Outlook Poshan Awards 2019 | Swachh Shuposhit Bharat: Bringing Country Back on Track

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At Outlook Poshan Awards 2019, Basanta Kumar Kar, Country Director, Project Concern International tells how can we address the challenge of malnutrition and bring country back on track

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00:00 There have been a lot of efforts to a synergized effect towards nutrition over the years.
00:08 We have had a slew of new programs, Swachh Bharat, Poshan Abhiyan and the National Health
00:13 Mission coming together.
00:15 But how do they all come together to impact this one indicator which is a mix of so many
00:22 different policies, so many different choices, so many different variables?
00:26 To talk about this and to share his thoughts, could I request the country director of Project
00:31 Concern International and a transformed nutrition champion, Mr. Basanta Kumar Kak, to speak
00:37 on Swachh Shuposhit Bharat, bringing the country back on track.
00:43 Mr. Basanta Kumar Kak.
00:46 Honourable Chief Minister, Satish Gaur Bhupesh Bakalji.
00:58 Namaskar to you, Honourable Members of the Parliament, my friend Ruben and also Inder
01:10 Nilji.
01:11 I am very honoured today to speak about nutrition which I learnt only in the state of Satish
01:18 Gaur.
01:19 I worked in the state from 2002 to 2010.
01:22 I learnt all the nutrition in Satish Gaur.
01:25 I consider Satish Gaur as my second home.
01:28 I will tell you about Satish Gaur in a few numbers.
01:32 You will be happy.
01:33 And I will tell you about a district which has done the best nutrition program in the
01:41 world.
01:42 So, before I speak, let me tell you and also admire and congratulate Ruben, my friend and
01:51 Inder Nilji for building this platform with all support from government, specifically
01:57 Dr. Rajesh Kumar from Gates Foundation, my friend Alok, Rajan Shankarji and Hisham Mandalji
02:05 and Devjit from Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives and many other people.
02:09 Perhaps this is the first of its kind in the world and it is going to create many more
02:15 refills in future, you can see.
02:41 So, we have around 47 million children stunted in India which is almost one third of the
02:48 children in the world.
02:49 Anemia, Sean is here from Gates Foundation, US.
02:54 US is the best performing country on anemia.
02:57 There is 11% of breastfeeding in India and in India there is 53%.
03:03 Apart from this, breastfeeding is 55% in India and 87% in Rwanda.
03:09 I would like to tell you one thing, Sir, Sargoja is a district whose breastfeeding rate is
03:15 87.5%, highest in the world.
03:18 So, wasting is 0% in Australia and 21% in India.
03:26 Around 25 million children in India are also wasted.
03:31 Apart from this, obesity is increasing and overweight is also increasing.
03:37 This is a big problem and that is why we say that India has double the number of malnutrition
03:42 and undernutrition and obesity and overweight.
03:45 The second slide is the biggest.
03:50 Total children from 6 to 24 months, only 9.6% children get adequate supplementary nutrition
04:05 or supplementary feeding.
04:08 Around 90% children from 6 to 24 months are not getting adequate nutrition.
04:16 This is the most critical period and we say that this is the biggest part of 1000 days.
04:22 Why is it so important that we are discussing about obesity?
04:27 Why will we discuss about obesity?
04:31 If obesity is removed, micro nutrient deficiency will also be removed, wasting will be removed,
04:39 stunting will be removed and breastfeeding will increase, underfine mortality will also
04:46 be reduced and the GDP we are talking about, growth, development, productivity, will also
04:52 have an effect on this.
04:54 Every rupee invested on nutrition gives an average return of 16 rupees.
05:01 Preventing 1% loss in adult height from stunting increases 1.4% in productivity.
05:08 Eliminating anemia can increase productivity by 5 to 7%.
05:12 Skill India, Digital India, growth, productivity, GDP, specifically IQ, which we call Medha,
05:23 has a big impact on IQ.
05:26 An estimate has been done, India's average IQ is 72, sir.
05:30 It is an old estimate which is equivalent to Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
05:35 So, if you want a new India, if you want a better India, perhaps we have to invest on
05:42 nutrition.
05:43 And for this, first 1000 days is the most important day.
05:47 These 1000 days mean from pregnancy to total hood, we believe it to be 2 years.
05:55 9 months pregnancy, after this, after the birth of the child, for 2 years.
05:59 This is the biggest critical.
06:01 And this is called the first window of opportunity.
06:04 And why this 1000 days?
06:07 If you don't work on nutrition for 1000 days, if you don't invest, then it will affect
06:13 physical growth, brain development, or immunity, or everything.
06:22 Whatever you want, you have to invest.
06:25 And if you do not invest, and you forget that 1000 days, then whole life the child will
06:31 not get back the real thing what the child was supposed to get.
06:38 The brain development, sir, a slide of the key, the brain development in first 1000 days
06:44 happens.
06:45 During the late pregnancy, the brain starts to wear itself, forming connections.
06:50 After birth, over 1000 to 10,000 new connections are made every second.
06:56 First 1000 days determine the sensory language and cognitive development.
07:03 the brain.
07:05 the brain.
07:07 the brain.
07:09 the brain.
07:11 the brain.
07:13 the brain.
07:15 the brain.
07:17 the brain.
07:19 the brain.
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10:50 One has to work on feeding practice, food and nutrition, immunization, insulin delivery,
10:59 muscle building and convergence. Next. This is also another slide. Next.
11:25 These are the things one has to do to become India's leader. Next.
11:40 This is most interesting slide. As I said, India has gold mine of impact models. India
11:48 has human capital. India has social capital. We have 550,000 village health, sanitation,
11:57 nutrition committees, 250,000 panchayats, 14 lakhs Anganwadi centers with 1.4 million
12:08 workers and 1.4 million helpers, 5.5 million self-help groups with 60 million members.
12:16 If you could combine and synergize their effort and it is all about fighting malnutrition
12:22 together, we can create wonders. Next.
12:31 This is really mind-boggling. I also congratulate and express gratitude to Damayanthi for designing
12:37 this slide. If you want a single digit nutrition indicator, today's stunting is 38%. If you
12:47 want to reach to around 9%, then it will take 2040. By 2040, you can reach, but our effort
12:55 has to be double and quadruple. It is not so easy. Purnima is laughing. She is more
13:03 conversant with data, not me. But the way we are running, the way we are leading, the
13:10 way we are claiming, I think we have to re-energize, compound our effort. And this is also possible.
13:17 There are many states which have done it, but we can also do it in the country in an
13:22 aggregated manner. Next.
13:28 India is ready for a nutrition revolution. Are you?
13:33 Yes.
13:34 Yes.
13:35 Yes.
13:36 Yes.
13:37 Yes.
13:38 Are you ready?
13:39 Yes.
13:40 Yes.
13:41 Yes.
13:42 Thank you so much, sir.
13:42 [Music]
