莫迪:印度要当地球南方代言人 2047年成为发达国

  • last year
八点最热报 | 印度昨天庆祝独立第77周年,总理莫迪在演说环节中,展露了这个世界第一人口大国的雄心壮志,要向世界展现印度的经济实力。莫迪向印度民众保证,未来五年,印度将面临“前所未有的经济发展”,成为仅排在美国和中国之后的世界第三大经济体。莫迪还说,政府已经规划,印度将在2047年欢庆独立100周年的时候,成为发达国家。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:03 India celebrated its 77th anniversary of independence yesterday.
00:07 Prime Minister Modi showed the world's first population power in a speech.
00:13 He wanted to show the world the economic strength of India.
00:16 Modi promised the Indian people that India would face unprecedented economic development in the next five years.
00:21 India will become the third largest economy in the world after the United States and China.
00:27 Modi said that India's current GDP has exceeded that of the United Kingdom and has become the fifth largest economy in the world.
00:34 In the past five years, India has over 130 million people out of poverty.
00:39 In the next five years, India's speech will surpass Japan and Germany in economic strength.
00:45 Modi also said that the government has planned that India will be a developed country in the 100th anniversary of independence in 2047.
00:54 India celebrated its 77th anniversary of independence yesterday.
01:01 India celebrated its 77th anniversary of independence yesterday.
01:11 In addition to the disciplined troops, there were also the Bollywood dancers.
01:18 Of course, there was also the police motorcade, which showed the performance of the Dehlohan special forces.
01:24 The main celebration was held in Delhi, the capital of India.
01:28 Prime Minister Modi gave a speech and won a lot of awards.
01:32 He also mentioned the three major advantages of India's current independence.
01:37 These are the diversity of the population, democracy, and society.
01:42 These are the three advantages of India's current independence.
01:55 India's economic scale has exceeded that of the United Kingdom last year and has become the fifth largest economy in the world.
02:01 Modi said he was confident that India would be a developed country in the 100th anniversary of independence in 2047.
02:08 India has become a developed country in the 100th anniversary of independence.
02:17 India has become the first country in the world to establish a democratic system.
02:29 Thank you for watching it.
02:37 Please subscribe to my channel.
