Daphné Bürki très émue, elle partage la délicate attention d’un fan en Italie

  • last year
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Daphné Bürki très émue, elle partage la délicate attention d’un fan en Italie

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00:00 Before resuming television service, Daphne Burki offered herself an unforgettable stay
00:13 in Venice.
00:14 Even at the Serenissime, the hostess does not go unnoticed.
00:20 This Tuesday, August 15, 2023, the journalist shared the very elegant gesture that a secret
00:29 admirer had to her.
00:31 On Instagram, she wanted to thank him in person.
00:37 Among the most popular people TV shows on the public channel, Drag Race France puts
00:44 us in full view.
00:45 To drive the French edition, France 2 called upon the sparkling and indestructible Daphne
00:54 Burki whose optimism is contagious.
00:56 Behind her smile and her legendary good friend, the hostess takes on her role of a very
01:03 caring judge.
01:04 This activist of the first hour against homophobia has renewed her commitment to the queer community.
01:12 The opportunity to take a new step to make her bisexual coming out.
01:20 "All tastes are in nature.
01:24 This is what Daphne Burki is saying at the command of the LGBT program.
01:28 And the journalist does not let anything pass, not even the humorous traits and the
01:35 vulgar jokes that could be misinterpreted. "
01:42 Last June, she did not hesitate to take up the humorist Paul de Saint-Cernin in relation
01:48 to an insult whose connotation was strongly homophobic.
01:51 Needless to say in which camp is Daphne Burki, who has recently made new revelations
01:59 about her sexuality.
02:01 On August 4, 2023, Gunterloh's ex will tear the tears of the Queens on the set.
02:10 While the candidate Sarah Forever took the part of dressing up as Colette, a famous
02:17 novelist of the early 19th century, the judge had a hard time hiding her live emotion.
02:22 "It touches me a lot that you chose him in the Drag Race show.
02:25 My second name is Colette.
02:31 I am a journalist like her.
02:32 Divorced, like her.
02:37 Bisexual, like her.
02:39 So what?
02:40 Did she go to the general surprise? "
02:43 "A particularly moving sequence.
02:48 Thank you for being you Daphne among the most appreciated animators of the PAF.
02:52 Daphne Burki has a place of choice in the hearts of the French.
02:58 Her natural and eternal courteousness plays in her favor.
03:03 Currently on vacation in Venice, the journalist was able to see how popular she was.
03:11 Even abroad, the ex-presenter of the maternals plays in the court of the greats.
03:18 We can see this delicate attention that a fan had.
03:23 On Instagram, the former newscaster of Canal + shared this very touching little word that
03:32 she received while drinking a glass on the terrace.
03:34 Wanting to settle the addition, she had a pleasant surprise by discovering the totally
03:41 disinterested and altruistic gesture of this secret admirer.
03:44 On a piece of paper, a certain Clement scribbled the following words, "I didn't want to
03:52 bother you in the family.
03:53 You chose the best spritz in Venice.
03:59 Thank you for being you Daphne.
04:03 "
04:04 "Cordially, on social networks, the animator wanted to thank him, a nice thank you to
04:09 this Clement who paid the bill and who put a bomb in my heart.
04:15 Very gentleman. "
04:17 "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
04:33 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
04:57 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
05:10 Bye.
