00:00 Adult rhino, though, have little to fear.
00:03 Like many savanna grazers, they're grass specialists.
00:09 They lack incisors, relying instead on their strong,
00:17 flat lips to hoover up short grass,
00:20 chewing it between massive molars.
00:27 White rhino are the world's largest species,
00:30 like this bull, weighing in at around 4,800 pounds.
00:35 This female is accompanied by her youngster,
00:44 around six months old.
00:46 But with the bull nearby, they're heading towards danger.
00:56 Mothers with young normally steer clear.
00:59 Bulls are known to attack other rhinos
01:02 that get between them and a potential mate,
01:05 even the very young.
01:07 But unusually, the mother allows her calf
01:12 to approach this large bull.
01:14 He could easily kill the youngster
01:16 with one stab of his lethal horn.
01:19 (birds chirping)
01:21 But the bull's reaction is surprising.
01:36 He seems to welcome the youngster's attention
01:44 and responds gently, even playfully.
01:48 (gentle music)
01:50 Bulls spend most of their lives alone,
02:00 but do occasionally tolerate other submissive males
02:04 in their territory.
02:05 After his risky adventure,
02:14 the little calf returns to the safety of his mother.
02:18 She is key to his survival on the savanna,
02:21 protecting him for his first two vulnerable years of life.
02:25 Although she started to wean him,
02:32 the calf will rely on his mother's milk
02:35 until he is a year old.
02:46 Adult rhino have no natural predators
02:49 because they are large, thick-skinned, and well-armed.
02:53 However, calves do occasionally fall victim to lions.
02:58 Rhinos have poor vision,
03:04 relying instead on their excellent hearing
03:06 and sense of smell to detect threats at a distance.
03:10 (gentle music)
03:12 The mother can't see the lion clearly,
03:19 but she can smell him.
03:21 With her precious calf an easy target,
03:26 she's not taking any chances.
03:28 Rhino can charge at speeds up to 25 miles an hour,
03:38 a lethal battering ram.
03:40 (gentle music)
03:42 The female is more than a match,
03:50 even for a big male lion.
03:52 At last, the calf's back with his mother,
03:57 where he can suckle in safety
03:59 thanks to her devoted protection.
04:01 (upbeat music)
04:07 (upbeat music)
04:10 (upbeat music)