• last year


00:00 I've watched Dodo videos about dogs who didn't know how to be a dog, but I had
00:05 actually never met one. She had fur on about half of her body. She was itching
00:10 herself constantly. She hadn't really spent any time outside. We knew this
00:15 because her paws were really smooth like a puppy's. Nala was surrendered by a
00:21 family who was being evicted and getting divorced. Carried her into the bathtub
00:26 and we gave her her first bath and gave her medicated shampoo. Clearly she was
00:33 suffering. It's just hard for me to think how she got to that point.
00:38 But from the start she wanted to be next to us. She'd come right up and give us
00:50 hugs. She just loved attention so much that she had probably never gotten any
00:56 before. Once she finally got some relief and got a few pets, I remember the first
01:03 time she picked up a toy. It was this orange stick toy and she was just
01:07 playful for the first time and I knew she was gonna be okay. It was amazing how
01:15 she was just addicted to attention even though it was new to her. Normally with
01:20 foster dogs we'll wait a few days before introducing them to our dogs, but she was
01:24 just so sweet. We started to see her being kind of silly and goofy with us.
01:34 Getting to be around our dogs really opened her up and she learned how to
01:42 play. She developed this hilarious rapport with our cat Robert where she'd
01:48 kiss him and he'd bat at her. He loved it.
01:54 I think quickly she said like okay I like this and she kind of bloomed.
02:03 Over time she started to grow some fur back, her skin healed up, she gained about
02:13 10 or 15 pounds so we felt like okay. We'd had her for several months at that
02:17 point and she was so clearly happy and I was crying on a weekly basis about
02:23 whether we should keep her or not. Weekly. She's perfect but because she was
02:28 perfect I knew that it would be selfish to keep her. Colin would always say if we
02:34 keep her we're gonna foster less dogs and this dog can be adopted now. She's
02:38 gonna be the perfect dog for someone so it was definitely stressful waiting to
02:42 find that person but we did. I came across Nala and I messaged Katie because
02:48 I was like this is maybe the cutest dog I've ever seen. They came over for a
02:52 meet-and-greets. The first thing I thought was that she was even cuter than
02:57 I had imagined.
03:00 It's so hard to say goodbye to a dog that you really bond with but when you
03:07 see somebody just goading on her and just adoring her and her being happy and
03:12 loving them that makes it a lot easier. She is the most Velcro dog maybe I've
03:18 ever met. She sleeps with her head literally on my shoulder, arms wrapped
03:22 around me. There's a whole couch. That's your spot. You're so sweet. And she just wants to be loved and
03:34 touched and held and cuddled. She's the kind of dog you can truly just glance at
03:39 her and smile and her the tail goes wap wap wap wap wap wap with joy. She wakes up
03:45 every morning excited for the day and ready to get us to go on a walk or get
03:50 us to come play in the backyard or even sometimes she wants to come snuggle on
03:55 the couch first thing in the morning. She's happy.
04:01 you
04:03 you
04:05 you
04:07 you
04:09 you
04:11 you
