simon.
01:51 Anyways, that poor guy.
01:53 He's not it.
01:54 Make sure we make that clear.
01:55 Kenji Ault guy, goes on Instagram.
02:02 He's like, if you--
02:05 I want every pizzeria who's associated with him
02:08 to know you're supporting a piece of shit guy.
02:11 And that--
02:12 Like, everybody's going to--
02:14 No, no.
02:15 He was going deeper.
02:17 Yeah.
02:18 So--
02:19 He was super nice hair.
02:20 I'm a piece of shit.
02:22 He's a left-wing lunatic piece of shit.
02:24 I've never been more confident about anything
02:26 in my life than that guy, his being a piece of shit.
02:29 And I didn't know who this fucking cocksucker
02:31 was two weeks ago until he attacked me in my pizza fest.
02:34 If you see Kenji Ault walking down the street,
02:38 give him the bird.
02:39 Don't do anything else.
02:40 It's bird.
02:40 Be like, fuck you, Kenji Ault. You're a piece of shit.
02:43 This pizza looks great.
02:46 One bite, everybody knows the rules.
02:47 Kind of has an Angelo's vibe, a little bit on the artistic side.
02:53 Great undercarriage.
02:54 Kind of has that vibe of what I like.
02:57 Like, it's going to crisp.
02:58 It's going to pop.
02:59 Maybe a little on the artsy side for me, meaning heavy.
03:02 Let's see.
03:03 Yeah.
03:16 It's exactly what I thought.
03:18 Excellent.
03:19 Excellent.
03:28 I could see people having different scores for this.
03:31 Because as you know, I tend to be a plain Jane with people.
03:39 She stayed in the--
03:40 she was-- come on.
03:42 Sorry.
03:44 I thought she had cleared.
03:46 She had it.
03:47 I'm a plain Jane.
03:48 Most of my pizza, like, if you get this char, this crisp,
03:52 I love it.
03:54 This one, I would say, is a almost a more sophisticated
03:56 palate.
03:57 I don't know if I could eat the whole thing.
04:02 Having said that--
04:02 Yeah.
04:16 Want a slice?
04:24 Oh, it's good, bro.
04:25 Want a slice?
04:26 Yeah, thank you.
04:27 Very good.
04:28 I saw you looking out, so I got the whole pot.
04:30 Appreciate that.
04:31 I'm going to eat, too, by the way.
04:33 I think it's great.
04:34 Hey, man.
04:34 Hold it down, baby.
04:35 Give me a shovel.
04:36 Whoa, you guys.
04:36 Please let me know what you think.
04:41 Seven?
04:48 Really?
04:48 What's your favorite pie?
04:49 I think that's super low.
04:50 What's your favorite pie in the city?
04:51 I like L&B's, but--
04:53 L&B's good, Brooklyn.
04:54 I think it's better than L&B's.
04:55 Different type of slice.
04:56 The city.
04:57 Maybe Patsy's uptown?
04:58 OK, so he's got real pizza.
04:59 I think you went low there.
05:00 I think it was 8-2.
05:01 8.
05:02 8-2.
05:02 All right.
05:03 I'm giving that cheers.
05:04 Peace, bro.
05:05 I mean, that guy has pizza credibility.
05:06 Named some really good spots.
05:08 But this is definitely the 8's.
05:10 And honestly, if it was a little less heavier for me,
05:13 like you see the grated cheese and whatnot,
05:15 the oil a little bit on it, probably be mid-8's.
05:19 As it is, must try slice.
05:21 Brand new spot.
05:23 Bunzee's.
05:24 Cool, cool, cool interior.
05:26 8.2.
05:28 He's the owner.
05:28 I'm not speaking on his behalf.
05:31 Fuck you, Kenji Ault. You're not welcome here.
05:33 He says you are.
05:34 I say you ain't.
05:38 Kenji Ault.
05:50 Fuck that guy.
05:51 Wish he-- he what a coward.
05:53 He's in New York.
05:54 He has a coward.
05:55 He went to MIT.
05:57 Nerd.
05:59 He's a fucking nerd.
06:00 We all write about him.
06:02 He belongs in jail.
06:03 Get the two of them in jail.
06:04 He's a piece of shit.
06:05 I don't mean to bring the negative energy here.
06:07 No, I did.
06:08 We're all positive.