• last year
Spellbound - Episode 2


00:00 Milo, Art Concepts Limited, Republic Bank Limited.
00:04 Get ready to be spellbound.
00:07 Competing today, Hannah Caesar
00:12 from Arima West Government Primary School.
00:14 Christian Guerra from El Socorro
00:19 South Government Primary School.
00:21 Azaria Julius from St. Anthony's Girls RC School.
00:26 Sohail Gyan from Guaico Presbyterian Primary School.
00:30 Justin George from Aranguez Government Primary School.
00:34 Meera Prasad from Specialist Learning Center.
00:38 Samir Hossain from Longdonville Satyasai Primary School.
00:43 And let's meet the team.
00:46 Our pronouncer, Conrad Paris.
00:49 Our judge, Candice Coraya-Charles.
00:53 Our hive hosts, Megan Das and Stephan Feldman.
00:57 And our queen bee,
01:00 K. Maram Kisun.
01:01 - Welcome to Spellbound.
01:09 This is not the spelling competition
01:12 that you're accustomed to.
01:13 This is definitely going to be something with a difference.
01:17 For all the school children 10 and under
01:18 who are here competing,
01:20 are you ready for the competition?
01:21 Who's excited?
01:22 Who thinks they're gonna win?
01:25 Yeah, yeah, we have a rally crowd here.
01:28 Ladies and gentlemen,
01:29 these brave contestants will have limited time
01:31 to spell some very challenging words.
01:34 But we're starting off with the warmup.
01:37 Round one.
01:38 - The honeycomb.
01:40 - Now in this round, you're going to get three words.
01:44 How many?
01:44 - Three.
01:45 - Three words.
01:46 And you're gonna have to spell it in 30 seconds.
01:49 Now these two people there,
01:51 they may seem a little mean,
01:52 but trust me, you are in charge of this show.
01:55 Each time that you spell a word correctly,
01:57 Judge Coria, Charles, Judge, give a wave there.
02:00 She's gonna give you a...
02:02 What is she gonna do if you get the word correct?
02:05 A definitely a nod.
02:07 If you spell it incorrectly,
02:09 you're going to hear a...
02:11 We got that right, right?
02:14 So everybody knows the rules of this game
02:16 and we're gonna go.
02:17 Students, before we start,
02:18 I know everybody's excited.
02:20 I saw you all doing this,
02:21 but this is really for the judges
02:23 and for all of the rest of us,
02:25 'cause we're a little nervous.
02:26 We're gonna do a little buzz shake
02:28 to make sure all the nerves are gone
02:29 and we're ready for this competition.
02:31 Come on, let's do the buzz.
02:32 - Buzz.
02:33 (imitates buzzer)
02:36 - Bees, are you ready?
02:38 - Yes.
02:39 - Let's go.
02:40 Judges, are we ready?
02:41 Present to Paris.
02:42 - Thank you, Ayma.
02:46 Students, I will give you each three words
02:50 with 30 seconds maximum in which to spell them.
02:53 You may say pass if you so choose.
02:56 Time permitting, I will return to past words.
02:59 Now, if student one will approach
03:04 the center of the spellbound arena.
03:06 (audience applauding)
03:10 Hannah, are you ready?
03:15 - Yes, sir.
03:16 - Your first word.
03:20 - Accurate.
03:21 - Accurate, A-C-U-R-A-T-E, accurate.
03:27 - Panic.
03:31 - Panic, P-A-N-I-C, panic.
03:36 - Chief.
03:39 - Chief, C-H-I-E-F, chief.
03:42 - Thank you very much, Hannah.
03:44 (audience applauding)
03:48 Now, we invite Christian to the podium.
03:51 (audience applauding)
03:55 Raring to go, Christian?
03:59 - Yes.
04:00 - Excellent.
04:01 Your first word, slumber.
04:03 - Slumber, S-L-U-M-B-E-R.
04:09 - Algebra.
04:12 - Algebra, A-L-G-E-R.
04:17 - E-E-R-B-R-A.
04:22 - Harass.
04:25 - Harass, H-A-R-A-S-S.
04:28 - Thank you very much, Christian.
04:30 (audience applauding)
04:34 And now, Azaria is center stage.
04:38 Come through, Azaria.
04:40 (audience applauding)
04:43 You ready?
04:45 - Yes.
04:46 - Your first word is, quote.
04:49 - C-O-T-E.
04:52 - Version.
04:56 - V-E-R-S-O-I-N.
