• 2 years ago


00:00 Sound of Freedom has been one of the biggest film surprises in recent memory.
00:04 And although the mainstream media has ceased talking about it,
00:07 its message is too important for us to stop talking about.
00:12 As of last weekend, it's still among the highest-grossing films in America
00:16 and has made more than $155 million in one month,
00:21 outpacing Mission Impossible.
00:24 In the background of all of this success,
00:26 the mainstream media kept telling us that Sound of Freedom was based on a wacky conspiracy theory
00:31 full of QAnon-based concepts. Watch.
00:35 It has the backing of not just Republicans and religious conservatives,
00:39 not just Ted Cruz and Elon Musk,
00:42 but also QAnon folks and the Internet's tinfoil hat brigade.
00:46 These films are created out of moral panics.
00:49 They're created out of bogus statistics.
00:51 They're created out of fear.
00:53 And with something like Sound of Freedom,
00:55 it specifically is looking at QAnon concepts of these child trafficking rings
01:00 that are run by the high-level elites.
01:02 Bogus.
01:04 They want us to believe them
01:06 and ignore the real news and real travesty
01:09 that Sound of Freedom aims to spotlight.
01:12 In the wake of those on the left telling us that child trafficking is a conspiracy,
01:16 they occasionally take a break to report the truth, the inconvenient truth.
01:21 This, courtesy of NBC News.
01:24 The FBI found 200 sex trafficking victims and more than 125 suspects
01:29 during a two-week child exploitation operation in July,
01:33 federal officials said on Tuesday.
01:36 Wait, can this report be right?
01:39 Wasn't this all a giant conspiracy?
01:42 So in the same month that Sound of Freedom was released,
01:45 our own FBI simultaneously found 200 sex trafficking victims in America,
01:50 in a foreign country, right here at home.
01:54 This topic remains a gravely serious and sick problem.
01:58 And there's no one better to talk on this subject than Tim Ballard,
02:01 on whom the Sound of Freedom is based.
02:04 And Tim Ballard joins us now. He's a senior advisor at the Spear Fund.
02:08 Tim, thank you for what you're doing.
02:10 Thank you for your story, for creating a movement that's showcasing
02:14 what is a sick and ongoing problem.
02:17 200, 200, and 125 suspects.
02:20 I got to believe you're saying that's just the tip of the iceberg here.
02:23 Absolutely, it's the tip of the iceberg.
02:25 The irony here, I don't even know how to describe it,
02:29 that the mainstream leftist kind of media is pretending it's not happening,
02:33 but then saying it is happening.
02:35 Even more ironic than that is the fact that all of those networks,
02:38 CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Rolling Stone,
02:42 all of those that are disparaging Sound of Freedom,
02:44 they all did reports back in 2014 when the actual operation
02:48 you see depicted in the film happened.
02:50 And they gave glowing reports. It was real then.
02:53 Ten years later, it's no longer real.
02:55 These same outlets are now saying QAnon.
02:57 Here's the funny part of this.
02:59 QAnon wasn't even invented until years after this film was done.
03:04 It's been on the shelf.
03:05 So it's impossible that any QAnon ideas are even in this film.
03:10 And anyone who watches it knows it's nonsense.
03:12 This is based on a true story.
03:14 It's totally absurd. Help me out.
03:16 I've got to ask the obvious question, which is why?
03:18 Why the about face? Why not admit it?
03:20 Why not attack it? Why not get rid of it?
03:22 Why not promote Sound of Freedom and say,
03:24 "This is horrific. Let's get rid of it." Why?
03:26 I think I know the answer, because there's a conversation
03:29 about children that they don't want to have.
03:31 These same networks are promoting this idea that pedophiles
03:34 should be called minor attractive persons.
03:36 It should be normalized.
03:37 The UN just put out a report two months ago saying
03:40 that maybe we shouldn't criminalize sex with children.
03:42 They don't want to talk about 85,000 unaccompanied minors
03:45 under the Biden administration that were let into the United States
03:49 without any background checks being done and delivered
03:52 to anyone, including potential traffickers.
03:54 These are the conversations they don't want to have,
03:56 and they have to discredit Sound of Freedom,
03:58 because they know that Sound of Freedom is going to shine a light
04:00 on this darkness, and we're not going to stop.
04:02 We will shove this conversation down their throats
04:04 to protect children.
04:05 You certainly have.
04:06 And Tim, you just kind of alluded to it.
04:08 I mean, I'm glad to the frustration about this worldwide
04:10 sex trafficking problem.
04:12 Fox recently reported this, that "Florida's officials said Wednesday
04:16 that nearly 40% of the people arrested in one part of the state
04:20 in recent Operation Cracking Down on Child Sex Exploitation
04:24 were in the U.S. illegally."
04:26 So the open border on the South is making this problem
04:29 actually worse, and they have to know that.
04:31 It's making it worse, and here's the other piece of this
04:34 you need to know.
04:35 The sponsors that the children come across with a name and a number,
04:39 and Health and Human Services has to call that number.
04:41 It doesn't matter who it is.
04:43 In many cases, it's actually illegal immigrants who are receiving
04:46 the phone call and receiving the children.
04:48 It's literally more difficult to adopt a cat from a shelter
04:52 than it is for an illegal person or any person in the U.S.
04:55 to go down and take a child out of the custody
04:58 of Health and Human Services.
04:59 In fact, your taxpayer dollars are now paying for the last leg
05:02 of what might be a child trafficking experience.
05:05 This is the reality.
05:06 This administration is complicit, wittingly or not,
05:09 in trafficking children.
05:11 And then they look us in the eye and tell us it's all humane.
05:13 It's sick and it's wrong and it's a sin.
05:15 Thank you, Tim, for everything you're doing.
05:17 Congrats on the film.
05:18 Thank you, sir.
05:19 Thank you.
