Brigadier (retd) Haris Nawaz's critical analysis on Army Chief's statement

  • last year
00:00 We have with us Brigadier Retired Haris Nawaz. Thank you Brigadier for your time. There was a historic grand jirga in Peshawar and the Chief of Army Staff participated in it. How much does this jirga make people feel? Also, the Army Chief has given a clear message that those who want to destroy the nation, they are not among us.
00:23 This was a very important jirga which was attended by the Chief of Army Staff, Mr. Junaid Asim Ali. He had a direct communication with the people of Peshawar. He told them about the Pakistan Army and how much importance the Pakistan Army gives to its people.
00:41 Pakistan Army and its people are one. There is no difference between them. It is the second country which was established in the name of Islam. Islam is the religion of peace and security.
00:52 But those who have destroyed this religion, they will not be forgiven. The biggest thing we did was that whatever the jokes that are made in the jirga, they will be with the Pakistan Army and the government. Afghanistan should understand how much they should support us.
01:13 But we should not talk to any group or group that should not be doing this. And then our motto is that we always say that faith and then Jihad, peace be upon Allah. This is our motto. We have to follow it.
01:29 And we have to follow the laws of Pakistan. We should not think of some people in return for the favor. I think they should listen to the points of the jirga openly and then pray that we will pray for the security of Pakistan and the peace of Islam.
01:50 We should not think that we will do this for the sake of Pakistan. We will not do this in any condition. We all together will do Jihad. We have to end the Jihad in Pakistan. And we, Pakistan and the Pakistan Army, will not wait for anyone.
02:04 You yourself said that the Afghan Mohajin will have to live in Pakistan according to the laws of Pakistan. And you also said that the Army Chief said that the reward for the favor can be anything other than the favor.
02:18 Look, in return for this favor, they should have good relations with Pakistan. But we like peace. We want to keep peace with our neighbors. We also respect them a lot. But there is a limit and a limit.
02:33 This is what is an issue which the Mohajin Jatha has done. The Commander was also present. Everyone has expressed their opinion. The Jirga has also expressed its opinion. And it was done in a very free and quiet environment so that there is no doubt in it.
02:48 Brigadier, please tell us that the clear message that has been given in regards to the negotiations that no group or group will be discussed.
02:58 Along with this, he also said that Islam is a religion of safety and peace. Those who have spread terrorism in this religion will have to be held accountable.
03:06 This is exactly what has been said. Those who are spreading this religion, those who are being used in this way, they will be held accountable. And I think the army has said that they will not do all this.
03:19 And along with that, all the supporters of the Jatha, especially the families, need their help. So that with the help of their help, with the help of the people, with the help of our brothers, all these problems will be solved.
03:34 And these negotiations will not be done with the help of any group, but with the help of the people of Afghanistan and the Jirga.
03:47 And this will be done with the help of the people, but Islam will not be taken as a religion. Because after the partition of the country, it has become a religion of the people. And that is why he said that the government has spoken in the name of the people and it should be better than this. It should not be less than this.
04:04 We have helped them in Pakistan. We have advocated for them in every field. We are their ambassadors. I think we deserve it. We should get a positive response from there. And the biggest response is that their land should not be used against us.
04:20 Absolutely. Brigadier, you were with us. Keep telling your viewers. The Army Chief has addressed the Jirga of Khaibar Pakhtunkhwa's ambassadors and representatives. And at this time he said that all the institutions of the army and security and the people of Pakistan are one.
04:36 Those who want to destroy us are not among us. The Pakistani army is the army of martyrs, whose slogan is "Iman, Taqwa, Jihad, Fee Sabe Lillah". He also said that we are among you and you are among us.
04:53 Pakistan is the second state to be established on the Kalma after the state of Madinah. No power in the world can do anything to Pakistan.