04:58 - Illegal.
05:02 - I-L-L-E-G-A-L.
05:05 - Thank you, Azaria.
05:06 (audience applauding)
05:09 Sohail, it's on you.
05:12 Step to the podium, please.
05:15 (audience applauding)
05:18 You seem confident, are you ready?
05:21 - Yes.
05:22 - Your first word is, vehicle.
05:26 - Vehicle, V-E-H-I-C-L-E.
05:32 - Weapon.
05:39 - Weapon, W-E-A-P-O-N.
05:44 - Sword.
05:45 - Sword, S-W-O-R-D, sword.
05:50 - Thank you very much, Sohail.
05:54 You can head back to your podium.
05:55 And now, it's Justin's turn.
05:59 Justin, center stage, please.
06:01 (audience applauding)
06:04 Here we go, Justin.
06:08 Voyage.
06:11 - Voyage, S-W-O-R-D.
06:14 - V-O-I-A-G-E.
06:19 - Quarrel.
06:24 - Q-A-I-R-R-E-L.
06:29 - Excellent.
06:33 - E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T.
06:37 - Thank you very much, Justin.
06:40 (audience applauding)
06:43 Moving on to Mira.
06:45 (audience applauding)
06:49 Ms. Prasad, are you ready?
06:52 - Yes.
06:54 - Your first word, athlete.
06:57 - Athlete, A-T-H-L-E-T-E, athlete.
07:02 - Culprit.
07:04 - Culprit, C-U-L-P-R-I-T, culprit.
07:09 - Wrestle.
07:11 - Wrestle, W-R-E-S-T-L-E, wrestle.
07:16 - Thank you, Mira.
07:17 (audience applauding)
07:21 And finally, the big man on campus, Samir.
07:24 (audience applauding)
07:27 Samir, are you ready?
07:30 - Yes.
07:31 - Your first word, tongue.
07:35 - Tongue, T-O-N-G-U-E, tongue.
07:41 - Knitting.
07:42 - May you repeat the word?
07:50 - Knitting.
07:50 - Knitting, N-I-T-T-I-N-G.
07:57 - Advise.
08:02 - Advise, A-D-V-I-S-E, advise.
08:09 - You ran out of time, but thank you very much, Samir.
08:12 (audience applauding)
08:15 Back to you, Queen B.
08:18 - How are the Bs going?
08:20 - Very good.
08:21 - How was the first round?
08:22 - Really good.
08:23 - Ready to go on to round two?
08:25 - Yeah.
08:26 - Well, definitely, and those words show
08:28 that they are ready for this competition.
08:30 But before we move on, let's take a look at the stats.
08:33 (upbeat music)
08:35 (audience applauding)
08:38 Welcome back to "Spellbound."
08:53 Definitely, there are some seriously talented Bs with us.
08:58 Are we ready for round two?
09:00 - Yes.
09:00 - Let's go.
09:01 (upbeat music)
09:04 - We have some Bs with us.
09:06 Are we ready for round two?
09:07 - Yes.
09:08 - Now, as we know, every round is a little different.
09:12 We've definitely seen what our Bs can do.
09:15 And now it's time to get into round two.
09:18 - The B-Off.
09:20 - Auntie Hema did say a few surprises.
09:22 So this one is gonna be a little different.
09:24 You still have 30 seconds.
09:26 Remember that timer that everybody's looking at?
09:28 But now you have to get four words.
09:32 Not three, but?
09:33 Number four words, right?
09:34 In that time.
09:35 But how are you going to do this?
09:37 Well, each one of you will have to pick something
09:42 from the hive.
09:43 Auntie Megan is gonna come across now.
09:45 (upbeat music)
09:48 Everyone gets to pick.
09:51 (upbeat music)
09:54 So when we pick it, we have to show the pictures
10:01 to mommies and daddies who are all out there.
10:02 So show them the picture sign.
10:04 The picture sign goes to the camera.
10:05 (upbeat music)
10:08 So what's going to happen now is that we're all in the hive.
10:15 We're in the honeycomb, right?
10:16 So you know what Bs?
10:18 We move around a little bit.
10:19 What's happening now is that you look at your card.
10:22 You know which B you are.
10:23 You know where you are.
10:25 So when I call the B,
10:27 you then have to change the podium spot.
10:29 So if I say bumblebee number one.
10:31 Who has bumblebee?
10:33 Okay, so you have to move to number one.
10:35 Podium number one.
