Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's Lok Sabha membership has been restored today and he is now free to attend Parliament sessions. The Lok Sabha Secretariat has issued an order to review his suspension. This restoration of his membership comes 3 days after the Supreme Court stayed his conviction in a criminal defamation case over his 2019 remarks on the Modi surname. That decision of the apex court bench which heard Gandhi’s plea challenging the Gujarat High Court order declining to stay the conviction, had paved the way for his return to Lok Sabha where he represented Wayanad in Kerala. He was disqualified from the House in March this year following the conviction. Now that a stay has been granted, his disqualification stands revoked.
#Rahulgandhimembership #Rahulgandhiloksabha #Rahulgandhi
#Rahulgandhimembership #Rahulgandhiloksabha #Rahulgandhi
00:00 "If not today, then tomorrow, if not the day after, truth will win."
00:07 Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's Lok Sabha membership has been restored today and
00:12 he is now free to attend Parliament sessions.
00:15 The Lok Sabha Secretariat has issued an order to revoke his suspension.
00:19 This restoration of his membership comes three days after the Supreme Court stayed his conviction
00:24 in a criminal defamation case over his 2019 remarks on the Modi surname.
00:29 That decision of the apex court bench which heard Gandhi's plea challenging the Gujarat
00:34 High Court order declining to stay the conviction had paved the way for his return to Lok Sabha
00:39 where he represents Wayanad in Kerala.
00:42 He was disqualified from the house in March this year following that conviction.
00:47 Now that a stay has been granted by the Supreme Court, his disqualification stands revoked.
00:52 He was found guilty of criminal defamation by a Surat Magistrate Court in a complaint
00:57 filed by Surat West MLA Purnesh Modi of the BJP who had objected to his remarks in Kolar
01:03 in April 2019 about thieves with the Modi surname.
01:07 The Supreme Court bench, while staying his conviction, had said that the consequences
01:12 of being disqualified as a result of the conviction would not only affect the right of the appellant
01:17 to continue in public life but also affect the right of the electorate who had elected
01:22 him to represent their constituency.
01:24 The staying of conviction and reinstatement of his Lok Sabha membership comes at a very
01:29 crucial time for the opposition alliance.
01:31 The debate on the no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha is scheduled to begin from tomorrow
01:36 and his presence might be a shot in the arm for the Grand Opposition Alliance.
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