Delphine Colas (Familles nombreuses) partage d’adorables clichés avec sa fille Alba

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Delphine Colas (Familles nombreuses) partage d’adorables clichés avec sa fille Alba

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00:00 Since her departure from numerous families, life in XXL, Delphine Cola continues to share
00:13 her busy daily life on social networks.
00:16 Saturday August 5, the mother of five children posted tender photos with her daughter Alba
00:24 on her Instagram account.
00:25 The Cola family became known a year ago during her time on the show "Numerous Families,
00:33 Life in XXL ", broadcast on TF1.
00:37 Delphine and Olivier Cola, the parents, are at the head of a family made up of five
00:43 children, Selena, Gabriel, Paul, Louise and Alba.
00:50 Asked by Swarmhag, Delphine Cola had explained what motivated her to participate in the program
00:56 "We wanted to show that large families re-composed exist and that it can very well
01:01 happen.
01:02 For my part, I wanted to give a little hope to the isolated mother, so that she realizes
01:07 that it is possible, that we can rebuild a family ", she had entrusted.
01:11 But a few months ago, the Cola family finally decided to leave the show.
01:21 "If there is a page that turns for us, if it is true that having agreed to shoot in
01:26 this show, it was incredible.
01:28 It was a very strong decision for our family and we were happy to do it ", Delphine had
01:37 confided.
01:41 "It's just not possible to be so funny since her time in many families ", Delphine
01:46 Cola continues to give news of her joyful tribute on social networks.
01:50 On Saturday, August 5, the mother of five children shared several clichés with her daughter
01:58 Alba, the Benjamin of the family.
02:00 "Alba, it's just not possible to be so funny ", wrote the mother to accompany
02:08 her photos where we see the little girl speaking.
02:11 "When Alba will be the age of Selena I will be 57 years old.
02:17 I realized her there a short time ago, it's cool I find ", added Olivier's wife.
02:24 "Too funny, what not to do his joy of living, this little ray of sun, beautiful this little
02:31 Alba ", have also written netizens in the comments.
02:34 "Beautiful moments my daughter ".
02:38 Peace.
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03:29 ♪ I have a remake, it's alright ♪