10:36 Podium number two, carpenter bee.
10:40 Who has carpenter bee?
10:41 Great, so you are now at number two.
10:44 So you switch to number two.
10:46 Podium number three is honeybee.
10:48 Who has honeybee?
10:50 Okay, so you go to number three.
10:51 Podium number four, ivy bee.
10:55 Who's ivy bee?
10:56 So you're now at number four.
10:58 Podium five, killer bee.
11:00 Who's killer bee?
11:02 Six, mining bee.
11:04 Who has mining bee?
11:06 And seven, stingless bee.
11:08 So just like in the beehive,
11:11 we have some busy bees.
11:12 And this is now the order that they will be appearing.
11:15 Now to pronounce a Paris.
11:17 - Thank you, Hema.
11:18 Students, similarly to the last round,
11:21 I will read your words and you will spell them.
11:24 Keep an eye on the clock as there are only 30 seconds
11:28 for you to spell four words in this round.
11:32 You may say pass if you choose.
11:35 Time permitting, I will return to past words.
11:38 But this time, our judge will be tallying silently.
11:42 And you will not know if you got any of your words right
11:45 or wrong until the end of the round.
11:48 Understood?
11:49 Good.
11:51 Starting with bumblebee.
11:54 Step to the podium, please.
11:55 - Hema.
11:56 (audience applauding)
11:59 - Your first word.
12:02 Recycle.
12:04 - R-E-C-Y-C-L-E.
12:08 - Vacuum.
12:10 - V-A-C-U-M-E.
12:12 - Pamphlet.
12:14 - P-A, repeat it again, please.
12:17 - Pamphlet.
12:18 - P-A-M-P-H-L-E-T.
12:22 - League.
12:23 - L-E-A-G-E.
12:26 - Thank you very much, bumblebee.
12:29 (audience applauding)
12:32 Carpenter B is up next.
12:34 Step to the podium, please.
12:36 (audience applauding)
12:39 You ready, Justin?
12:41 - Yes, sir.
12:43 - Your first word.
12:45 Fascinating.
12:47 - Fascinating.
12:48 F-A-S-C-I-N-A-T-I-N-G.
12:54 - Biscuit.
12:55 - B-I-S-C-U-I-T.
12:58 - Requirement.
13:00 - R-E-Q-U-I-E-N-T.
13:07 - Partial.
13:09 - Partial.
13:11 P-A-S-S-I-A-L.
13:14 - Thank you very much, carpenter B.
13:17 (audience applauding)
13:20 It's now the honeybees' turn.
13:23 Step to the center of the spellbound arena, please.
13:26 (audience applauding)
13:30 You ready, Samir?
13:32 - Yes, sir.
13:34 - Right, your first word.
13:36 Murmur.
13:37 - Murmur.
13:40 M-U-R.
13:44 M-O-R.
13:51 - Charisma.
13:52 - Charisma.
13:56 K-A-R-I-S-M-A.
14:00 - Commercial.
14:02 - C-O-M-M-E-R-I-C-I-A-L.
14:07 - I am sorry, Samir, but that is time.
14:12 Thank you very much, though.
14:13 (audience applauding)
14:15 That's our honeybee.
14:18 And now we go to our ivy bee in the center of the arena.
14:23 (audience applauding)
14:27 Are you ready?
14:29 - Yes, sir.
14:31 - Your first word.
14:33 Government.
14:34 - Government.
14:35 G-O-V-E-R-N-M-E-N-T.
14:39 Government.
14:40 - Folklore.
14:41 - Folklore.
14:43 F-O-L-K-L-O-R-E.
14:46 Folklore.
14:47 Descending.
14:49 - Descending.
14:50 D-E-S-C-E-N-D-I-N-G.
14:54 Descending.
14:55 - Spaghetti.
14:56 - Spaghetti.
14:57 S-P-A-G-H-E-T-T-I.
15:01 Spaghetti.
15:02 - Thank you very much, ivy bee.
15:04 (audience applauding)
15:08 It's now the killer bees' turn.
15:10 Buzz on into the center, killer bee.
15:13 (audience applauding)
15:17 Your first word.
15:18 Solemn.
15:20 - Solemn.
15:22 S-O-L-E-N, solemn.
15:26 - Apostrophe.
15:29 - Apostrophe.
15:31 A-P-O-S-T-H-F-E.
15:36 - Rhythmic.
15:41 - Rhythmic.
