• 2 years ago


00:00 (drumming)
00:02 This young drummer is making lemonade out of lemons.
00:06 Hussam Kassim lives in the Gaza Strip,
00:09 and without any money to buy a drum set,
00:11 he made one out of garbage.
00:14 Using plastic, metal, wood,
00:16 and whatever other materials he could find,
00:18 he put together this makeshift drum set to practice on.
00:22 (drumming)
00:24 And it doesn't sound too bad.
00:27 The 21-year-old says he wants to be a professional drummer
00:30 one day, so he needs to practice now and every day
00:33 until he realizes his dream.
00:36 But even when he makes it big,
00:37 Kassim says he'll still practice on this set of drums
00:41 since it took him a lot of time and effort to make it.
00:44 Imagine seeing him rock out on this
00:46 at some of the biggest venues in the world.
00:48 (drumming)
00:51 For Inside Edition Digital, I'm Mara Montalbano.
00:55 (cymbal crash)
