Young Lion Cubs Attempt to Make Their First Kill Love Nature

  • last year


00:00 Lions live in family units.
00:02 They work as a team in their defense,
00:06 while out hunting, and in rearing their young.
00:09 Fathers keep watch over their family
00:18 and regularly patrol the area on the lookout for rivals.
00:28 Males from other prides would kill the young
00:30 in order to mate with the females themselves
00:33 and sire their own cubs.
00:35 So the fathers are constantly on their guard.
00:38 They will only pass on their genes
00:41 if they successfully defend their family.
00:43 The young desert lions are about five months old.
00:53 They are curious and always learning.
00:57 (birds chirping)
00:59 An unexpected visitor attracts their attention.
01:01 This bird would make a tasty little treat.
01:12 And there are two of them.
01:19 This is an opportunity for the young lions
01:24 to practice their hunting skills.
01:26 They lion wait for the right moment,
01:29 and then creep closer.
01:33 Surely nothing now stands
01:47 between these precocious predators and success.
01:51 Well, almost nothing.
01:56 (birds chirping)
01:59 The birds are lucky that the cubs are so inexperienced.
02:04 They have a lot to learn before they can hunt by themselves.
02:12 A distant relative demonstrates what it takes
02:19 to be a real desert hunter.
02:24 A hungry caracal is looking for its breakfast.
02:26 This elegant cat prefers to eat birds and rodents,
02:32 but eggs would do.
02:33 The pied crow has its nest nearby.
02:47 It attempts to drive the caracal away.
02:49 (crow cawing)
02:52 Luckily for the crow,
02:58 the cat is looking for something else for breakfast.
03:01 Its large ears are extremely sensitive.
03:11 They allow it to detect the slightest rustle in the bushes.
03:18 Made by a mouse.
03:19 This is what the caracal has been waiting for.
03:33 (upbeat music)
03:35 Breakfast at last.
04:00 Hey, Love Nature fans.
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