15:44 R-I-T-H-M-I-C, rhythmic.
15:49 - Well, that is your time,
15:56 but thank you very much, killer bee.
15:58 You can now return to your podium
16:00 as we welcome the mining bee to the center.
16:05 Come center stage, mining bee.
16:07 (audience applauding)
16:12 Sohail, your first word.
16:15 Hygiene.
16:18 - Hygiene, H-Y-G-E-N-E.
16:23 - Exercise.
16:25 - Exercise, E-X-C-E-R-S-I-S-E.
16:30 - Religious.
16:34 - Religious, R-E-I-L-O-U-G-S.
16:39 - Usual.
16:41 - Usual, U-S-U-A-L-L.
16:46 - Thank you very much, mining bee.
16:48 You can now return to the podium
16:50 as we welcome finally the stingless bee.
16:54 Your first word, convenient.
17:02 - Convenient, C-O-N-V-I-E-N-T, convenient.
17:10 - Noticeable.
17:11 - Noticeable, N-O-T-I-C-A-B-L-E.
17:16 - Rehearse.
17:20 - Rehearse, R-E-H-E-A-R-S-E, rehearse.
17:25 - Courageous.
17:27 - Courageous, C-O-U-R-A-G-O-U-S.
17:32 - Thank you very much, stingless bee.
17:35 (audience applauding)
17:36 You can now return to the podium.
17:38 - Great job, bees.
17:40 Do we need another quick buzz
17:41 to make sure we all are ready for the next round?
17:44 Come on, one more time.
17:45 Now we do that while the judge tallies up the results.
17:51 I know a lot of these words are pretty hard.
17:53 I don't know how the big people on the streets of TNT,
17:56 can they spell those kinds of words?
17:58 Let's find out.
17:59 - It have any word that is bother you up,
18:04 that you can't spell, girl?
18:05 You know, some tricky words out there.
18:07 What is real bother you to spell, girl,
18:09 that's give you trouble?
18:10 - Plenty words, but necessary is one.
18:13 - The encyclopedia.
18:15 - Encyclopedia, encyclopedia.
18:17 That's a tough one, you know?
18:18 - I would say receipt.
18:20 - Receipt, why? - Yeah.
18:22 Because sometimes I study, oh my gosh,
18:24 is it the I before the E, or the E before the I?
18:27 - Right, okay, I understand.
18:29 - Well, the word that's give me a lot of trouble to spell
18:32 is commitment.
18:33 - Right. - Right?
18:34 Sometimes I'm confused, is it two M's,
18:35 is it one M, is it one T, is it two T's?
18:38 So that word definitely gives me some trouble.
18:40 - All right, getting a little more serious now,
18:42 it's time to find out which of our starting seven
18:45 will qualify for round three.
18:48 The four students who have qualified are
18:51 Mira,
18:52 Azarium,
18:54 Justin,
18:55 and Christian.
18:56 So, here's my, and congratulations to all of our students
19:00 at this time.
19:02 Everyone did an amazing job.
19:04 And now it's time to head back to the stats board
19:06 so you at home can see how we got to this point.
19:09 (upbeat music)
19:12 - Thank you guys so much, you guys did such an amazing job.
19:25 I want you guys to know that we are all so very proud of you
19:28 and to show just how much of a champion you all are.
19:31 We have these little goodie bags for you,
19:33 so I would like you all to just take one.
19:35 Go ahead, grab it, grab it.
19:38 Yeah, and let me see, can I get that lovely buzz
19:42 that we did at the beginning?
19:43 You guys wanna do that for me now?
19:45 Yeah, buzz send off, let's go.
19:46 To the camera, go, buzz!
19:48 - Spellbound, we are in the thick of things.
20:01 And our four students, Mira, Azarium, Justin and Christian,
20:05 they're all competing for one of two spots
20:08 in our episode finale.
20:11 Now, just four more words to get there.
20:14 But this time, remember Auntie Hema did say
20:17 that there'll be some changes.
20:18 So what we're doing is shortening the time
20:20 just a little bit, so you have to do it in 20 seconds.
20:23 Round three is known as?
20:25 - Buzzed up!
20:27 - In this round, instead of selecting from the hive,
20:30 you get to go to Uncle Stephan at the wheel.
20:33 Stephan, what exactly is happening here?
20:35 - Right, let me tell you about this wheel now.
20:37 This wheel have four different categories.
20:42 I'm gonna break it down for you, simple, right?
20:45 Does it double?
