Megan Fox  l'actrice se lance dans une reconversion inattendue !

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Megan Fox : l'actrice se lance dans une reconversion inattendue !

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00:00 Recently, Megan Fox has been posting on social media to inform her community about her new project.
00:15 An opportunity for her to discover a different world than that of cinema.
00:22 Explanation. For a few years, many celebrities have made the choice to reconvert.
00:32 In May, Eric Cantona reported that after making a career in the world of football, then in cinema, he discovered a new job. The singer's one. I always thought that singing on a stage in front of an audience was supposed to be the most intense thing to live, which could provide a close adrenaline of those created by sport.
00:56 What I feel today is like the months that preceded my first time at the theater, where I was immediately thrown into the big bath, entrusted to Eric Cantona, in an interview with the Parisians.
01:10 And obviously, Rachida Bragni's husband is far from being the only one to take such a risk.
01:18 Indeed, in her last post published on social media, Megan Fox informs of her new job, writer.
01:28 Megan Fox releases a collection of poems "Cisti" on Instagram that ex-wife of Brian Austin Green has made part of the news, "I wrote a book, did she just write in the legend of the cover of this famous book? "
01:44 In the latter, entitled "Pretty Boys Are Poisonous", the readers will discover Megan Fox's recent confidences about her past love affairs and also evoke the phenomenon of "embrace".
02:01 These poems were written in an attempt to exclude the words that had rooted in me because of my silence.
02:10 I spent my whole life keeping men's secrets, my body hurts me because I bear the weight of their sins.
02:19 My freedom lives in this page, and I hope my words will encourage others to regain their happiness in hand, to entrust the Hollywood star.
02:30 A real exodus whose exit is scheduled for November 7 next.
02:40 I am a woman who has a lot of things to say, but I am a woman who has a lot to hide.
02:50 I am a woman who has a lot to hide, but I am a woman who has a lot to hide.
03:00 I keep it here and make them an enemy. Your lips next to mine, those open your eyes.
03:13 They make things right, but I still walk, keep on.
03:21 I know I still walk, keep on. I have a few, keep it up. I have a remake, it's alright.
