« Je n’ai pas dormi pendant deux mois et demi »  Sophie Davant se confie sur son départ très doulou

  • last year
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« Je n’ai pas dormi pendant deux mois et demi » : Sophie Davant se confie sur son départ très douloureux de France 2

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00:00 It's a gold deal and already concluded, Sophie Davant was about to move to Europe 1 to ensure the presentation of the daily radio, giving way to Giulia Vignali in the expert room.
00:21 But this decision was not easy to make. Indeed, the company of William Emerges has entrusted itself without a filter on its departure in a televised interview.
00:34 After six years of good and loyal service in the show "Affaires conclues", "Everyone has something to sell", Sophie Davant has new projects in view.
00:46 On July 11, the presenter made official her departure from the public channel.
00:53 Her life motto? The new radio appointment of Europe 1 Sophie and the friends scheduled for the return.
01:03 If William Emerges' company tried at first to reconcile these two jobs at the same time to continue to work on France 2, the latter had to finally give up.
01:15 A particularly difficult choice that made her heart tight.
01:21 Before leaving the expert room, Sophie Davant plans to keep an eye on her successor.
01:31 And it's Giulia Vignali, Thomas Otto's partner in "Telematin", who is about to take over the reins of the program from August 28, 2023 under the tutelage of the Atelier.
01:43 Present during the first recordings to ensure the passing, she attended at the beginning of her replacement.
01:53 A twisted way to leave the program smoothly without risking the fans of the show, I did not want the viewers to feel betrayed by my departure or that they imagine that I deny this show because of the laziness.
02:08 This was not at all the case, she confided in the columns of Télé-loisirs before renewing her confidence in Giulia Vignali who perfectly succeeded her baptism of fire, I found her very smiling and I think she has all the assets to fulfill this role.
02:23 She will be different, she will have this freshness that I no longer necessarily face objects.
02:32 It was difficult if Sophie Davant places all her confidence in Giulia Vignali, her departure from France 2 was not a small matter.
02:41 Very attached to the channel for which she has been working for several decades, she had a hard time hiding her live emotion.
02:51 In an interview with Télé-loisirs in Kiosk on August 14, 2023, the presenter evoked in all transparency her deep affliction before making a choice.
03:03 Dragged between this opportunity on Europe 1 and her loyalty to France 2, she did not instinctively jump to the cranes to make the decision, after the proposal of Europe 1, I did not sleep for two and a half months.
03:19 Yes it was difficult, painful even, she admitted before thanking the production teams who were of a salutary help to facilitate her departure without feeling guilty, the management of France 2 was formidable, she understood my desire for change, but to do a radio show at the same time, I knew that it was going to be a problem.
03:42 I was accompanied, we looked for solutions before she arrived at the conclusion that I had to stop concluding, she continued.
03:52 It is only a goodbye since she will continue to animate events such as the Téléthon, as well as a program on pets on France 3.
04:03 A meager water of consolation which nevertheless testifies to her loyalty to the public chain.
04:11 I hope you enjoyed this video, if you did please leave a like, subscribe and share with your friends. Thank you.
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