20:46 Simply, if the word have two same letters, next state,
20:51 I don't know, it might, it might not have it, right?
20:53 Starts with a vowel.
20:55 Oh gosh, you already know the vowel.
20:57 A, E, I, O, U.
21:01 Normal nouns, no verbs, no adjectives.
21:05 We're talking about normal nouns,
21:07 person, place, animal, thing, right?
21:09 Seven letters or more, self-explaining.
21:13 Seven letters or more, right, Hems?
21:16 - Got it, now we know what's happening.
21:18 Bees, you understand?
21:20 So are we ready to spin that wheel?
21:22 Christian, you get to go first.
21:24 Come on you, make your way to Uncle Stephan.
21:26 Come on, let's hear it for Christian.
21:28 (audience applauding)
21:30 - It's a hard story.
21:31 (wheel spinning)
21:34 - Does it double?
21:38 Now Christian, you have to make your way back
21:40 into the spelling arena
21:42 where pronouncer Paris will guide you.
21:45 - Christian, are you ready?
21:46 - Yes, sir.
21:47 - Your first word, satellite.
21:50 - Can you repeat?
21:53 - Satellite.
21:54 - Satellite, S-A-T-E-R-L-I-G-H-T.
21:59 - Sinful.
22:04 - Sinful, S-I-N-F-U-L.
22:07 - Apparatus.
22:09 - Appa, can you repeat?
22:10 - Apparatus.
22:11 I'm sorry, Christian, but you've run out of time.
22:15 Thank you so much.
22:16 (audience applauding)
22:17 - Back to the house.
22:18 So Mira, it's your turn at the wheel.
22:24 Come on, run.
22:25 (audience applauding)
22:28 What does it say?
22:31 Normal nouns.
22:33 Back into the spelling arena.
22:35 Be careful.
22:36 Let's go.
22:36 Pronouncer Paris will guide you.
22:39 - Mira, your first word, photograph.
22:44 - Photograph, P-H-O-T-O-G-R-A-P-H, photograph.
22:49 - Attic.
22:51 - Attic, A-T-T-I-C, attic.
22:56 - Lieutenant.
22:57 - Sorry?
22:58 - Lieutenant.
23:00 - Lieutenant, U-T-E-N-A-N-T, lieutenant.
23:05 - I'm sorry, but you've run out of time.
23:09 But thank you very much, Mira.
23:10 - Thank you.
23:11 (audience applauding)
23:15 - Justin, are you ready for the wheel?
23:17 Come on, round of applause.
23:19 Be careful stepping.
23:21 - My hands been just...
23:22 (wheel rattling)
23:25 - Seven letters or more.
23:29 Are you ready to go in the spelling arena?
23:31 Yes, you go.
23:32 - Here you go, Justin.
23:36 Your first word, magnify.
23:39 - Magnify, M-A-G-I-N-I-F-Y.
23:44 - Mysterious.
23:47 - Mysterious, M-Y-S-T-E-R-I-O-U-S.
23:52 - Recognition.
23:55 - Recognition, R-E-C-O-N-I-S-I-O-N.
24:00 - You are out of time, but thank you very much, Justin.
24:06 - Thank you very much, Justin.
24:06 Back to the house.
24:08 (audience applauding)
24:11 - Azariam, you are our last B to the wheel.
24:15 Make your way.
24:16 (audience applauding)
24:19 (wheel rattling)
24:24 - Another seven letters or more.
24:29 Make your way into the spelling arena.
24:31 - Hello, Azaria.
24:35 - Hello.
24:36 - Your first word, comment.
24:39 - Comment, C-O-M-E-N-T.
24:43 - Hideous.
24:45 - Hideous, H-I-D-I-O-U-S.
24:49 - Prejudice.
24:50 - Prejudice, P-R-E-D-G-I-S-T.
24:55 - Tournament.
24:57 - Tournament, T-O-U-R-M-A-T-I-N-E.
25:02 - That is time.
25:03 Thank you very much, Azaria.
25:05 - Thank you very much.
25:06 (audience applauding)
25:09 While Judge Coriachiles tallies the results
25:11 to determine the final two,
25:13 I just wanna say how proud I am of all of our Bs,
25:16 all of the students who are competing today,
25:18 who have competed in the past.
25:19 They are so brave.
25:21 And what we're looking at, ladies and gentlemen,
25:23 definitely the leaders of the future.
25:26 (audience applauding)
25:29 - We have the results.
