Landscape With Invisible Hand Asante Blackk Interview

  • last year
“Landscape With Invisible Hand” star actor Asante Blackk talks about his character ‘Adam’ in his interview and discuss how his character’s relationship began with ‘Chloe’ played by star actress Kylie Rogers. In this interview, Asante Blackk also talks about what the alien’s intentions are for coming to Earth. Check it out.
00:00 Yeah, the biggest thing about this movie that made me want to jump on board was the sci-fi,
00:05 honestly.
00:06 I'm a huge fan of sci-fi movies, except this isn't necessarily one of those where it's
00:13 in the traditional sense.
00:15 We're not coming in blazing at the aliens.
00:18 We are trying to reason with the aliens through art.
00:21 So it's an interesting take on it, but I think one that a lot of people would enjoy.
00:25 Yeah, I play Adam Campbell.
00:28 Adam is a loner, man.
00:34 He is.
00:35 He has no friends.
00:37 He's stuck with, or not stuck with, he loves them, but honestly it kind of sometimes feels
00:41 like he's stuck down there on Earth with his mom and his sister.
00:46 Yeah, I mean, really the biggest thing that's in his way is trying to figure out how they're
00:52 going to survive.
00:53 The aliens kind of completely wiped out everything that us as human beings are used to.
00:58 So he has to adjust.
01:00 Yeah, so we're in 2031.
01:05 What has happened?
01:06 Well, aliens touched down on Earth.
01:09 Apparently, you know, they had been watching us for 50 plus years before they made themselves
01:15 known.
01:18 But yeah, they touched down and essentially what they tried to do was say, "Okay, I can,
01:24 or we can provide you guys with some resources and in turn you guys won't ever have to work
01:29 a day in your life again because our machines are just automated.
01:33 They kind of make everything a lot easier."
01:37 And what ended up happening from that was, well, you guys are going to have to see.
01:43 Aliens actually saw how we were destroying our own planet and were like, "We need to
01:47 come in and save these guys," which, you know, honestly might happen any day now in real
01:51 life.
01:52 His family really doesn't have anything.
01:54 Nobody's working.
01:55 And it's not even really just his family.
01:57 I mean, that's kind of how the conditions are for everybody on Earth.
02:00 So there's a shared experience.
02:02 And I don't know, we kind of end up forming a love story out of being broke.
02:12 Chloe is Adam's classmate.
02:14 They eventually, you know, become romantic partners.
02:19 And yeah, they meet at school.
02:21 They meet at school.
02:22 Chloe has an idea because she's just as broke as Adam.
02:26 She was just living under the bridge.
02:27 And I don't know, I think Adam was being a little thirsty and invited her to come live
02:31 at his house with him.
02:33 So they start forming a relationship around that.
02:39 And Chloe has the idea to broadcast their relationship to the aliens, basically start
02:46 a TV show about their love so that they can make money.
02:49 And like, yeah, they start making bank, but at what cost, you know?
02:55 I think Mr. Riley sees potential in Adam from the first day that he walks into that art
02:59 classroom, you know.
03:00 He's—because Adam is already very passionate and very eager to be able to just create,
03:05 you know.
03:06 He's been doing it since he was young.
03:07 And Mr. Riley is a character where he doesn't necessarily know how to bring those elements
03:14 out of himself, which is why he decides, "Okay, this kid got it."
03:18 Like, he knows what he's doing, so let me try to foster that.
03:21 Let me try to nurture this."
03:23 And you know, I kind of see—or as Mr. Riley would say, I kind of see this kid being somewhere
03:28 someday.
03:29 I feel like I'm just quoting right out of the screenplay now.
03:34 But like, seriously, we've lost a lot, for real, in these past few years.
03:41 And none of us knew that it would be like this, but I think that we've quickly realized,
03:46 you know, quicker than it might take a lot of different species to adapt, but we quickly
03:51 realized like we can't just sit in bed all day like we wanted to when the pandemic first
03:56 started.
03:57 You know, we kind of got to figure out how to dust off our shoulders and, you know, get
04:01 back in the ring.
04:04 Adam was living the life before the V.U.V.E. came.
04:06 He was, you know.
04:07 He was young, you know, naive, and had a great family, great household.
04:12 You know, they weren't struggling.
04:14 But you know, especially when you're young, like something like that is flipped completely
04:18 on his head, he starts to question a lot of things about reality, you know, about what's
04:22 really real, you know, especially if things can be snatched just like that.
04:26 So yeah, he's marching forward.
04:30 Kylie's hilarious, and she doesn't even know it.
04:33 Like, she has the funniest little mannerisms, and I always make fun of her for it.
04:39 But no, she's great.
04:40 She's great.
04:41 And I don't know, we've become good friends throughout this process.
04:44 And yeah, I mean, honestly, yeah, hopefully we get to work on something else one day,
04:48 because she's super cool.
04:50 Corey is very detail-oriented, you know, and that's something that I really enjoy, because
04:58 he kind of makes the process of shooting way less stressful, honestly.
05:05 Yeah, and honestly, he's just a good guy.
05:08 He's cool.
05:09 They can expect to be talking about it for a while, you know, because I think it feels
05:14 like one of those movies that, like I said, nobody's ever seen anything like this before.
