قطر.. انخفاض عدد معاملات بيع العقارات السكنية 36% خلال 12 شهراً

  • last year


00:00 What we have seen recently and also the rise of the world's global economy in 2022
00:07 is that the real estate market in Qatar has been declining due to the increase in the supply and the decrease in demand for the sector.
00:14 In total, the number of real estate sales transactions has decreased by 36%,
00:21 and the value of these transactions has also declined by 24% in the past 12 months.
00:28 The price of real estate has also fallen by a large extent in the second quarter of this year.
00:35 We will now take a closer look at the details of this sector.
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01:44 [FOREIGN]
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02:08 [FOREIGN]
02:18 >> Good afternoon, and thank you very much for having me on your show.
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04:45 >> So at the moment, as I say, the challenge that the market has is a challenge in the supply and demand.
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06:04 >> The office market is quite an interesting one.
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07:42 >> Look, the retail sector is probably one of the standout.
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09:21 >> At the moment, it is always better to own than it is-
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09:47 [FOREIGN]
10:01 Night. Frank, shukran jazeelan ala wujudak ma'ana.