25:34 - It is that time.
25:41 Now, while everyone has been amazing,
25:43 the two to finish the fastest
25:46 and with the most correct answers,
25:49 well, let's see,
25:50 Mira and Christian are moving on to the next round.
25:53 (audience applauding)
25:56 For those of you at home,
25:59 we're gonna show you the stats board
26:01 to let you know how we arrived at this point.
26:03 But I want you to know that mere seconds
26:05 separated some of our competitors.
26:07 (upbeat music)
26:10 (upbeat music)
26:12 And you're not walking away empty-handed.
26:20 We have some goodies courtesy Amco here for you.
26:22 Here you go.
26:23 And also hold the phone
26:26 because we got something in store.
26:29 We have Kess the Illusionist on set.
26:31 Let's go.
26:32 (audience applauding)
26:35 - Thank you very much, Megan.
26:37 And welcome guys.
26:38 This is your boy, Kess the Illusionist.
26:40 And trust me,
26:42 I know everyone knows me just as the magic guy, right?
26:45 But I know how to spell too, you know?
26:47 Like watch this.
26:48 Today, my letter of the day is Q.
26:53 Fun fact.
26:54 Let me give you guys a little lesson.
26:56 I know you guys here already know,
26:58 but I'm teaching the younger ones at home as well.
27:01 There is no word
27:05 that begins or has the letter Q inside of it
27:10 that does not have the letter U, correct?
27:15 Which means all words that have a Q
27:20 also has a letter U.
27:22 If you did not know that, think about it.
27:26 There's queen,
27:28 quiet,
27:30 and my personal favorite,
27:33 (upbeat music)
27:36 what you think this is?
27:38 Aquarium.
27:42 So guys, thank you very much for tuning in.
27:45 This is Kess the Illusionist.
27:47 And trust me, you guys were just spellbound.
27:50 (audience applauding)
27:59 Stay tuned.
28:02 You have more right after this.
28:04 - It's the final round.
28:14 The sting.
28:15 Mira, Christian, who's going to get to go first?
28:19 It's time for the fastest finger.
28:21 Once pronouncer Paris has read out the word,
28:24 it's now on to you.
28:26 Pronunciation Paris.
28:28 Once I give you the word,
28:30 the first to tap will be the first to spell.
28:35 Are you ready, Mira?
28:36 - Yes.
28:37 - Christian, are you ready?
28:39 - Yes, sir.
28:40 - Your word is
28:42 hypnotized.
28:45 Christian?
28:49 - Hypnotize.
28:50 H-Y-P-N-O-T-I-Z-E-D.
28:55 Hypnotize.
28:57 - That is correct.
28:59 Now, Christian, you have the opportunity to win this,
29:03 but first, you must use the word hypnotized in a sentence.
29:08 - The magician hypnotized the boy.
29:13 - Christian, you are the champion
29:20 of this episode of Spellbound.
29:22 Congratulations.
29:23 (audience applauding)
29:24 (triumphant music)
29:26 - Well done.
29:27 Well done.
29:28 - Everybody receives their trophy, sponsored by KFC.
29:32 A $500 voucher and a KFC gift card.
29:36 A $500 voucher from thebesttoys.com
29:40 and the chance to compete for the cup in the season finale.
29:43 Our runner-up also received a $300 voucher
29:47 from thebesttoys.com and a KFC gift card.
29:51 - Thanks to you at home for watching
29:53 and to all our students for keeping us Spellbound.
29:56 - Wow.
29:59 Let me just say, I wish I could spell like you.
30:01 How are you feeling?
30:02 - Very excited.
30:03 - Very good.
30:04 Mira, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
30:07 - I am nine years old.
30:09 - Nine years old, guys.
30:10 And did you hear the way that she spelled out there today?
30:13 Like, show them that medal.
30:15 Show them.
30:16 Is there anybody you wanna give a shout out to?
30:20 - No.
30:21 - All right, but you had a good time today?
30:23 You had fun?
30:24 - Yes.
30:25 - I'm so proud of you.
30:26 I know everyone out there is.
30:27 Guys, let's give a really big round of applause for Mira.
30:32 Let's go.
30:32 And to send you off,
30:36 we're all gonna do the buzz for Mira, yes?
30:39 Three, two, one.
30:40 - Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.
30:43 - Good job, Mira.
30:44 - And remember, Spellbound is brought to you by KFC,
30:50 besttoys.com, Shell, Milo, Art Concepts Limited, Republic.