Outlook Collector’s Edition: Children and the Pandemic ( Dr. Dhaval Mody )

  • last year
Dr. Dhaval Mody, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, Founder- CEO SpEd@home, sheds light on the mental well-being of children during a pandemic.

Outlook Collector’s Edition: Children and the Pandemic. This is the new frontier, a new challenge. How do we overcome it? We have gathered some exceptional minds to talk to you—paediatrics, mental health experts, educators, nutritionists, fitness experts et al. India's top names are here for you in a complete, exclusive package. Best of all, the children speak too—through word and art.

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00:03 The COVID period has been very challenging, especially
00:13 for those children with differential needs.
00:16 These largely would be children who
00:18 are autistic children, those with learning disability,
00:23 those with ADHD, and sometimes those
00:25 with intellectual deficits.
00:27 Parents have been reaching out to me
00:30 saying that their children are unlearning whatever
00:33 they had learned earlier.
00:35 This is something that we in psychiatry call regression.
00:40 What do we mean by this?
00:42 What are the common manifestations?
00:44 The commonest things that we see is
00:46 the child who may have learned some academics suddenly
00:50 starts forgetting those, or suddenly doesn't remember them
00:53 at all.
00:54 There are those who go through difficulty with sleep.
00:57 There are those who are trained for toilet
01:00 and suddenly lose their sense of it and start bedwetting.
01:04 So these may be some common manifestations
01:07 that parents may see.
01:09 These may often be expressed in the form of anger outbursts.
01:13 Parents need to be patient when they
01:16 see their children going through these difficult times
01:19 and with these symptoms.
01:20 Many children outgrow it in two to four weeks.
01:24 But if it persists beyond that, parents
01:27 should surely consider seeking help of an expert.
01:32 Thank you.
