On Wednesday, Rahul Gandhi made his first speech in the Lok Sabha after being reinstated as the MP. However, he did not stay put in the House to listen to the reply as he had a programme scheduled at 3pm in Rajasthan. Reminding of his famous hug and wink which took place during the last no-confidence motion against the PM Modi government in 2018, Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday allegedly made a similar gesture as he was exiting the Lok Sabha. While Union minister Smriti Irani started her statement following Rahul Gandhi's speech on the no-confidence motion, Rahul Gandhi was believed to have blown a flying kiss on his way out.
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#rahulgandhiflyingkiss #rahulgandhi #rahulgandhiinloksabha #noconfidencemotion #rahulgandhidisqualificationcase #rahulgandhicongress #rahulgandhinews #noconfidencemotionpmmodi #noconfidencemotioninloksabha
00:00 [Chanting]
00:05 [Chanting]
00:10 Those who were given the right to give a speech before me today,
00:18 they gave a glimpse of the abhadra here before leaving.
00:27 It is only a misogynistic man who can give a flying kiss to a parliament
00:36 which seats female members of parliament.
00:39 On Wednesday, Rahul Gandhi made his first speech in the Lok Sabha
00:43 after being reinstated as the MP.
00:45 However, he did not stay put in the house to listen to the reply
00:49 as he had a program scheduled at 3pm in Rajasthan.
00:52 Reminding of his famous hug and wink,
00:55 which took place during the last no-confidence motion against the PM Modi government in 2018,
01:00 Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday allegedly made a similar gesture as he was exiting the Lok Sabha.
01:05 While Union Minister Smriti Irani started her statement following Rahul Gandhi's speech on the no-confidence motion,
01:11 Rahul Gandhi was believed to have blown a flying kiss on his way out.
01:15 Without naming Rahul Gandhi, Smriti Irani said that the person who spoke before her misbehaved.
01:21 Calling it an undignified conduct, she said that it was never done before in the parliament of the country.
01:26 I have a complaint against one thing, Mr. President.
01:31 Those who were given the right to give a speech before me,
01:40 they gave a misguided glimpse of their character before leaving.
01:50 It is only a misogynistic man who can give a flying kiss to a parliament with seats of female members of parliament.
02:04 Such uncivilised behaviour has never been seen in the parliament of this country.
02:17 This is the character of that family.
02:20 This is what the country has come to know today.
02:23 BJP National Spokesperson Shahzad Punawalla condemned Rahul Gandhi's alleged flying kiss and based what this behaviour was.
02:31 In 2018, when the Lok Sabha was debating the no-confidence motion, Rahul Gandhi walked up to PM Modi's seat and gave him a hug.
02:37 By then, Rahul Gandhi had already spoken.
02:39 As he returned to his seat, he was seen winking at someone at the house,
02:43 was still reeling under the impact of his sudden hug to PM Modi.
02:46 After Smriti Rani raised her objection on Wednesday, it is believed women BJP MPs complained to the Speaker against Rahul Gandhi's apparent flying kiss.
02:55 For more information, visit www.nbsp.org
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